
#' Plot credible intervals as shaded boxplots using
#' \code{\link[hdrcde]{hdr.boxplot}}
#' This function is essentially [hdrcde::hdr.boxplot()] but it more
#' easily works with matrices of data, where each column is a different variable
#' of interest. It has some limitations though....
#' @section Warning:: This function will not currently recognise and plot
#'   multimodal distributions, unlike [hdrcde::hdr.boxplot()]. You
#'   should take care, and plot basic histograms of each variable (column in the
#'   object you are passing) and check that they are
#'   indeed unimodal as expected.
#' @param dat a matrix of data for which density region boxplots will be
#'   constructed and plotted for each column.
#' @param probs a vector of credible intervals to represent as box edges.
#'   Defaults to `c(95, 75, 50`.
#' @param xlab a string for the x-axis label. Defaults to `"Group"`.
#' @param ylab a string of the y-axis label. Defaults to `"Value".
#' @param xticklabels a vector of strings to override the x-axis tick labels.
#' @param yticklabels a vector of strings to override the y-axis tick labels.
#' @param clr a matrix of colours to use for shading each of the box regions.
#'   Defaults to greyscale `grDevices::gray((9:1)/10)` replicated for as
#'   many columns as there are in `dat`. When specified by the user, rows
#'   contain the colours of each of the confidence regions specified in
#'   `probs` and columns represent each of the columns of data in
#'   `dat`. In this way, one could have shades of blue, red and yellow for
#'   each of the groups.
#' @param scl a scalar multiplier to scale the box widths. Defaults to 1.
#' @param xspc a scalar determining the amount of spacing between each box.
#'   Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param prn a logical value determining whether summary statistics of each
#'   column should be printed to screen `prn = TRUE` or suppressed as per
#'   default `prn = FALSE`.
#' @param ct a string of either `c("mode", "mean", "median")` which
#'   determines which measure of central tendency will be plotted as a point in
#'   the middle of the boxes. Defaults to `"mode"`.
#' @param ylims a vector of length two, specifying the lower and upper limits
#'   for the y-axis. Defaults to `NULL` which inspects the data for appropriate
#'   limits.
#' @param lbound a lower boundary to specify on the distribution to avoid the
#'   density kernel estimating values beyond that which can be expected a
#'   priori. Useful for example when plotting dietary proportions which must lie
#'   in the interval `0 <= Y <= 1`. Defaults to `-Inf`
#' @param ubound an upper boundary to specify on the distribution to avoid the
#'   density kernel estimating values beyond that which can be expected a
#'   priori. Useful for example when plotting dietary proportions which must lie
#'   in the interval `0 <= Y <= 1`. Defaults to `+Inf`.
#' @param main a title for the figure. Defaults to blank.
#' @param ylab.line a postive scalar indicating the line spacing for rendering
#'   the y-axis label. This is included as using the permille symbol has a
#'   tendency to push the axis label off the plotting window margins. See the
#'   \code{line} option in [graphics::axis()] for more details as
#'   ylab.line passes to this.
#' @param ... further graphical parameters for passing to
#'   [graphics::plot()]
#' @return A new figure window.
#' @examples
#' # A basic default greyscale density plot
#' Y <- matrix(stats::rnorm(1000), 250, 4)
#' siberDensityPlot(Y)
#' # A more colourful example
#' my_clrs <- matrix(c("lightblue", "blue", "darkblue",
#' "red1", "red3", "red4",
#' "yellow1", "yellow3", "yellow4",
#' "turquoise", "turquoise3", "turquoise4"), nrow = 3, ncol = 4)
#' siberDensityPlot(Y, clr = my_clrs)
#' @export

siberDensityPlot <- function (dat, probs = c(95, 75, 50),
                              xlab = "Group", ylab = "Value", 
                              xticklabels = NULL, yticklabels = NULL, 
                              clr = matrix(rep(grDevices::gray((9:1)/10),
                                           nrow = 9, 
                                           ncol = ncol(dat)), 
                              scl = 1, xspc = 0.5, prn = F, 
                              ct = "mode", ylims = NULL, 
                              lbound = -Inf, ubound = Inf, main = "", 
                              ylab.line = 2, ...) 
  n <- ncol(dat)
  if (is.null(ylims)) {
    ylims <- c(min(dat) - 0.1 * min(dat), max(dat) + 0.1 * 
  # check that the matrix of colours is of sufficient size
  if (ncol(dat) > ncol(clr)) {
    stop("number of columns of matrix `clr` is insufficient for number of 
         groups. There should be at least as many columns in `clr` 
         as there are in `dat`")}
  if (nrow(clr) < length(probs)) {
    stop("Number of rows of matrix `clr` is insufficient for number of 
         specified confidence regions in argument `probs`")
  # set up a blank plot
  graphics::plot(1, 1, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                 main = main,
                 xlim = c(1 - xspc, n + xspc),
                 ylim = ylims,
                 type = "n",
                 xaxt = "n", 
  # add xlabel text
  graphics::title(xlab = xlab)
  # add ylabel text at specific line
  graphics::title(ylab = ylab, line = ylab.line)
  if (is.null(xticklabels)) {
    graphics::axis(side = 1, at = 1:n, labels = (as.character(names(dat))))
  else {
    graphics::axis(side = 1, at = 1:n, labels = (xticklabels))
  # clrs <- rep(clr, 5)
  for (j in 1:n) {
    temp <- hdrcde::hdr(dat[, j], probs, h = stats::bw.nrd0(dat[, j]))
    line_widths <- seq(2, 20, by = 4) * scl
    bwd <- c(0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) * scl
    if (prn == TRUE) {
      cat(paste("Probability values for Column", j, "\n"))
      cat(paste("\t", "Mode",
                format(temp$mode, digits = 3, scientific = F),
                format(mean(dat[, j]), digits = 3, scientific = F),
                format(stats::median(dat[, j]), digits = 3, scientific = F), 
    for (k in 1:length(probs)) {
      temp2 <- temp$hdr[k, ]
      graphics::polygon(c(j - bwd[k], j - bwd[k], j + bwd[k], j + bwd[k]), 
                        c(max(c(min(temp2[!is.na(temp2)]), lbound)), 
                          min(c(max(temp2[!is.na(temp2)]), ubound)), 
                          min(c(max(temp2[!is.na(temp2)]), ubound)), 
                          max(c(min(temp2[!is.na(temp2)]), lbound))), 
                        col = clr[k, j])
      if (ct == "mode") {
        graphics::points(j, temp$mode, pch = 19)
      if (ct == "mean") {
        graphics::points(j, mean(dat[, j]), pch = 19)
      if (ct == "median") {
        graphics::points(j, stats::median(dat[, j]), pch = 19)
      if (prn == TRUE) {
        cat(paste("\t", probs[k], "% lower =",
                  format(max(min(temp2[!is.na(temp2)]), lbound), 
                         digits = 3, scientific = FALSE), "upper =", 
                  format(min(max(temp2[!is.na(temp2)]), ubound), 
                         digits = 3, scientific = FALSE), "\n"))
AndrewLJackson/SIBER documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 8:09 a.m.