
Defines functions bayesMVN

Documented in bayesMVN

bayesMVN <- function(x,y,R=10^4){

# now fit the distributions to the data using bayesm

Y <- cbind(x,y)
X <- matrix(1,length(x),1)
Bbar <- matrix(0, 1, 2)
A <- matrix(10^-3, 1, 1)
nu <- 2
V <- 2*diag(2)

b <- matrix(double(R*2),ncol=2)
S <- matrix(double(R*4),ncol=4)

for (i in 1:R){
  out <- rmultireg(Y,X,Bbar,A,nu,V)
  b[i,] <- out$B
  S[i,] <- out$Sigma

model <- list()
model$b <- b
model$S <- S   

AndrewLJackson/siar documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:59 a.m.