
Defines functions get_data

Documented in get_data

#' Get data from within the package
#' returns world country polygons at a specified scale, used by ne_countries()
#' @inherit ne_download
#' @param type country type, one of 'countries', 'map_units', 'sovereignty',
#' 'tiny_countries'
#' @return A \code{sf} object.
get_data <- function(
    scale = 110,
    type = c(
    )) {
  # check on permitted scale arg, convert names to numeric
  scale <- check_scale(scale)
  # check permitted type arg
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # tiny_countries not available at scale 10
  if (type == "tiny_countries" && scale == 10) {
    stop("tiny_countries are not available at scale 10, use scale 50 or 110")

  # check for the data packages and try to install if not there
  # avoid this check for one example dataset in this package (i.e. countries110)

  if (scale == 10) {
  } else if (!(scale == 110 && type == "countries")) {

  # choose which map based on type and scale (stored in different packages)

  if (scale == 110 && type == "countries") {
    sf_object <- getExportedValue("rnaturalearth", paste0(type, scale))
  } else if (scale == 110 || scale == 50) {
    sf_object <- getExportedValue("rnaturalearthdata", paste0(type, scale))
  } else if (scale == 10) {
    sf_object <- getExportedValue("rnaturalearthhires", paste0(type, scale))

AndySouth/rnaturalearth documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 9:25 p.m.