
Defines functions ne_file_name

Documented in ne_file_name

#' return a natural earth filename based on arguments
#' returns a string that can then be used to download the file.
#' @inherit ne_download
#' @param type type of natural earth file to download one of 'countries',
#'    'map_units', 'map_subunits', 'sovereignty', 'states' OR the portion of any
#'    natural earth vector url after the scale and before the . e.g. for
#'    'ne_50m_urban_areas.zip' this would be 'urban_areas' OR the raster
#'    filename e.g. for 'MSR_50M.zip' this would be 'MSR_50M'
#' @param category one of natural earth categories : 'cultural', 'physical',
#' 'raster'
#' @param full_url whether to return just the filename (default) or the full URL
#' needed for download
#' @examples
#' ne_name <- ne_file_name(scale = 110, type = "countries")
#' ne_url <- ne_file_name(scale = 110, type = "countries", full_url = TRUE)
#' @return string
#' @export
ne_file_name <- function(
    scale = 110,
    type = "countries",
    category = c("cultural", "physical", "raster"),
    full_url = FALSE) {
  # check on permitted scales, convert names to numeric
  scale <- check_scale(scale)

  # check permitted category
  category <- match.arg(category)

  # add admin_0 to known types
  if (type %in% c(
  )) {
    type <- paste0("admin_0_", type)

  # add admin_1 to known types
  # this actually just expands 'states' to the name including lakes
  if (type == "states") {
    type <- "admin_1_states_provinces_lakes"

  if (category == "raster") {
    # raster seems not to have so straightforward naming, so require that name
    # is passed in type
    file_name <- paste0(type)
  } else {
    file_name <- paste0("ne_", scale, "m_", type)

  # https://naturalearth.s3.amazonaws.com/110m_cultural/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.zip
  if (full_url) {
    file_name <- paste0(
      scale, "m_", category, "/",
      file_name, ".zip"

AndySouth/rnaturalearth documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 9:25 p.m.