
# data-raw/make_table_of_data_avail.r

# script to create tables to store in package of data available from Natural Earth

# TODO add dplyr, purrr to suggests, although if just here user doesn't need it

scales <- c(10, 50, 110)

# gives a list with one table for each scale
list_scales_phys <- purrr::map(
  scales, ne_find_vector_data,
  category = "physical"

# joining the 3 lists together to get 1 column per scale
# full_join because need all layers and can't rely on left table having more
df_layers_physical <- dplyr::full_join(
  list_scales_phys[[1]], list_scales_phys[[2]],
  by = "layer"

df_layers_physical <- dplyr::full_join(
  df_layers_physical, list_scales_phys[[3]],
  by = "layer"

# rename column headers
names(df_layers_physical)[2:4] <- paste0("scale", scales)
# convert scale figures in columns to 0,1 to show layer availability
df_layers_physical[2:4] <- ifelse([2:4]), 0, 1)

# order alphabetically
df_layers_physical <- dplyr::arrange(df_layers_physical, layer)

list_scales_cult <- purrr::map(
  scales, ne_find_vector_data,
  category = "cultural"

# joining the 3 lists together to get 1 column per scale
# full_join because need all layers and can't rely on left table having more
df_layers_cultural <- dplyr::full_join(
  list_scales_cult[[1]], list_scales_cult[[2]],
  by = "layer"

df_layers_cultural <- dplyr::full_join(
  df_layers_cultural, list_scales_cult[[3]],
  by = "layer"

# rename column headers
names(df_layers_cultural)[2:4] <- paste0("scale", scales)
# convert scale figures in columns to 0,1 to show layer availability
df_layers_cultural[2:4] <- ifelse([2:4]), 0, 1)

# order alphabetically
df_layers_cultural <- dplyr::arrange(df_layers_cultural, layer)

# save both tables to the package
devtools::use_data(df_layers_physical, overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(df_layers_cultural, overwrite = TRUE)
AndySouth/rnaturalearth documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 9:25 p.m.