Man pages for AngelCampos/tx_tools
An R package facilitating analysis of RNA modifications, structures, and interactions

annotSites_RRACHRRACH sites annotation D. melanogaster
bam_sk1Genomic Alignments example - Sk1 yeast
gA_sk1Gene annotation example - Sk1 yeast
genome_sk1Genome example - Sk1 yeast
getDumpedAlignmentsRetrieve dumped alignments
hid_aggregate_DTlistMerge lists of data.tables
hlp_coverageTab_mcCalculate coverage table (coverage, ends, starts) for all...
hlp_genCoorTab_mcCoordinate system table generator
hlp_nucFreqTab_mcCalculate nucleotide frequency pileup for all gene models
hlp_plot_metageneRegionsPlot an extracted metaGeneMatrix
IUPAC_code_2nucsIUPAC ambiguity alphabet (2nc)
IUPAC_CODE_MAP_extendedIUPAC code extended to consider deletions
IUPAC_code_simplSimplified nucleotide alphabet
mm_geneAnnotDownload gene annotation - Case study # 2
sc_faGenomeDownload genome to temporary file - Case study # 1
sc_geneAnnotDownload gene annotation - Case study #1
sc_rRNAmods_TaokaSk1 rRNA modifications catalogue
sc_txDTLtxtools-processed data - Case study # 1
tk_faGenomeDownload genome to temporary file - Case study # 3
tk_geneAnnotDownload gene annotation - Case study # 3
tx_add_diffNucToRefAdd number of nucleotide reads different to the reference...
tx_add_diffNucToRefRatioAdd different nucleotide reads to total ratio
tx_add_endRatioAdd ends to coverage ratio 1 bp downstream
tx_add_endRatio1bpDSAdd ends to coverage ratio 1bp down-stream
tx_add_endRatio1bpUSAdd ends to coverage ratio 1bp up-stream
tx_add_exonNumberAdd exon number
tx_add_exonPlaceAdd exon place
tx_add_geneRegionAdd gene regions
tx_add_misincCountAdd counts of nucleotide reads different to the reference...
tx_add_misincRateAdd misincorporation to total nucleotide reads ratio
tx_add_misincRateNucSpecNucleotide specific misincorporation rate
tx_add_motifPresenceAdd motif presence
tx_add_nucTotalAdd total number of nucleotide reads
tx_add_posAdd position unique names
tx_add_refSeqDTAdd reference sequence to a data.table
tx_add_relTxPosAdd relative position in transcript
tx_add_rollingMeanAdd rolling mean
tx_add_siteAnnotationAdd 1bp-site logical annotation
tx_add_spliceSitesLogicalAdd SpliceSites
tx_add_startRatioAdd starts to coverage ratio
tx_add_startRatio1bpDSAdd starts to coverage ratio 1 bp downstream
tx_add_startRatio1bpUSAdd starts to coverage ratio 1 bp upstream
tx_combineTxReadsCombine txreads
tx_complete_DTComplete a DT object missing genes
txCoreColstxtools' core cols
txCoreCols_refSeqtxtools' core cols and refSeq
tx_countsTotal counts of reads per gene model
tx_cutEnds_DTCutting 5' and 3' ends of data.table using txcoors
tx_cut_geneAnnotBytxDTCut gene annotation by txDT's genes
tx_data_caseStudy2Load data - Case study #2
tx_dm3_geneAnnotD. melanogaster gene annotation subset path
txDTL_Tktxtools-processed data - Case study # 3
tx_extend_UTRExtending GRanges 5' and 3' UTR blocks
tx_filter_maxWidthFilter ranges by a maximum width
tx_generatePairedEndFASTQGenerate paired-end FASTQ file
tx_generateSingleEndFASTQGenerate single-end FASTQ file
tx_get_flankSequenceGet flanking sequences
tx_get_flanksFromLogicAnnotGet data from a position and their neighboring positions
tx_get_geneLengthsGet length of genes
tx_get_metageneAtCDSGet metagene at CDS
tx_get_metageneExonsGet metagene by exons
tx_get_metageneRegionsGet metagene regions
tx_get_transcriptSeqsGet transcriptome sequences
tx_get_unassignedAlignmentsRetrieve dumped alignments
tx_load_bamRead paired end bam file by yield size
tx_load_bedLoad gene models from bed-12 and bed-6 files
tx_load_genomeLoad genome
tx_load_rdsDTLoading RDS files into data.tables
tx_makeDT_coverageSummarized Coverage data.table
tx_makeDT_covNucFreqSummarized Coverage & Nucleotide Frequency data.table
tx_makeDT_nucFreqSummarized Nucleotide Frequency data.table
tx_merge_DTMerge data.tables in list to a single data.table
tx_orderDTOrder txDT
tx_plot_ggseqlogoPlot motif centered in logical annotation
tx_plot_metageneAtCDSPlot metagene at CDS
tx_plot_metaGeneByBinsPlot metagene by bins
tx_plot_metageneExonsPlot metagene exons
tx_plot_metageneRegionsPlot metagene by regions
tx_plot_nucFreqNucleotide frequency plot
tx_plot_numericNumeric plot
tx_plot_staEndCovTranscript coverage plot highlighting read-starts and...
tx_readsTranscriptomic reads convertion
tx_sampleByGenesSample txDT by genes
tx_sample_GRListSampling alignments
tx_shift_geneWiseShift column in txDT
tx_split_DTSplit data.table to list of data.tables
tx_test_LRTedgeRLikelihood Ratio Test
tx_test_ttestt-test in txDT list
txtoolstxtools: A package facilitating analysis of RNA...
tx_unifyTxDTLUnify lists of txDTs
window_aroundCentered numeric sequence
AngelCampos/tx_tools documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:27 a.m.