
Defines functions epi_clean_merge_nested_dfs

Documented in epi_clean_merge_nested_dfs

#' @title Recursively merge data frames that are stored as lists within a list
#' @description Recursively merge data frames that are stored as lists within a list.
#' Flattens with purrr::flatten() if there is more than one level. Assumes:
#' - there are are 3 or more data frames to merge
#' - there are no duplicates in any of the data frames
#' The function performs a full outer join with base R
#' merge(df1, df2, by = id_col, all = TRUE)
#' @param nested_list_dfs A nested list of dataframes to merge, such as the output
#' from \code{\link{epi_clean_spread_repeated}}.
#' @param id_col A string to identify the column to merge by. This is passed to
#' the by parameter in merge(). Requires all dataframes to have the same column
#' name.
#' @param all.x corresponds to merge() all.x parameter. TRUE by default.
#' @param ... any further arguments that merge.data.frame or merge.data.table can
#' take.
#' @return A data.table in wide format with each sub-dataframe contained as a
#' sub-list
#' @note This function helps with spreading and gathering long and wide dataframes.
#' You may want to see \code{\link[tidyr]{gather}}, \code{\link[tidyr]{spread}} as
#' well as similar base functions and other packages such as data.table depending
#' on your problem. See example below in case you have a messier dataframe which
#' doesn't easily yield to existing workflows and functions. Note that
#' merge.data.table is dispatched (as opposed to merge.data.frame). To get all = TRUE,
#' pass all.x = TRUE and all.y = TRUE.
#' @author Antonio Berlanga-Taylor <\url{https://github.com/AntonioJBT/episcout}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{epi_clean_add_colname_suffix}},
#' \code{\link{epi_clean_spread_repeated}},
#' \code{\link{epi_clean_transpose}}, \code{\link[base]{merge}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generate some data:
#' n <- 20
#' df <- data.frame(
#' var_id = rep(1:(n / 2), each = 2),
#' var_to_rep = rep(c('Pre', 'Post'), n / 2),
#' x = rnorm(n),
#' y = rbinom(n, 1, 0.50),
#' z = rpois(n, 2)
#' )
#' df
#' # Create a nested list of dataframes using the repeated measurements variable:
#' df_spread <- epi_clean_spread_repeated(df, 'var_to_rep', 1)
#' # Returns a nested list:
#' df_spread
#' # Run an example with epi_clean_merge_nested_dfs()
#' # to create a single dataframe with repeated observations spread and
#' # no duplicate IDs (create a wide instead of a long dataframe):
#' library(purrr)
#' library(tibble)
#' nested_list_dfs <- purrr::flatten(list(df_spread, df_spread, df_spread))
#' id_col <- 'var_id'
#' epi_list_head(nested_list_dfs, 2, 3)
#' epi_list_tail(nested_list_dfs, 2, 3)
#' all_merged <- epi_clean_merge_nested_dfs(nested_list_dfs, id_col)
#' dim(all_merged)
#' as.tibble(all_merged)
#' names(all_merged)
#' # The above with epi_clean_merge_nested_dfs() would be equivalent to
#' # iteratively doing the following:
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Create sets with distinct observations:
#' var_id <- 'var_id'
#' var_to_rep <- 'var_to_rep'
#' reps <- epi_clean_add_rep_num(df, 'var_id', 'var_to_rep')
#' reps
# Sanity check:
#' identical(as.character(reps[[var_id]]),
#'           as.character(df[[var_id]])) # should be TRUE
#' # Bind:
#' df2 <- as.tibble(cbind(df, 'rep_num' = reps$rep_num))
#' # merge() adds all rows from both data frames as there are duplicates
#' # so use cbind after making sure order is exact
#' epi_head_and_tail(df2, rows = 3)
#' epi_head_and_tail(df2, rows = 3, last_cols = TRUE)
#' # See how many replicates there are:
#' df2 %>%
#'   transmute(as.factor(rep_num)) %>%
#'   summary()
#' # Generate a data frame for each:
#' baseline <- df2 %>% filter(rep_num == 1)
#' baseline
#' # Sanity check, should be empty:
#' epi_clean_get_dups(baseline, 'var_id', 1)
#' # Change col names to baseline, time_1, time_2, etc.:
#' new_colnames <- epi_clean_add_colname_suffix(baseline, 1, '.0')
#' names(baseline)[2:ncol(baseline)] <- new_colnames
#' names(baseline)
#' # First set of repeated observations:
#' time_1 <- df2 %>% filter(rep_num == 2)
#' time_1
#' epi_clean_get_dups(time_1, 'var_id', 1)
#' # Change col names:
#' new_colnames <- epi_clean_add_colname_suffix(time_1, 1, '.1')
#' names(time_1)[2:ncol(time_1)] <- new_colnames
#' names(time_1)
#' # Nothing left:
#' df2 %>% filter(rep_num == 3)
#' # Merge the data frames into one:
#' all_merged <- merge(baseline, time_1, by = 'var_id', all = TRUE)
#' dim(all_merged)
#' as.tibble(all_merged)
#' names(all_merged)
#' epi_head_and_tail(all_merged)
#' epi_head_and_tail(all_merged, last_cols = TRUE)
#' View(all_merged)
#' }
#' @export

epi_clean_merge_nested_dfs <- function(nested_list_dfs = NULL,
                                       id_col = '',
                                       all.x = TRUE,
                                       ) {
  if (!requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package data.table needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Initialise merge:
  df1 <- data.table::as.data.table(nested_list_dfs[[1]])
  df2 <- data.table::as.data.table(nested_list_dfs[[2]])
  print('Merging first two data frames')
  # If there are names in list but they are duplicated:
  if (!is.null(names(nested_list_dfs)) & any(duplicated(names(nested_list_dfs)))) {
   warning('Duplicated names in list passed. Using default suffixes.')
  # If there are names and no duplicates:
  if (!is.null(names(nested_list_dfs)) & !any(duplicated(names(nested_list_dfs)))) {
    suffix_1 <- paste0('_', names(nested_list_dfs)[1])
    suffix_2 <- paste0('_', names(nested_list_dfs)[2])
    print(sprintf('Using suffixes: %s and %s',
  } else {
    suffix_1 <- '_1'
    suffix_2 <- '_2'
    print(sprintf('Duplicated names or no names in list passed,
                   using %s and %s as suffixes',
  temp_df <- merge(df1, df2,
                   by = id_col,
                   all.x = all.x,
                   suffixes = c(suffix_1, suffix_2),
  # Loop through nested data frames and merge each to previous merged df:
  # TO DO: if there were truly many and large DFs could add a parallel option
  print('Merging further dataframes.')
  print('Suffixes are only used if there are clashes.')
  for (i in 3:length(nested_list_dfs)) { # skip 1 and 2 as these are
                                         # the initial merge
    if (!is.null(names(nested_list_dfs)) & !any(duplicated(names(nested_list_dfs)))) {
        # suffix_1 should just be blank as will be a merged df already
        suffix_2 <- paste0('_', names(nested_list_dfs)[i])
        } else {
          suffix_2 <- sprintf('_%s', i)
      print(sprintf('Suffix to use: %s', suffix_2))
      df2 <- data.table::as.data.table(nested_list_dfs[[i]]) # new df to merge, starting at 3
      temp_df <- merge(temp_df,
                       by = id_col,
                       all.x = all.x,
                       suffixes = c('', suffix_2),
    # option suffix is only used if there is a clash
  print('Done merging')
AntonioJBT/episcout documentation built on June 8, 2024, 7:47 a.m.