
Defines functions cpbayes_uncor

Documented in cpbayes_uncor

## Function to call cpbayes_uncor (CPBayes function for uncorrelated phenotypes)
#' Run uncorrelated version of CPBayes.
#' Run uncorrelated version of CPBayes when the main genetic effect (beta/log(odds ratio)) estimates across
#'  studies/traits are uncorrelated.
#' @param BetaHat A numeric vector of length K where K is the number of phenotypes. It
#'  contains the beta-hat values across studies/traits. No default is specified.
#' @param SE A numeric vector with the same dimension as BetaHat providing the standard errors
#'  corresponding to BetaHat. Every element of SE must be positive. No default is specified.
#' @param Phenotypes A character vector of the same length as BetaHat providing the name of
#'  the phenotypes. Default is specified as trait1, trait2, . . . , traitK. Note that BetaHat,
#'   SE, and Phenotypes must be in the same order.
#' @param Variant A character vector of length one specifying the name of the genetic variant.
#'  Default is `Variant'.
#' @param UpdateSlabVar A logical vector of length one. If TRUE, the variance of the slab distribution
#'  that presents the prior distribution of non-null effects
#'  is updated at each MCMC iteration in a range (MinSlabVar -- MaxSlabVar) (see next). If FALSE,
#'   it is fixed at (MinSlabVar + MaxSlabVar)/2. Default is TRUE.
#' @param MinSlabVar A numeric value greater than 0.01 providing the minimum value of
#'  the variance of the slab distribution. Default is 0.6.
#' @param MaxSlabVar A numeric value smaller than 10.0 providing the maximum value of
#'  the variance of the slab distribution. Default is 1.0. **Note that,
#'  a smaller value of the slab variance will increase the sensitivity of CPBayes while selecting the optimal
#'   subset of associated traits but at the expense of lower specificity. Hence the slab variance
#'   parameter in CPBayes is inversely related to the level of false discovery rate (FDR) in a frequentist
#'   FDR controlling procedure. For a specific dataset, an user
#'    can experiment different choices of these three arguments: UpdateSlabVar, MinSlabVar, and MaxSlabVar.
#' @param MCMCiter A positive integer greater than or equal to 2200 providing the total number of
#'  iterations in the MCMC. Default is 7500.
#' @param Burnin A positive integer greater than or equal to 200 providing the burn in period
#' in the MCMC. Default is 500. Note that the MCMC sample size (MCMCiter - Burnin) must be at least 2000, which is 7000 by default.
#' @return The output produced by the function is a list which consists of various components.
#'    \item{variantName}{It is the name of the genetic variant provided by the user. If not
#'     specified by the user, default name is `Variant'.}
#'    \item{log10_BF}{It provides the log10(Bayes factor) produced by CPBayes that measures the
#'     evidence of the overall pleiotropic association.}
#'    \item{locFDR}{It provides the local false discovery rate (posterior probability of null association) produced by CPBayes
#'      which is a measure of the evidence of the
#'     aggregate-level pleiotropic association. Bayes factor is adjusted for prior odds, but
#'      locFDR is solely a function of the posterior odds. locFDR can sometimes be small
#'      indicating an association, but log10_BF may not indicate an association. Hence, always check both log10_BF and locFDR.}
#'    \item{subset}{It provides the optimal subset of associated/non-null traits selected
#'     by CPBayes. It is NULL if no phenotype is selected.}
#'    \item{important_traits}{It provides the traits which yield a trait-specific posterior probability of
#'     association (PPAj) > 20\%. Even if a phenotype is not selected in the optimal subset of non-null
#'      traits, it can produce a non-negligible value of trait-specific posterior probability of
#'       association (PPAj). Note that, `important_traits' is expected to include the traits
#'       already contained in `subset'. It provides both the name of the important traits and
#'        their corresponding values of PPAj. Always check 'important_traits' even if 'subset' contains
#'         a single trait. It helps to better explain an observed pleiotropic signal.}
#'    \item{auxi_data}{It contains supplementary data including the MCMC data which is used later
#'     by \code{\link{post_summaries}} and \code{\link{forest_cpbayes}}:
#'        \enumerate{
#'            \item traitNames: Name of all the phenotypes.
#'            \item K: Total number of phenotypes.
#'            \item mcmc.samplesize: MCMC sample size.
#'            \item PPAj: Trait-specific posterior probability of association for all the traits.
#'            \item Z.data: MCMC data on the latent association status of all the traits (Z).
#'            \item sim.beta: MCMC data on the unknown true genetic effect (beta) on all the traits.
#'            \item betahat: The beta-hat vector provided by the user which will be used by \code{\link{forest_cpbayes}}.
#'            \item se: The standard error vector provided by the user which will be used by \code{\link{forest_cpbayes}}.
#'        }
#'    }
#'    \item{runtime}{It provides the runtime (in seconds) taken by \code{\link{cpbayes_uncor}}. It will help the user
#'     to plan the whole analysis.}
#' @references Majumdar A, Haldar T, Bhattacharya S, Witte JS (2018) An efficient Bayesian meta analysis approach for studying cross-phenotype genetic associations. PLoS Genet 14(2): e1007139.
#' @seealso \code{\link{analytic_locFDR_BF_uncor}}, \code{\link{post_summaries}}, \code{\link{forest_cpbayes}}, \code{\link{analytic_locFDR_BF_cor}}, \code{\link{cpbayes_cor}}, \code{\link{estimate_corln}}
#' @examples
#' data(ExampleDataUncor)
#' BetaHat <- ExampleDataUncor$BetaHat
#' BetaHat
#' SE <- ExampleDataUncor$SE
#' SE
#' traitNames <- paste("Disease", 1:10, sep = "")
#' SNP1 <- "rs1234"
#' result <- cpbayes_uncor(BetaHat, SE, Phenotypes = traitNames, Variant = SNP1)
#' str(result)
#' @export
cpbayes_uncor <- function(BetaHat, SE, Phenotypes, Variant, UpdateSlabVar = TRUE, MinSlabVar = 0.6, MaxSlabVar = 1.0, MCMCiter = 7500, Burnin = 500)

  UpdateDE <- UpdateSlabVar
  # Check whether any of the primary arguments is missing
    if(missing(BetaHat) || missing (SE))
      stop("BetaHat or SE vector is missing!", call. = FALSE)
	# Argument 1 :: BetaHat
    BetaHat <- checkPrimaryVar(BetaHat, "BetaHat")
	# Argument 2 :: SE
    SE <- checkPrimaryVar(SE, "SE")
		# Check whether all entries are strictly positive
		if(!all(SE > 0))
				stop("One or more elements in the SE vector are not positive!", call. = FALSE)
	# Argument 1 and 2 ::
		if(length(BetaHat) != length(SE))
				stop("BetaHat and SE vectors must have the same number of elements!", call. = FALSE)

	# Argument 3 :: Phenotype names
		  checkPhen(Phenotypes, BetaHat)
		else Phenotypes = paste("trait", 1:length(BetaHat), sep = "")

	# Argument 4 :: Variant name
		  Variant <- checkVarName(Variant)
			variantName <- unname(Variant)           # Assignment
		else variantName <- "Variant"

    # Argument 5 :: Update model parameter DE
    # Check whether argument 5 is a vector of length 1
    if(!is.vector(UpdateDE) || (length(UpdateDE) != 1))
      warning("UpdateSlabVar is not a scalar (default option used).", call. = FALSE)
      UpdateDE <- TRUE
      warning("UpdateSlabVar not provided as logical (default option used).", call. = FALSE)
      UpdateDE <- TRUE

  # Argument 6 & 7:: Minimum and maximum value of slab variance
    SlabVarList <- chkSlabVar(MinSlabVar, MaxSlabVar)
    MinSlabVar <- SlabVarList[["MinSlabVar"]]
    MaxSlabVar <- SlabVarList[["MaxSlabVar"]]

	# Argument 8 :: Number of MCMC iteration
    mcmcParam <- chkMCMCparam(MCMCiter, Burnin)
    MCMCiter <- mcmcParam[["MCMCiter"]]
    Burnin <- mcmcParam[["Burnin"]]
	# Call CPBayes function
	RESULT <- CPBayes_uncor( variantName, Phenotypes, BetaHat, SE, UpdateDE, MinSlabVar, MaxSlabVar, MCMCiter, Burnin )
ArunabhaCodes/CPBayes documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 10:22 p.m.