
  gmt.map = function( P, toplot, year, vname, conversions="ps2png" ) {
    # low level interaction with GMT to construct maps for a single variable 
		tmpdir  = tempdir()

    # tmp local GMT files
      cpt   = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.cpt"))  # palette file
      gmtgrid  = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string("gmt.grid"))
      bin   = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.bin"))  # binary data
      clip  = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.clip"))
      indat = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.indat"))
      blocked = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.blocked"))
      annotations = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.annotations"))
      outfile = paste( file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.outfile")), ".ps", sep="") # final postscript file
      gmt.isobathdata = file.path(tmpdir, make.random.string(".gmt.isobathdata") )
      # final data check
      toplot = toplot[is.finite(rowSums(toplot)) ,]
      if (dim(toplot)[2]==3) toplot$dummy=1  # mimic a weighting variable when one does not exist

      write.table( toplot, file=indat, quote=F, col.names=F, row.names=F)
      # set up colour scale
      colscale = paste( "-C", P$gmtcol, sep="" )
      colpalette  = paste("-C", cpt, sep="")
      cmd( "makecpt", colscale, P$crange, P$colourflags, ">", cpt )

    # define some local parameters
      ps.new  = "-K > "  # start a new PS and continue
      ps.append = "-O -K >> "  # add to prexisting PS and continue
      ps.finalize = "-O >> "

      isobath.options = "-W0.001p -Sp0.005p -Glightslategray"  # -Sp == point

      gmt.prep (fnt=P$fnt, psres=P$psresolution)

    #   browser()

    # begin mapping
      cmd( "psbasemap", P$region, P$gmtproj, P$annot, ps.new, outfile )
      # cmd( "cat", P$basemap, ">>", outfile ) # bathymetry
      # overlay data
      if (P$block) {
        add.flag = ""
        if (P$blocktype=="mean") block.prg="blockmean"
        if (P$blocktype=="median") block.prg="blockmedian"
        if (P$blocktype=="mode") block.prg="blockmode"
        if (P$blocktype=="sum") {
          block.prg = "blockmean"
          add.flag = "-Ss"  # forces a sum as output
        cmd( block.prg, P$region, P$res, indat, add.flag, "-W >", blocked )
        cmd( "surface", P$region, P$res, blocked, P$tension, paste("-G", gmtgrid, sep="") )
      } else if (! P$block) {
        cmd( "surface", P$region, P$res, indat, P$tension, paste("-G", gmtgrid, sep="") )

      cmd( "psmask", indat, P$region, P$gmtproj, P$res, P$maskres, ps.append, outfile )
      cmd( "grdimage", gmtgrid, P$region, P$gmtproj, P$interpres, colpalette, ps.append, outfile )
      cmd( "psmask -C", ps.append, outfile )

      # various overlays
      for (d in P$isobaths ){
        isob = NULL
        isob = isobath.db( p=P, DS="gmt", depths=d )
        if (is.null(isob)) next()
        write.table( isob, file=gmt.isobathdata, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE )
        cmd( "gmt psxy", gmt.isobathdata, P$region, P$gmtproj, isobath.options, ps.append, outfile )

      if (!is.null(P$overlay)) {
        if ( length(P$overlay)>0) {
          for (o in P$overlay) {
            if ( o == "" ) next()
            cmd( "psxy", find.bio.gis(o), P$region, P$gmtproj, P$polygon.options, ps.append, outfile ) # polygons
      cmd( "pscoast", P$region, P$gmtproj, P$coast.options, ps.append, outfile ) # coastline
      cmd( "psscale", colpalette, P$incscale, P$scale.location, ps.append, outfile ) # colourscale
      if (P$annot.text=="") P$annot.text = year
      if (as.character( P$annot.text) == "1000" ) P$annot.text = "Mean state"
      write( paste(  P$annot.lon0, P$annot.lat0, P$annot.text, sep=","), file=annotations )
      fontinfo = paste( "-F", "+f", P$annot.fontsize, ",", "Helvetica", ",", "black", "+j", P$annot.justify, "+a0", sep="" )
      cmd( "pstext", annotations, P$region, P$gmtproj, fontinfo, ps.finalize, outfile )  # variablename, year
      remove.files ( c( cpt, gmtgrid, bin, clip, indat, blocked, annotations, gmt.isobathdata ))
      if (!is.finite(conversions)) { #assume postscript not needed
        graphics.convert ( outfile, P$outfile.basename, conversions )
      } else { # assume just the postscript file is required
        file.copy(from=outfile, to=paste( P$outfile.basename,"ps",sep="."), overwrite=T)
    gmt.cleanup ()  
AtlanticR/bio.spacetime documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:34 a.m.