
lbm_interpolate_fast = function( ip=NULL, p ) {
  #// designed to be called from lbm_interpolate
  #// for the sake of speed and parallelization, the kernel density method via fft is written out again .. it is taken from fields::smooth.2d
  #// the spatial interpolation is smoother than what is expected from a kriging covariance

  if (exists( "libs", p)) RLibrary( p$libs )
  if (is.null(ip)) if( exists( "nruns", p ) ) ip = 1:p$nruns

  S = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$S )

  # do this here as the Stats are from the most reliable estimates
  nu = median(  S[,which( p$statsvars=="nu" )], na.rm=TRUE )
  phi = median(  S[,which( p$statsvars=="phi" )], na.rm=TRUE )

  P = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$P )
  Psd = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Psd )
  Ploc = lbm_attach( p$storage.backend, p$ptr$Ploc )

  dx = dy = p$pres
  nr = p$nplons
  nc = p$nplats
  nr2 = 2 * nr
  nc2 = 2 * nc

  gridparams = list( dims=c(nr2, nc2), origin=p$origin, res=c(p$pres, p$pres) )
  zp = array_map( "xy->1", Ploc[], gridparams=gridparams )

  dgrid = make.surface.grid(list((1:nr2) * dx, (1:nc2) * dy))
  center = matrix(c((dx * nr2)/2, (dy * nc2)/2), nrow = 1,
      ncol = 2)

  mC = matrix(0, nrow = nr2, ncol = nc2)
  mC[nr, nc] = 1

  # spatial autocorrelation filter
  AC = stationary.cov( dgrid, center, Covariance="Matern", range=phi, nu=nu )
  mAC = as.surface(dgrid, c(AC))$z
  fW = fft(mAC)/(fft(mC) * nr2 * nc2)

  rm(dgrid, AC, mC, mAC); gc()

  for ( iip in ip ) {

    ww = p$runs[ iip, "time_index" ]

    tofill = which( ! is.finite( P[,ww] ) )
    if (length( tofill) > 0 ) {
      # counts
      rY = range( P[,ww], na.rm=TRUE )

      mN = matrix(0, nrow = nr2, ncol = nc2)
      mN[zp] = tapply( rep(1, length(zp)), INDEX=zp, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE )
      mN[!is.finite(mN)] = 0

      # density
      mY = matrix(0, nrow = nr2, ncol = nc2)
      mY[zp] = P[,ww] # fill with data in correct locations
      mY[!is.finite(mY)] = 0

      # estimates based upon a global nu,phi .. they will fit to the immediate area near data and so retain their structure
      fN = Re(fft(fft(mN) * fW, inverse = TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc]
      fY = Re(fft(fft(mY) * fW, inverse = TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc]
      Z = fY/fN
      lb = which( Z < rY[1] )
      if (length(lb) > 0) Z[lb] = NA
      ub = which( Z > rY[2] )
      if (length(ub) > 0) Z[ub] = NA

      # image(Z)
      Z[ Z>p$qs[2] ]=NA
      Z[ Z<p$qs[1] ]=NA
      P[,ww][tofill] = Z[zp][ tofill]

    ## SD estimates
    tofill = which( ! is.finite( Psd[,ww] ) )
    if (length( tofill) > 0 ) {

      # counts
      mN = matrix(0, nrow = nr2, ncol = nc2)
      mN[zp] = tapply( rep(1, length(zp)), INDEX=zp, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE )
      mN[!is.finite(mN)] = 0

      # density
      mY = matrix(0, nrow = nr2, ncol = nc2)
      mY[zp] = Psd[,ww] # fill with data in correct locations
      mY[!is.finite(mY)] = 0

      # estimates based upon a global nu,phi .. they will fit to the immediate area near data and so retain their structure
      fN = Re(fft(fft(mN) * fW, inverse = TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc]
      fY = Re(fft(fft(mY) * fW, inverse = TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc]
      Z = fY/fN
      iZ = which( !is.finite( Z))
      if (length(iZ) > 0) Z[iZ] = NA
      lb = which( Z < 0 )
      if (length(lb) > 0) Z[lb] = NA
      ub = which( Z > rY[2] )
      if (length(ub) > 0) Z[ub] = NA
      # image(Z)

      Z[ Z>p$qs[2] ]=NA
      Z[ Z<0 ]=NA
      Psd[,ww][tofill] = Z[zp][ tofill]


  return( "complete" )

AtlanticR/lbm documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:35 a.m.