
Defines functions extract_fq_fieldnames check_fq

## checking of fields in fq against valid fields
## not exported for users: internal ALA4R use only
check_fq <- function(fq, type) {
    type <- match.arg(tolower(type),
                      c("general", "occurrence", "layers", "images"))
    if (identical(type, "occurrence")) type <- "occurrence_indexed"
    field_names <- extract_fq_fieldnames(fq)
    if (is.null(field_names)) {
        ## no matches, so somehow fq doesn't match our expected syntax
        warning("fq may be invalid. See ",
                "(\"", type, "\", as_is=TRUE) for valid fields and help(\"",
                "\") for general help on fq syntax")
    } else {
        valid_fields <- ala_fields(type, as_is = TRUE)
        invalid_fields <- setdiff(tolower(field_names),
        if (length(invalid_fields) > 0) {
            warning("there may be invalid fields in fq: ",
                    paste(invalid_fields, collapse = ", "),
                    ". See ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$fields_function,
                    "(\"", type, "\", as_is=TRUE)")

extract_fq_fieldnames <- function(fq) {
    ## pick out field names as anything after a separator character
    ## (e.g. space|bracket|+|-), and followed by a colon
    ## see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/CommonQueryParameters for syntax form
    sepchars <- paste0("[:space:]", paste0("", strsplit("+)(-}{", "")[[1]],
                                           collapse = "\\"))
    ## collapse into single string and add leading space
    field_names <- paste("", fq, collapse = " ")
    ## need to drop anything inside square brackets: these indicate ranges and
    ## can cause problems when pulling out field names
    field_names <- str_replace_all(field_names, "\\[.*?\\]", "range")
    field_names <- str_match_all(field_names, paste0("[", sepchars,
                                                     "]([^:", sepchars,
    if (nrow(field_names) < 1) {
    } else {
        field_names[, 2]
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.