#' Quick geographic plot of occurrence data
#' Generates a plot of occurrence data retrieved using
#' \code{\link{occurrences}}.The plot uses
#' an Australian basemap and colours the occurrence records dots according
#' to parameters
#' @references \url{https://api.ala.org.au/}
#' @param x list: a list object that has been downloaded using
#' \code{\link{occurrences}}
#' @param filename string: name of file to be created; defaults to RPlots.pdf
#' @param qa string vector: list of record issues to be mapped; these can
#' be assertion columnnames, or "all" or "none" or any combination of "error",
#' "warning" or "fatal". Column or categories in your dataset can be viewed
#' using \code{check_assertions}.
#' @param grouped logical: TRUE creates a single plot for all observations;
#' FALSE plots individual maps for the taxon level defined.
#' @param taxon_level string: taxonomic level at which to create maps; possible
#' values are "species", "genus", "family", or "order"
#' @param pch single number or character representing point type. See
#' description of \code{pch} in \code{\link{points}}.
#' @param cex numeric: character (or symbol) expansion. See description of
#' \code{cex} in \code{\link{points}}.
#' @param \dots : other options passed to pdf()
#' @return Generates a pdf that maps the distributions.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## download some observations
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "Eucalyptus gunnii", download_reason_id = 10)
#' occurrences_plot(x)
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "Cider Gum", download_reason_id = 10)
#' occurrences_plot(x, "alaPlot.pdf", qa = "fatal", grouped = FALSE,
#' taxon_level = "species", pch = "+")
#' }
#' @export occurrences_plot
occurrences_plot <- function(x, filename = "Rplots.pdf",
qa = c("fatal", "error"), grouped = FALSE,
taxon_level = "species", pch, cex = 0.75, ...) {
if (! inherits(x, "occurrences")) {
stop("occurrences_plot must have an object of class occurrences from
e.g. ",
"() in the ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$brand, " package")
taxon_level <- match.arg(tolower(taxon_level), c("species", "genus",
"family", "order"))
if (substr(filename, nchar(filename) - 2, nchar(filename)) != "pdf") {
#append a pdf suffix to filename
filename <- paste(filename, ".pdf", sep = "")
if (missing("pch")) {
pch <- 19
} else {
if (length(pch) > 1) {
pch <- pch[1]
warning("only using first element of supplied pch vector")
if (nchar(pch) > 1) {
pch <- substr(pch, 1, 1)
warning("only using first character of supplied pch text")
ass <- check_assertions(x)
if ("none" %in% qa) {
qa <- NULL
} else {
tt <- NULL
if ("all" %in% qa) tt <- c(tt, ass$occurColnames)
if ("error" %in% qa) tt <-
c(tt, ass$occurColnames[which(ass$category == "error")])
if ("warning" %in% qa) tt <-
c(tt, ass$occurColnames[which(ass$category == "warning")])
if ("fatal" %in% qa) tt <-
c(tt, ass$occurColnames[which(as.logical(ass$fatal) == TRUE)])
if (any(qa %in% colnames(x$data))) {
valid_fields <- ass$occurColnames ## valid entries for qa
unknown <- setdiff(qa, valid_fields)
if (length(unknown) > 0) {
warning("invalid qa fields requested: ",
str_c(unknown, collapse = ", "), ". See ",
"(\"assertions\", as_is=TRUE)")
tt <- intersect(qa, valid_fields)
tt <- intersect(tt, colnames(x$data))
if (length(tt) > 0) {
qa <- tt
} else {
qa <- NULL
###generate the plots
pdf(filename, ...)
## wrap plotting code in tryCatch block so that device will be closed
## cleanly on error
if (grouped) {
tplot(x$data, main = "all species", coi = qa, pch, cex = cex)
} else {
message("This is plotting ", length(unique(x$data[, taxon_level])),
" ", taxon_level, " maps... names will act as status bar")
spp_count <- 0
for (spp in unique(x$data[, taxon_level])) {
spp_count <- spp_count + 1
message(spp_count, ".\t", spp)
plot_data <- x$data[which(x$data[, taxon_level] == spp), ]
if (spp == "") {
spp <- "unmatched species name"
tplot(plot_data, main = spp, coi = qa, pch, cex = cex)
}, error = function(e) {
invisible(0) ## return nothing
### plot function to be used
tplot <- function(data, main, coi, pch, cex) {
## load aus map data
## note this should ideally be states
aus <- NULL
data("aus", package = "ALA4R", envir = environment())
image(aus, col = "grey") #draw the base australia
title(main = main)
# add on the axis
points(data$longitude, data$latitude, pch = pch, col = "black")
if (is.null(coi)) {
legend("bottomleft", legend = "assumed good", pch = pch,
col = "black", bty = "n", cex = cex)
} else {
legend.cols <- rainbow(length(coi)) #define the legend colors
c2use <- NULL #define columns to keep because they had issues
for (ii in seq_len(length(coi))) {
#define the points that have the issue
roi <- which(as.logical(data[, coi[ii]]) == TRUE)
if (length(roi) > 0) {
points(data$longitude[roi], data$latitude[roi], pch = pch,
col = legend.cols[ii])
c2use <- c(c2use, ii)
if (is.null(c2use)) {
legend("bottomleft", legend = "assumed good", pch = pch,
col = "black", bty = "n", cex = cex)
} else {
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("assumed good", coi[c2use]),
pch = pch, col = c("black", legend.cols[c2use]), bty = "n",
cex = cex)
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