
context("sea ice")


test_that("all variants are available", {
 expect_error(readice(time.resolution = "monthly", hemisphere = "south"))
  r1 <- readice_monthly(hemisphere = "south")
  r2 <- readice_monthly(time.resolution = "monthly", hemisphere = "north")
  r3 <- readice(time.resolution = "daily", hemisphere = "south")
  r4 <- readice(time.resolution = "daily", hemisphere = "north")
  expect_error(readice(product = "amsr"))
  r5 <- read_amsr_ice()
  expect_error(readice(product = "ssmi"))

test_that("requested files only are returned as a data.frame", {
    ffs <- readice(returnfiles = TRUE)
    expect_that(ffs, is_a("data.frame"))

    expect_true(all(names(ffs) %in% c("date",  "fullname", "vrt_dsn")))
    expect_true(all(file.exists(ffs$fullname[sample(nrow(ffs), 100)])))
    expect_that(sum(is.na(ffs$date)), equals(0))


test_that("spatial crop works as expected", {
    ext <- extent(-3086361, -1192990, 357501, 1882251)
    ice <- readice(c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-10"), xylim = ext)
    expect_that(dim(ice), equals(c(61, 75, 2)))

test_that("ice data is returned as a raster object", {
          expect_s4_class(readice("2000-01-01"), "BasicRaster")

test_that("dates not available within 1.5 days give error", {
    expect_that(readice("1975-10-18"), throws_error("no data file within"))

##test_that("dates  within 1.5 months succeed", {
##    expect_that(readice("2002-10-18", time.resolution = "monthly"), is_a("RasterLayer"))

test_that("input data can be Date",
          expect_that(readice(as.Date("2000-01-01")), is_a("RasterLayer"))

test_that("input data can be POSIXct",
          expect_that(readice(as.POSIXct("2000-01-01")), is_a("BasicRaster"))

x <- readice(); y <- readice(rescale = FALSE);

test_that("missing values are constant for setNA scaled or not",
      expect_that(cellStats(is.na(x) - is.na(y), "sum"), equals(0))

x <- readice(setNA = TRUE); y <- readice(setNA = FALSE);
test_that("missing values are greater in number for setNA",
     expect_true(cellStats(is.na(x), "sum") >  cellStats(is.na(y), "sum"))

## first test for readmulti
test_that("valid multi dates is returned as a raster object", {
         expect_that(readice(c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-10")), is_a("BasicRaster"))

b1 <- readice("1997-04-06")
b2 <- readice("2005-10-11")
b <- readice(c("1997-04-06", "2005-10-11"))
## does multi-read give the same result?
test_that("multi read gives the same data as single", {
    expect_that(quantile(b1), equals(quantile(b[[1]])))
    expect_that(quantile(b2), equals(quantile(b[[2]])))


x <- c("1997-04-06", "2005-10-11", "1997-04-06")
test_that("multi read on duplicated dates give only non-dupes", {
    expect_that(nlayers(readice(x)), equals(length(x) - 1L)) %>% expect_warning()

x <- as.POSIXct(c("1997-04-06", "2005-10-11", "1997-04-09"), tz = "UTC")
test_that("multi read on out of order dates sorts them", {
    expect_that(format(getZ(readice(x))), equals(format(sort(x))))  %>% expect_warning()

test_that("ice projection is not missing", {
  prj <- projection(readice())

cf <- raadfiles::amsr_daily_files()
xyt <- data.frame(x = c(100, 120, 130, 145, 150), y = seq(-80, 20, length = 5),   
                  dts = seq(as.Date("2011-01-03"), by = "1 month", length = 5)
test_that("read is", {
  expect_error(readice("2015-01-01", product = "amsr", time.resolution = "daily", inputfiles = cf))
  expect_that(read_amsr_ice("2015-01-01", inputfiles = cf),
  expect_that(extract(read_amsr_ice, xyt), is_a("numeric"))  %>% expect_warning()
  expect_that(extract(read_amsr_ice, xyt, product = "amsr"), is_a("numeric"))  %>% expect_warning()
AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on June 11, 2024, 9:15 a.m.