
Defines functions lazy_conn_all_tables

Documented in lazy_conn_all_tables

#' Create lazy connections to all tables in a schema as separate variables
#' @param pool_conn A pool connection to a PostgreSQL database
#' @param schemaname The schema from which to get the tables. Default is public
#' @param prefix String to prefix the variables with
#' @param env The environment in which to create the variables. Default is global environment
#' @param table_types The types of tables to connect to. Default is base tables, foreign tables, views and local temporary tables
#' @return Variables for lazy connections to each of the tables in the environment specified
#' @export
lazy_conn_all_tables <- function(pool_conn, schemaname = "public", table_types = c("BASE TABLE", "FOREIGN", "VIEW", "LOCAL TEMPORARY"), prefix = "", env = globalenv()) {
  # Create vector of the table names using the connection and schema passed in
  table_names <- pool_conn %>%
    # table names are found in the information schema on postgres
    dplyr::tbl(dbplyr::in_schema("information_schema", "tables")) %>%
    # filter out entries of table type BASE TABLE
    dplyr::filter(table_schema == schemaname, table_type %in% table_types) %>%
    # pull out the table name column

  # Walk through the vector above and apply the create_lazy_conn method to each table
  # Create variable in the environment specified
  # Add the optional prefix to each variable name
    ~ assign(
      envir = env,
      x = paste0(prefix, .),
      value = create_lazy_conn(pool_conn, schemaname, .)
Aypak/dbhelpers documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 9:03 p.m.