
Defines functions AzureKusto

Documented in AzureKusto

#' DBI interface to Kusto
#' AzureKusto implements a subset of the DBI specification for interfacing with databases in R. The following methods are supported:
#' - Connections: [dbConnect], [dbDisconnect], [dbCanConnect]
#' - Table management: [dbExistsTable], [dbCreateTable], [dbRemoveTable], [dbReadTable], [dbWriteTable]
#' - Querying: [dbGetQuery], [dbSendQuery], [dbFetch], [dbSendStatement], [dbExecute], [dbListFields], [dbColumnInfo]
#' Kusto is quite different to the SQL databases that DBI targets, which affects the behaviour of certain DBI methods and renders other moot.
#' - Kusto is connectionless. `dbConnect` simply wraps a database endpoint object, created with [kusto_database_endpoint]. Similarly, `dbDisconnect` always returns TRUE. `dbCanConnect` attempts to check if querying the database will succeed, but this may not be accurate.
#' - Temporary tables are not a Kusto concept, so `dbCreateTable(*, temporary=TRUE)` will throw an error.
#' - It only supports synchronous queries, with a default timeout of 4 minutes. `dbSendQuery` and `dbSendStatement` will wait for the query to execute, rather than returning immediately. The object returned contains the full result of the query, which `dbFetch` extracts.
#' - The Kusto Query Language (KQL) is not SQL, and so higher-level SQL methods are not implemented.
#' @name kusto-DBI
#' @aliases kusto-DBI kusto_dbi AzureKusto_dbi
#' @rdname kusto-DBI

## subclasses


#' Kusto DBI driver class
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
setClass("AzureKustoDriver", contains="DBIDriver")

#' Kusto DBI connection class
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
setClass("AzureKustoConnection", contains="DBIConnection", slots=list(

#' Kusto DBI result class
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
setClass("AzureKustoResult", contains="DBIResult", slots=list(

## connection/server methods

setMethod("show", "AzureKustoConnection", function(object){

#' @rdname AzureKusto
#' @export
AzureKusto <- function()

#' DBI interface: connect to a Kusto cluster
#' Functions to connect to a Kusto cluster.
#' @param drv An AzureKusto DBI driver object, instantiated with `AzureKusto()`.
#' @param ... Authentication arguments supplied to `kusto_database_endpoint`.
#' @param bigint How to treat Kusto long integer columns. By default, they will be converted to R numeric variables. If this is "integer64", they will be converted to `integer64` variables using the bit64 package.
#' @param conn For `dbDisconnect`, an AzureKustoConnection object obtained with `dbConnect`.
#' @details
#' Kusto is connectionless, so `dbConnect` simply wraps a database endpoint object, generated with `kusto_database_endpoint(...)`. The endpoint itself can be accessed via the `@endpoint` slot. Similarly, `dbDisconnect` always returns TRUE.
#' `dbCanConnect` attempts to detect whether querying the database with the given information and credentials will be successful. The result may not be accurate; essentially all it does is check that its arguments are valid Kusto properties. Ultimately the best way to tell if querying will work is to try it.
#' @return
#' For `dbConnect`, an object of class AzureKustoConnection.
#' For `dbCanConnect`, TRUE if authenticating with the Kusto server succeeded with the given arguments, and FALSE otherwise.
#' For `dbDisconnect`, always TRUE, invisibly.
#' @seealso
#' [kusto-DBI], [dbReadTable], [dbWriteTable], [dbGetQuery], [dbSendStatement], [kusto_database_endpoint]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' db <- DBI::dbConnect(AzureKusto(),
#'     server="https://mycluster.westus.kusto.windows.net", database="database", tenantid="contoso")
#' DBI::dbDisconnect(db)
#' # no authentication credentials: returns FALSE
#' DBI::dbCanConnect(AzureKusto(),
#'     server="https://mycluster.westus.kusto.windows.net")
#' }
#' @aliases AzureKusto-connection
#' @rdname AzureKusto
#' @export
setMethod("dbConnect", "AzureKustoDriver", function(drv, ..., bigint=c("numeric", "integer64"))
    bigint <- match.arg(bigint)
    endpoint <- kusto_database_endpoint(..., .use_integer64=(bigint == "integer64"))
    new("AzureKustoConnection", endpoint=endpoint)

#' @rdname AzureKusto
#' @export
setMethod("dbCanConnect", "AzureKustoDriver", function(drv, ...)
    res <- try(dbConnect(drv, ...), silent=TRUE)
    !inherits(res, "try-error")

#' @rdname AzureKusto
#' @export
setMethod("dbDisconnect", "AzureKustoDriver", function(conn, ...)

## table methods

#' DBI methods for Kusto table management
#' @param conn An AzureKustoConnection object.
#' @param name A string containing a table name.
#' @param value For `dbWriteTable`, a data frame to be written to a Kusto table.
#' @param fields For `dbCreateTable`, the table specification: either a named character vector, or a data frame of sample values.
#' @param method For `dbWriteTable`, the ingestion method to use to write the table. See [ingest_local].
#' @param row.names For `dbCreateTable`, the row names. Not used.
#' @param temporary For `dbCreateTable`, whether to create a temporary table. Must be `FALSE` for Kusto.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `run_query`.
#' @details
#' These functions read, write, create and delete a table, list the tables in a Kusto database, and check for table existence. With the exception of `dbWriteTable`, they ultimately call `run_query` which does the actual work of communicating with the Kusto server. `dbWriteTable` calls `ingest_local` to write the data to the server; note that it only supports ingesting a local data frame, as per the DBI spec.
#' Kusto does not have the concept of temporary tables, so calling `dbCreateTable` with `temporary` set to anything other than `FALSE` will generate an error.
#' `dbReadTable` and `dbWriteTable` are likely to be of limited use in practical scenarios, since Kusto tables tend to be much larger than available memory.
#' @return
#' For `dbReadTable`, an in-memory data frame containing the table.
#' @seealso
#' [AzureKusto-connection], [dbConnect], [run_query], [ingest_local]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' db <- DBI::dbConnect(AzureKusto(),
#'     server="https://mycluster.location.kusto.windows.net", database="database"...)
#' DBI::dbListTables(db)
#' if(!DBI::dbExistsTable(db, "mtcars"))
#'     DBI::dbCreateTable(db, "mtcars")
#' DBI::dbWriteTable(db, "mtcars", mtcars, method="inline")
#' DBI::dbReadTable(db, "mtcars")
#' DBI::dbRemoveTable(db, "mtcars")
#' }
#' @rdname DBI_table
#' @export
setMethod("dbReadTable", c("AzureKustoConnection", "character"), function(conn, name, ...)
    run_query(conn@endpoint, escape(ident(name)))

#' @rdname DBI_table
#' @export
setMethod("dbWriteTable", "AzureKustoConnection", function(conn, name, value, method, ...)
    if(!dbExistsTable(conn, name))
        dbCreateTable(conn, name, value)

    ingest_local(conn@endpoint, value, name, method, ...)

#' @rdname DBI_table
#' @export
setMethod("dbCreateTable", "AzureKustoConnection", function(conn, name, fields, ..., row.names=NULL, temporary=FALSE)
    build_fields <- function()
        if(is.character(fields) &&
           !is.null(names(fields)) &&
            # build a dummy list of values
            # converting string "x" -> object of class x effectively guards against injection
            fields <- sapply(fields, function(value)
                    date=, datetime=structure(numeric(0), class=c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")),
                    long=structure(numeric(0), class="integer64"),
        else if(!is.list(fields))
            stop("Bad fields specification", call.=FALSE)


        stop("Kusto does not have temporary tables")

    cmd <- paste(".create table",
    run_query(conn@endpoint, cmd)

#' @rdname DBI_table
#' @export
setMethod("dbRemoveTable", "AzureKustoConnection", function(conn, name, ...)
    cmd <- paste(".drop table", escape(ident(name)))
    run_query(conn@endpoint, cmd)

#' @rdname DBI_table
#' @export
setMethod("dbListTables", "AzureKustoConnection", function(conn, ...)
    res <- run_query(conn@endpoint, ".show tables")

#' @rdname DBI_table
#' @export
setMethod("dbExistsTable", "AzureKustoConnection", function(conn, name, ...)
    name %in% dbListTables(conn)

## query methods

#' DBI methods for Kusto queries and commands
#' @param conn An AzureKustoConnection object.
#' @param statement A string containing a Kusto query or control command.
#' @param res An AzureKustoResult resultset object
#' @param name For `dbListFields`, a table name.
#' @param n The number of rows to return. Not used.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `run_query`.
#' @details
#' These are the basic DBI functions to query the database. Note that Kusto only supports synchronous queries and commands; in particular, `dbSendQuery` and `dbSendStatement` will wait for the query or statement to complete, rather than returning immediately.
#' `dbSendStatement` and `dbExecute` are meant for running Kusto control commands, and will throw an error if passed a regular query. `dbExecute` also returns the entire result of running the command, rather than simply a row count.
#' @seealso
#' [dbConnect], [dbReadTable], [dbWriteTable], [run_query]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' db <- DBI::dbConnect(AzureKusto(),
#'     server="https://mycluster.location.kusto.windows.net", database="database"...)
#' DBI::dbGetQuery(db, "iris | count")
#' DBI::dbListFields(db, "iris")
#' # does the same thing as dbGetQuery, but returns an AzureKustoResult object
#' res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(db, "iris | count")
#' DBI::dbFetch(res)
#' DBI::dbColumnInfo(res)
#' DBI::dbExecute(db, ".show tables")
#' # does the same thing as dbExecute, but returns an AzureKustoResult object
#' res <- DBI::dbSendStatement(db, ".show tables")
#' DBI::dbFetch(res)
#' }
#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbGetQuery", c("AzureKustoConnection", "character"), function(conn, statement, ...)
    run_query(conn@endpoint, statement, ...)

#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbSendQuery", "AzureKustoConnection", function(conn, statement, ...)
    res <- run_query(conn@endpoint, statement, ...)
    new("AzureKustoResult", data=res)

#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbFetch", "AzureKustoResult", function(res, ...)

#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbSendStatement", c("AzureKustoConnection", "character"), function(conn, statement, ...)
    if(substr(statement, 1, 1) != ".")
        stop("dbSendStatement is for control commands only", call.=FALSE)
    res <- run_query(conn@endpoint, statement, ...)
    new("AzureKustoResult", data=res)

#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbExecute", c("AzureKustoConnection", "character"), function(conn, statement, ...)
    if(substr(statement, 1, 1) != ".")
        stop("dbExecute is for control commands only", call.=FALSE)
    run_query(conn@endpoint, statement, ...)

#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbListFields", c("AzureKustoConnection", "character"), function(conn, name, ...)
    cmd <- paste(".show table", escape(ident(name)))
    res <- run_query(conn@endpoint, cmd)

#' @rdname DBI_query
#' @export
setMethod("dbColumnInfo", "AzureKustoResult", function(res, ...)
    types <- sapply(res@data, function(x) class(x)[1])
    data.frame(names=names(types), types=types, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
Azure/AzureKusto documentation built on Oct. 16, 2023, 7:04 p.m.