multi.print.table.means <-
function (coeff_table, n_choice, samples_l2_param, X_names, X_assign = array(dim = 0), X_classes = character(0), Z_names, Z_assign = array(dim = 0), Z_classes = character(0),
l1_values = list(), l1_interactions = list(), l1_interactions_index = array(dim = 0),
l2_values = list(), l2_interactions = list(), l2_interactions_index = array(dim = 0),
numeric_index_in_X, numeric_index_in_Z, single_level = F, contrast = NULL){
sol_tables <- list()
if (length(X_assign) == 1 && length(Z_assign) == 1) coeff_table <- matrix(coeff_table, nrow = 1) # the case that there is only one intercept
n_sample <- nrow(samples_l2_param)
num_l1 <- length(X_assign)
num_l2 <- length(Z_assign)
est_matrix <- array(0 , dim = c(num_l1, num_l2, n_sample), dimnames = list(X_names, Z_names, NULL))
for (i in 1:num_l1){
for (j in 1:n_sample)
est_matrix[i,,j] <- samples_l2_param[j,((i-1)*num_l2+1):((i-1)*num_l2+num_l2)]
cat('Table of probabilities for each category of the response\n')
# Grand mean
# cat('\n')
# cat('Grand mean: \n')
sol_tables[['Grand mean(each response): \n']] <- list()
l1_v <- list()
for (n_c in 1:n_choice){
temp <- matrix(rep(0, num_l1), nrow = 1)
if (n_c != 0)
temp[n_c - 1] <- 1
l1_v[[n_c]] <- temp
l2_v <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, num_l2 - 1)), nrow = 1)
# gmean <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_v)
# for (n_c in 1:n_choice){
# cat('\n')
# cat('Choice:',n_c,'\n')
# cat(round(mean(gmean[[n_c]]), digits = 4), '\n')
# temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
# sol_tables[['Grand mean(each response): \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(matrix(round(quantile(gmean[[n_c]], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), digits = 4), nrow = 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list('',c('2.5%','97.5%'))))
# print(sol_tables[['Grand mean(each response): \n']][[temp_title]])
# }
# means of main effect in level 1 and 2
if (length(X_classes) != 0){
l1_factors <- which(X_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l1_factors) != 0){
#cat('Means for factors at level 1: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 1: \n']] <- list()
l1_matrix <- list()
#l2_v <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, num_l2 - 1)), nrow = 1) # only look at the intercept in level 2
for (i in 1:length(l1_factors)){
l1_matrix[[i]] <- multi.effect.matrix.factor(n_choice, l1_values[[l1_factors[i]]], X_assign, l1_factors[i], numeric_index_in_X, contrast = contrast)
# Compute median and quantile
# print(dim(est_matrix))
# print(est_matrix[,,1])
# print(n_sample)
# print(l2_v)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[i]], l2_v)
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(means), ncol = 4)
table[, 2] <- means
table[, 3] <- pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table[, 4] <- pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table <- round(table, digits = 4)
table[, 1] <- attr(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 1: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
if (length(Z_classes) != 0){
l2_factors <- which(Z_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l2_factors) != 0){
#cat('Means for factors at level 2: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 2: \n']] <- list()
l2_matrix <- list()
for (i in 1:length(l2_factors)){
l2_matrix[[i]] <- multi.effect.matrix.factor(n_choice, l2_values[[l2_factors[i]]], Z_assign, l2_factors[i], numeric_index_in_Z, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_matrix[[i]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[i]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(means), ncol = 4)
table[, 2] <- means
table[, 3] <- pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table[, 4] <- pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table <- round(table, digits = 4)
table[, 1] <- attr(l2_matrix[[i]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[i]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 2: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# means of interactions between level 1 and 2
if (length(X_classes) != 0 && length(Z_classes) != 0){
if (length(l1_factors) != 0 && length(l2_factors) != 0){
#cat('Means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n']] <- list()
for (i in 1:length(l1_factors)){
for (j in 1:length(l2_factors)){
#means <- l1_matrix[[i]] %*% est_matrix_mean %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_025 <- l1_matrix[[i]] %*% est_matrix_025 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_975 <- l1_matrix[[i]] %*% est_matrix_975 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[i]], l2_matrix[[j]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]],' ',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]), ncol = 5)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 3] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 4] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 5] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- rep(attr(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1], nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 2] <- attr(l2_matrix[[j]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# means of interactions in level 1 or 2
if (length(l1_interactions) > 0){
#cat('Means for interactions at level 1: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 1: \n']] <- list()
l1_inter_matrix <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:length(l1_interactions)){
temp1 <- l1_values[l1_interactions[[i]]]
if (length(temp1) >= 2){
#temp2 <- list()
#for (j in 1:length(temp1))
#temp2[[j]] <- levels(temp1[[j]])
l1_inter_matrix[[index]] <- multi.effect.matrix.interaction(n_choice, interaction_factors = temp1, assign = X_assign,
l1_interactions[[i]], index_inter_factor = l1_interactions_index[i],
numeric_index_in_X, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_inter_matrix[[index]], l2_v)
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]] - 1],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- cbind(attr(l1_inter_matrix[[index]][[1]], 'levels'),
round(means, digits = 4),
pmin(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)),
pmax(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)))
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 1: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# print the interaction between this interaction and level 2 factors if there exists
if (length(Z_classes) != 0){
l2_factors <- which(Z_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l2_factors) != 0){
#cat('Means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n']] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(l2_factors)){
#means <- l1_inter_matrix[[index]] %*% est_matrix_mean %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_025 <- l1_inter_matrix[[index]] %*% est_matrix_025 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_975 <- l1_inter_matrix[[index]] %*% est_matrix_975 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_inter_matrix[[index]], l2_matrix[[j]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]]],attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]), ncol = 6)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 4] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 5] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 6] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- attr(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1,][1]
table[temp, 2] <- attr(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1,][2]
table[temp, 3] <- attr(l2_matrix[[j]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]] - 1], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
index <- index + 1
if (length(l2_interactions) > 0){
#cat('Means for interactions at level 2: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 2: \n']] <- list()
l2_inter_matrix <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:length(l2_interactions)){
temp1 <- l2_values[l2_interactions[[i]]]
if (length(temp1) >= 2){
#temp2 <- list()
#for (j in 1:length(temp1))
#temp2[[j]] <- levels(temp1[[j]])
l2_inter_matrix[[index]] <- multi.effect.matrix.interaction(n_choice, interaction_factors = temp1, assign = Z_assign,
l2_interactions[[i]], index_inter_factor = l2_interactions_index[i],
numeric_index_in_Z, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- cbind(attr(l2_inter_matrix[[index]], 'levels'),
matrix(round(means, digits = 4), ncol = 1),
matrix(pmin(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)), ncol = 1),
matrix(pmax(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)), ncol = 1))
colnames(table) <- c(attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 2: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# print the interaction between this interaction and level 1 factors if there exists
if (length(X_classes) != 0){
l1_factors <- which(X_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l1_factors) != 0){
cat('Means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n']] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(l1_factors)){
#means <- l1_matrix[[j]] %*% est_matrix_mean %*% t(l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
#quantile_025 <- l1_matrix[[j]] %*% est_matrix_025 %*% t(l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
#quantile_975 <- l1_matrix[[j]] %*% est_matrix_975 %*% t(l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[j]], l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[[j]]],attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], '\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]), ncol = 6)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]) + nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]))
table[temp, 4] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 5] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 6] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- attr(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]],'levels')[k1]
table[temp, 2:3] <- attr(l2_inter_matrix[[i]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[[j]]], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
index <- index + 1
# compute the overall table of means(prediction of y)
cat('Table of means of the response\n')
# Grand mean
cat('Grand mean: \n')
l1_v <- list()
for (n_c in 1:n_choice){
temp <- matrix(rep(0, num_l1), nrow = 1)
if (n_c != 0)
temp[n_c - 1] <- 1
l1_v[[n_c]] <- temp
l2_v <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, num_l2 - 1)), nrow = 1) # only look at the intercept in level 2
gmean <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_v)
ggmean <- 0
for (n_c in 1:n_choice){
ggmean <- ggmean + n_c*gmean[[n_c]]
cat(round(mean(ggmean), digits = 4), '\n')
sol_tables[['Grand mean: \n']] <- as.table(matrix(round(quantile(ggmean, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), digits = 4), nrow = 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list('',c('2.5%','97.5%'))))
print(sol_tables[['Grand mean: \n']])
# means by main effect in level 1 and 2
if (length(X_classes) != 0){
l1_factors <- which(X_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l1_factors) != 0){
cat('Table of means for factors at level 1: \n')
l1_matrix <- list()
#l2_v <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, num_l2 - 1)), nrow = 1) # only look at the intercept in level 2
for (i in 1:length(l1_factors)){
l1_matrix[[i]] <- multi.effect.matrix.factor(n_choice, l1_values[[l1_factors[i]]], X_assign, l1_factors[i], numeric_index_in_X, contrast = contrast)
# Compute median and quantile
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[i]], l2_v)
est_l1mean <- 0
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l1mean <- est_l1mean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l1mean, 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l1mean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l1mean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(means), ncol = 4)
table[, 2] <- means
table[, 3] <- pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table[, 4] <- pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table <- round(table, digits = 4)
table[, 1] <- attr(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means for factors at level 1: \n']] <- as.table(table)
if (length(Z_classes) != 0){
l2_factors <- which(Z_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l2_factors) != 0){
cat('Table of means of for factors at level 2: \n')
l2_matrix <- list()
for (i in 1:length(l2_factors)){
l2_matrix[[i]] <- effect.matrix.factor(l2_values[[l2_factors[i]]], Z_assign, l2_factors[i], numeric_index_in_Z, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_matrix[[i]])
est_l2mean <- 0
cat('\nFactor:',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[i]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l2mean <- est_l2mean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l2mean, 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l2mean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l2mean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(means), ncol = 4)
table[, 2] <- means
table[, 3] <- pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table[, 4] <- pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table <- round(table, digits = 4)
table[, 1] <- attr(l2_matrix[[i]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[i]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means of for factors at level 2: \n']] <- as.table(table)
# means by interactions between level 1 and 2
if (length(X_classes) != 0 && length(Z_classes) != 0){
if (length(l1_factors) != 0 && length(l2_factors) != 0){
cat('Table of means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n')
for (i in 1:length(l1_factors)){
for (j in 1:length(l2_factors)){
est_l1l2mean <- 0
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[i]], l2_matrix[[j]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]],' ',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l1l2mean <- est_l1l2mean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l1l2mean, c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l1l2mean, c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l1l2mean, c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]), ncol = 5)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 3] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 4] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 5] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- rep(attr(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1], nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 2] <- attr(l2_matrix[[j]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n']] <- as.table(table)
# means of interactions in level 1 or 2
if (length(l1_interactions) > 0){
cat('Table of means for interactions at level 1: \n')
l1_inter_matrix <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:length(l1_interactions)){
temp1 <- l1_values[l1_interactions[[i]]]
if (length(temp1) >= 2){
#temp2 <- list()
#for (j in 1:length(temp1))
#temp2[[j]] <- levels(temp1[[j]])
l1_inter_matrix[[index]] <- multi.effect.matrix.interaction(n_choice, interaction_factors = temp1, assign = X_assign,
l1_interactions[[i]], index_inter_factor = l1_interactions_index[i],
numeric_index_in_X, contrast = contrast)
est_l1inmean <- 0
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_inter_matrix[[index]], l2_v)
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]] - 1],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l1inmean <- est_l1inmean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l1inmean, 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l1inmean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l1inmean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- cbind(attr(l1_inter_matrix[[index]][[1]], 'levels'),
round(means, digits = 4),
pmin(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)),
pmax(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)))
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means for interactions at level 1: \n']] <- as.table(table)
# print the interaction between this interaction and level 2 factors if there exists
if (length(Z_classes) != 0){
l2_factors <- which(Z_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l2_factors) != 0){
cat('Table of means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n')
for (j in 1:length(l2_factors)){
est_l1inl2mean <- 0
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_inter_matrix[[index]], l2_matrix[[j]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]]],attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l1inl2mean <- est_l1inl2mean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l1inl2mean, c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l1inl2mean, c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l1inl2mean, c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]), ncol = 6)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 4] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 5] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 6] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- attr(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1,][1]
table[temp, 2] <- attr(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1,][2]
table[temp, 3] <- attr(l2_matrix[[j]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]] - 1], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n']] <- as.table(table)
index <- index + 1
if (length(l2_interactions) > 0){
cat('Table of means for interactions at level 2: \n')
l2_inter_matrix <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:length(l2_interactions)){
temp1 <- l2_values[l2_interactions[[i]]]
if (length(temp1) >= 2){
#temp2 <- list()
#for (j in 1:length(temp1))
#temp2[[j]] <- levels(temp1[[j]])
l2_inter_matrix[[index]] <- effect.matrix.interaction(interaction_factors = temp1, assign = Z_assign,
l2_interactions[[i]], index_inter_factor = l2_interactions_index[i],
numeric_index_in_Z, contrast = contrast)
est_l2inmean <- 0
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l2inmean <- est_l2inmean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l2inmean, 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l2inmean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l2inmean, 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- cbind(attr(l2_inter_matrix[[index]], 'levels'),
matrix(round(means, digits = 4), ncol = 1),
matrix(pmin(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)), ncol = 1),
matrix(pmax(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)), ncol = 1))
colnames(table) <- c(attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means for interactions at level 2: \n']] <- as.table(table)
# print the interaction between this interaction and level 1 factors if there exists
if (length(X_classes) != 0){
l1_factors <- which(X_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l1_factors) != 0){
cat('Table of means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n')
for (j in 1:length(l1_factors)){
est_l2inl1mean <- 0
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[j]], l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[[j]]],attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], '\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
est_l2inl1mean<- est_l2inl1mean + n_c*est_samples[[n_c]]
means <- apply(est_l2inl1mean, c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_l2inl1mean, c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_l2inl1mean, c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]), ncol = 6)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]) + nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]))
table[temp, 4] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 5] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 6] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- attr(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]],'levels')[k1]
table[temp, 2:3] <- attr(l2_inter_matrix[[i]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[[j]]], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
sol_tables[['Table of means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n']] <- as.table(table)
index <- index + 1
cat('Table of probabilities for each category of the response\n')
# Grand mean
cat('Grand mean: \n')
sol_tables[['Grand mean(each response): \n']] <- list()
l1_v <- list()
for (n_c in 1:n_choice){
temp <- matrix(rep(0, num_l1), nrow = 1)
if (n_c != 0)
temp[n_c - 1] <- 1
l1_v[[n_c]] <- temp
l2_v <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, num_l2 - 1)), nrow = 1)
gmean <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_v)
for (n_c in 1:n_choice){
cat(round(mean(gmean[[n_c]]), digits = 4), '\n')
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Grand mean(each response): \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(matrix(round(quantile(gmean[[n_c]], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), digits = 4), nrow = 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list('',c('2.5%','97.5%'))))
print(sol_tables[['Grand mean(each response): \n']][[temp_title]])
# means of main effect in level 1 and 2
if (length(X_classes) != 0){
l1_factors <- which(X_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l1_factors) != 0){
cat('Means for factors at level 1: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 1: \n']] <- list()
l1_matrix <- list()
#l2_v <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, num_l2 - 1)), nrow = 1) # only look at the intercept in level 2
for (i in 1:length(l1_factors)){
l1_matrix[[i]] <- multi.effect.matrix.factor(n_choice, l1_values[[l1_factors[i]]], X_assign, l1_factors[i], numeric_index_in_X, contrast = contrast)
# Compute median and quantile
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[i]], l2_v)
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(means), ncol = 4)
table[, 2] <- means
table[, 3] <- pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table[, 4] <- pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table <- round(table, digits = 4)
table[, 1] <- attr(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 1: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
if (length(Z_classes) != 0){
l2_factors <- which(Z_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l2_factors) != 0){
cat('Means for factors at level 2: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 2: \n']] <- list()
l2_matrix <- list()
for (i in 1:length(l2_factors)){
l2_matrix[[i]] <- effect.matrix.factor(l2_values[[l2_factors[i]]], Z_assign, l2_factors[i], numeric_index_in_Z, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_matrix[[i]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[i]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(means), ncol = 4)
table[, 2] <- means
table[, 3] <- pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table[, 4] <- pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975)
table <- round(table, digits = 4)
table[, 1] <- attr(l2_matrix[[i]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[i]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for factors at level 2: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# means of interactions between level 1 and 2
if (length(X_classes) != 0 && length(Z_classes) != 0){
if (length(l1_factors) != 0 && length(l2_factors) != 0){
cat('Means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n']] <- list()
for (i in 1:length(l1_factors)){
for (j in 1:length(l2_factors)){
#means <- l1_matrix[[i]] %*% est_matrix_mean %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_025 <- l1_matrix[[i]] %*% est_matrix_025 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_975 <- l1_matrix[[i]] %*% est_matrix_975 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[i]], l2_matrix[[j]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]],' ',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]), ncol = 5)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 3] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 4] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 5] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- rep(attr(l1_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1], nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 2] <- attr(l2_matrix[[j]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[i]], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ',n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 and level 2 factors: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# means of interactions in level 1 or 2
if (length(l1_interactions) > 0){
cat('Means for interactions at level 1: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 1: \n']] <- list()
l1_inter_matrix <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:length(l1_interactions)){
temp1 <- l1_values[l1_interactions[[i]]]
if (length(temp1) >= 2){
#temp2 <- list()
#for (j in 1:length(temp1))
#temp2[[j]] <- levels(temp1[[j]])
l1_inter_matrix[[index]] <- multi.effect.matrix.interaction(n_choice, interaction_factors = temp1, assign = X_assign,
l1_interactions[[i]], index_inter_factor = l1_interactions_index[i],
numeric_index_in_X, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_inter_matrix[[index]], l2_v)
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]] - 1],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- cbind(attr(l1_inter_matrix[[index]][[1]], 'levels'),
round(means, digits = 4),
pmin(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)),
pmax(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)))
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 1: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# print the interaction between this interaction and level 2 factors if there exists
if (length(Z_classes) != 0){
l2_factors <- which(Z_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l2_factors) != 0){
cat('Means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n']] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(l2_factors)){
#means <- l1_inter_matrix[[index]] %*% est_matrix_mean %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_025 <- l1_inter_matrix[[index]] %*% est_matrix_025 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
#quantile_975 <- l1_inter_matrix[[index]] %*% est_matrix_975 %*% t(l2_matrix[[j]])
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_inter_matrix[[index]], l2_matrix[[j]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]]],attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]), ncol = 6)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]) + nrow(l2_matrix[[j]]))
table[temp, 4] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 5] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 6] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- attr(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1,][1]
table[temp, 2] <- attr(l1_inter_matrix[[i]][[1]],'levels')[k1,][2]
table[temp, 3] <- attr(l2_matrix[[j]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_interactions[[i]] - 1], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_factors[j]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 1 interactions and level 2 factors: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
index <- index + 1
if (length(l2_interactions) > 0){
cat('Means for interactions at level 2: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 2: \n']] <- list()
l2_inter_matrix <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in 1:length(l2_interactions)){
temp1 <- l2_values[l2_interactions[[i]]]
if (length(temp1) >= 2){
#temp2 <- list()
#for (j in 1:length(temp1))
#temp2[[j]] <- levels(temp1[[j]])
l2_inter_matrix[[index]] <- effect.matrix.interaction(interaction_factors = temp1, assign = Z_assign,
l2_interactions[[i]], index_inter_factor = l2_interactions_index[i],
numeric_index_in_Z, contrast = contrast)
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_v, l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]],'\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], 1, quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- cbind(attr(l2_inter_matrix[[index]], 'levels'),
matrix(round(means, digits = 4), ncol = 1),
matrix(pmin(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)), ncol = 1),
matrix(pmax(round(quantile_025, digits = 4), round(quantile_975, digits = 4)), ncol = 1))
colnames(table) <- c(attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions at level 2: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
# print the interaction between this interaction and level 1 factors if there exists
if (length(X_classes) != 0){
l1_factors <- which(X_classes == 'factor')
if (length(l1_factors) != 0){
cat('Means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n')
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n']] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(l1_factors)){
#means <- l1_matrix[[j]] %*% est_matrix_mean %*% t(l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
#quantile_025 <- l1_matrix[[j]] %*% est_matrix_025 %*% t(l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
#quantile_975 <- l1_matrix[[j]] %*% est_matrix_975 %*% t(l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
est_samples <- est.multi(est_matrix, n_sample, l1_matrix[[j]], l2_inter_matrix[[index]])
cat('\nFactor:',attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[[j]]],attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], '\n')
for (n_c in 1: n_choice){
means <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), mean)
quantile_025 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.025, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(est_samples[[n_c]], c(1,2), quantile, probs = 0.975, type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]]) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]), ncol = 6)
for (k1 in 1:nrow(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]])){
temp <- ((k1-1) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]) + 1):((k1-1) * nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]) + nrow(l2_inter_matrix[[index]]))
table[temp, 4] <- round(means[k1,], digits = 4)
table[temp, 5] <- pmin(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 6] <- pmax(round(quantile_025[k1,], digits = 4), round(quantile_975[k1,], digits = 4))
table[temp, 1] <- attr(l1_matrix[[j]][[1]],'levels')[k1]
table[temp, 2:3] <- attr(l2_inter_matrix[[i]],'levels')
colnames(table) <- c(attr(X_classes, 'names')[l1_factors[[j]]], attr(Z_classes, 'names')[l2_interactions[[i]]], 'mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')
rownames(table) <- rep('', nrow(table))
temp_title <- paste('Choice: ', n_c, sep ="")
sol_tables[['Means for interactions between level 2 interactions and level 1 factors: \n']][[temp_title]] <- as.table(table)
index <- index + 1
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