
Defines functions stat.getDirSim

Documented in stat.getDirSim

#' DirSim: The Jaccard distance with directionality incorporated.
#' @param ptID - The identifier associated with patient 1's sample.
#' @param ptID2 - The identifier associated with patient 2's sample.
#' @param kmx - The number of top perturbations to consider in distance
#'              calculation.
#' @param data_mx - The matrix that gives the perturbation strength
#'                  (z-scores) for all variables (columns) for each
#'                  patient (rows).
#' @return dirSim - a distance matrix, where row and columns are
#' patient identifiers.
#' @export stat.getDirSim
#' @examples
#' # Get patient distances for the first 2 patients in the Miller 2015 dataset.
#' data("Miller2015")
#' data_mx = Miller2015[-c(1,grep("x - ", rownames(Miller2015))),
#'                         grep("IEM",colnames(Miller2015))]
#' data_mx = apply(data_mx[,c(1,2)], c(1,2), as.numeric)
#' # Look at the top 5 metabolites for each patient. 
#' kmx=5
#' # Build your results ("res") list object to store patient distances at
#' # different size k's.
#' res = list()
#' t = list(dir=matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(data_mx), ncol=ncol(data_mx)))
#' rownames(t$dir) = colnames(data_mx)
#' colnames(t$dir) = colnames(data_mx)
#' for (i in seq_len(kmx)) { res[[i]] = t }
#' for (pt in seq_len(ncol(data_mx))) {
#'     print(pt)
#'     ptID=colnames(data_mx)[pt]
#'     for (pt2 in pt:ncol(data_mx)) {
#'         ptID2=colnames(data_mx)[pt2]
#'         tmp=stat.getDirSim(ptID,ptID2,kmx,data_mx)
#'         for (k in seq_len(kmx)) {
#'             res[[k]]$dir[ptID, ptID2]=tmp[k]
#'             res[[k]]$dir[ptID2, ptID]=tmp[k]
#'         }
#'     }
#' }
stat.getDirSim = function(ptID, ptID2, kmx, data_mx) {
    # Get optimal bitstring for encoding of patient1's union patient2's subsets
    dirSim = vector("numeric", length=kmx)
    for (k in seq_len(kmx)) {
        p1.dirs = data_mx[p1.sig, ptID]
        p1.dirs[which(!(p1.dirs>0))] = 0
        p1.dirs[which(p1.dirs>0)] = 1
        p2.dirs = data_mx[p2.sig, ptID2]
        p2.dirs[which(!(p2.dirs>0))] = 0
        p2.dirs[which(p2.dirs>0)] = 1
        p1.sig = sprintf("%s%d", p1.sig, p1.dirs)
        p2.sig = sprintf("%s%d", p2.sig, p2.dirs)
BRL-BCM/CTD documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 3:55 a.m.