
# utility helper functions

#' Renames incorrectly named leap year image date folders.
#' \code{u_leapR} reads the date of a suncorrected image, checks it against the
#' folder name and if incorrect, renames the folder. This corrects for leap year
#' folder naming errors propagated by batch processing.
#' @param path Character string filepath to the path/row of imagery to check.
#' @return If incorrectly named folders are identified they are renamed a day
#'     earlier, otherwise a message "No leap date folder errors" is printed to
#'     screen.
#' @author Bart Huntley, \email{bart.huntley@@dpaw.wa.gov.au}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' u_leapR("W:/usgs/115078")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd dmy

u_leapR <- function(path){
  allfiles <- list.files(path = path, recursive = TRUE)
  result <- allfiles[grepl("*pre.ers$", allfiles)]
  result <- result[!grepl("^[a-zA-Z]", result)]
  #date for folder
  fold <- substr(result, 1, 8)
  fdate <- as.character(lubridate::ymd(fold))
  #date for image
  ldate <- as.character(lubridate::dmy(substr(result, 21, 26)))
  #find mismatch
  bad_fold_dates <- setdiff(fdate, ldate)
  if (length(bad_fold_dates) > 0){
    #correct the folder names and path
    corr_fold_dates <- lubridate::ymd(bad_fold_dates) - 1
    corr_fold <- gsub("-", "", as.character(corr_fold_dates))
    new_name <- paste0(path, "\\", corr_fold)
    #old folder names and path to correct
    bad_fold <- gsub("-", "", as.character(bad_fold_dates))
    old_name <- paste0(path, "\\", bad_fold)
    #rename folders
    file.rename(old_name, new_name)
  } else {
    cat("No leap date folder errors\n")


#' Creates a data frame of paths, folder names and dates.
#' \code{u_dateR} creates a data frame of paths, folder names and dates from the
#' contents of a folder.
#' This output of this function will hold paths, folder names and dates that will
#' be used for other functions such as \code{jpegR} and \code{extractR}.
#' @param path Character string filepath to the path/row of satellite imagery to
#'     check. Can also be a folder of jpegs or some other date named files.
#' @param archive A logical scalar. \strong{TRUE}  will assume \strong{path} is
#'     indicating RSSA internal USGS archive. \strong{FALSE} can be used when
#'     querying a QA jpeg folder or the like.
#' @param pat Pattern to search for in a non-USGS imagery archive. Defaults to
#'     ".jpeg".
#' @return For a USGS imagery archive the query will return a data frame with:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item path - a column of character string file paths
#'     \item folds - a column of character string folder names
#'     \item dates - a column of date class dates
#'     }
#' For a non-USGS archive the query will return a data frame with:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item path - a column of character string file paths
#'     \item folds - a column of character string folder names
#'     }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' u_dateR(path = "W:/usgs/115078", archive = TRUE)
#' u_dateR(path = "Z:/DEC/working/QA...", archive = FALSE, pat = ".jpeg")
#' }
#' @author Bart Huntley, \email{bart.huntley@@dpaw.wa.gov.au}
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd

u_dateR <- function(path, archive, pat = ".jpeg"){
  if (archive == TRUE){
    prefolds <- list.files(path = path, pattern = "*pre.ers$", recursive = TRUE)
    ind <- grepl("^[[:digit:]]", prefolds)
    prefolds <- prefolds[ind]
    datesdf <- data.frame(path = paste0(path, "/", prefolds),
                          folds = substr(prefolds, 1, 8),
                          dates = lubridate::ymd(substr(prefolds, 1, 8)),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    files <- list.files(path = path, pattern = pat)
    datesdf <- data.frame(folds = gsub("-", "", substr(files, 1, 10)),
                          dates = lubridate::ymd(substr(files, 1, 10)),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' A tool for splitting ESRI shape files.
#' \code{u_shpsplitR} takes an ESRI shape file and splits it into multiple shape
#' files based on unique entries in a field of the attribute table.
#' @param pathin Character string filepath to the location of the shape file.
#' @param pathout Character string filepath to the write location.
#' @param layer Character string of the name of the shape file (no extension).
#' @param attrb Character string of the name of the field in the attribute
#' table of the shape file that contains the unique entries (e.g.site numbers).
#' @return Creates multiple ESRI shape files each named after the unique entry
#' found in 'attrb' and saves them to a folder (defaults to "site_vectors"). It
#' will also write a text file with the name of the original layer file used and
#' output names of new layers created to screen or to object if created.
#' @author Bart Huntley, \email{bart.huntley@@dpaw.wa.gov.au}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' u_shpsplitR(layer = "plot_locations", attrb = "Plot_ID")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom  rgdal readOGR writeOGR

u_shpsplitR <- function(pathin, pathout = paste0(pathin, "/site_vectors"),
                        layer, attrb){
  if (!file.exists("site_vectors")){
  data <-  rgdal::readOGR(dsn = pathin, layer)
  sites <- as.character(unique(data@data[, attrb]))
  for (i in 1:length(sites)){
    tmp <- data[data@data[, attrb] == sites[i], ]
    rgdal::writeOGR(tmp, dsn = pathout, sites[i], driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
                    overwrite_layer = TRUE)
    write.table(layer, paste0(pathout, "/OriginShapeFile.txt"),
                row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
Bartesto/RSSApkg documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:35 p.m.