
Exploratory.path.analysis<-function (dat, upper.bound = 0.5, significance.level = 0.05) 
    library(ggm) # better to put this elsewhere or use ggm:::nameofthefunction
    EPA.write <- function(cgraph, dat) {
        nvars <- dim(cgraph)[1]
        if (!is.null(names(dat))) 
            var.names <- names(dat)
        if (is.null(names(dat))) 
            var.names <- 1:nvars
        npossible <- factorial(nvars)/(factorial(nvars - 2) * 
        count <- 0
        for (i in 1:(nvars - 1)) {
            for (j in (i + 1):nvars) {
                if (cgraph[i, j] > 0 | cgraph[j, i] > 0) 
                  count <- count + 1
                if (count > npossible) 
                if (cgraph[i, j] == 1 & cgraph[j, i] == 1) {
                  cat(var.names[i], "--", var.names[j], "\n")
                if (cgraph[i, j] == 2 & cgraph[j, i] == 1) {
                  cat(var.names[i], "->", var.names[j], "\n")
                if (cgraph[j, i] == 2 & cgraph[i, j] == 1) {
                  cat(var.names[i], "<-", var.names[j], "\n")
                if (cgraph[j, i] == 2 & cgraph[i, j] == 2) {
                  cat(var.names[i], "<->", var.names[j], "\n")
        out <- apply(cgraph, 2, sum)
        for (i in 1:nvars) if (out[i] == 0) 
            cat(var.names[i], "-- none\n")
    VCV <- var(dat)
      cat("Some variables in this data set seem to be linear combinations of others.","\n")
      cat("This means that some (partial) correlations are undefined.","\n")
      cat("You must remove this perfectly redundant variable before continuing.","\n")
    n.obs <- dim(dat)[1]
    nvars <- dim(VCV)[2]
    explore.range <- c(0.01, seq(0.05, upper.bound, 0.05))
    n.ranges <- length(explore.range)
    old <- matrix(-1, nvars, nvars)
    for (i in 1:n.ranges) {
        cgraph <- Causal.Inference(dat, alpha.reject = explore.range[i], 
            write.result = F)
        same.cgraph <- sum(cgraph != old)
        if (same.cgraph > 0) {
            old <- cgraph
            dag <- orient.graph(cgraph, nvars)
            amat <- dag
            amat[dag == 1] <- 0
            amat[dag == 2] <- 1
            if (!isAcyclic(amat)) 
            dimnames(amat) <- list(names(dat), names(dat))
            p.val<-dsep.test(amat = amat, S = VCV, n = n.obs, only.null = T)
            if(is.null(p.val))p.val <- NULL
            if(!is.null(p.val))p.val <- round(p.val, 4)
            if (p.val > significance.level) {
                cat("Partially oriented graph:", "\n")
                Causal.Inference(dat, alpha.reject = explore.range[i], 
                  write.result = T)
                cat("Null probability for partially oriented graph ", 
                  as.character(p.val), "\n")
                cat("obtained at boundary level ", as.character(explore.range[i]), 
                cat("An equivalent DAG:", "\n")
                EPA.write(dag, dat)
                cat("________", "\n", "\n")
      cat("No variable is d-separated from any other variable","\n")
      cat("An equivalent DAG:", "\n")
      EPA.write(dag, dat)
      cat("obtained at boundary level ", as.character(explore.range[i]), 
      cat("________", "\n", "\n")
BillShipley/CauseAndCorrelation documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 4:20 a.m.