
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=TRUE, error=FALSE)
requiredVars <- c('rawCountData', 'callFile')
for (v in requiredVars) {
    if (!exists(v)) {
        stop(paste0('Need to define variable: ', v))

if (!file.exists(rawCountData)) {
  stop(paste0('Could not find rawCountData: ', rawCountData))

optionalVars <- c('barcodeWhitelist', 'barcodeBlacklist', 'cellbarcodeWhitelist', 'minCountPerCell', 'metricsFile', 'rawCountsExport', 'molInfoFile', 'rawFeatureMatrixH5', 'methodsForConsensus', 'majorityConsensusThreshold', 'callerDisagreementThreshold', 'doTSNE', 'datatypeName')
for (v in optionalVars) {
    if (!exists(v)) {
        if (v == 'minCountPerCell') {
            minCountPerCell <- 5
        } else if (v == 'doTSNE') {
            t <- TRUE
        } else {
            assign(v, NULL)

# If cellbarcodeWhitelist == inputMatrix, save/restore the set of cellbarcodes for reporting:
saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile <- NULL
if (!is.null(cellbarcodeWhitelist)) {
    if (cellbarcodeWhitelist == 'inputMatrix') {
        saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile <- 'originalBarcodes.txt'
        cellbarcodeWhitelist <- NULL

# Truncate metricsFile if provided:
if (!is.null(metricsFile)) {

Data Loading / QC

barcodeData <- ProcessCountMatrix(rawCountData = rawCountData, minCountPerCell = minCountPerCell, barcodeWhitelist = barcodeWhitelist, barcodeBlacklist = barcodeBlacklist, cellbarcodeWhitelist = cellbarcodeWhitelist, saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile = saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile, metricsFile = metricsFile, datatypeName = datatypeName)
if (nrow(barcodeData) == 0) {
  stop('No passing barcodes')

if (ncol(barcodeData) == 0) {
  stop('No passing cells')

if (!is.null(rawCountsExport)) {
  saveRDS(barcodeData, file = rawCountsExport)

if (!params$skipNormalizationQc) {

saturationData <- NULL
if (!is.null(molInfoFile)) {
  saturationData <- CalculateSaturationFor10x(barcodeMatrix = barcodeData, molInfoFile = molInfoFile)

Generate Hashing Calls

df <- NULL
if (nrow(barcodeData) > 0 && ncol(barcodeData) > 0){

    if (!is.null(saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile)) {
      cellbarcodeWhitelist <- read.table(saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile, header = FALSE, col.names = c('cellbarcode'))
      cellbarcodeWhitelist <- cellbarcodeWhitelist$cellbarcode

    df <- GenerateCellHashingCalls(barcodeMatrix = barcodeData, methods = methods, methodsForConsensus = methodsForConsensus, cellbarcodeWhitelist = cellbarcodeWhitelist, metricsFile = metricsFile, perCellSaturation = saturationData, rawFeatureMatrixH5 = rawFeatureMatrixH5, majorityConsensusThreshold = majorityConsensusThreshold, callerDisagreementThreshold = callerDisagreementThreshold, doTSNE = doTSNE)
    write.table(df, file = callFile, sep = '\t', row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(saveOriginalCellBarcodeFile)) {
} else {
    stop('No passing cels were found in the count matrix')

Final Calls

if (!is.null(df)) {
  knitr::kable(head(df, n = 10))

Summary of Negative Cells

if (!is.null(df)) {
  SummarizeCellsByClassification(calls = df, barcodeMatrix = barcodeData)
} else {
  print('Something went wrong scoring cells')

Summary of Discordant Calls

if (!is.null(df) && sum(df$consensuscall == 'Discordant') > 0) {
  discord <- df[df$consensuscall == 'Discordant',]

  colSelect <- methods
  if (!is.null(methodsForConsensus)) {
    colSelect <- unique(c(methodsForConsensus, methods))

  discord <- discord %>% group_by_at(colSelect) %>% summarize(Total = n()) %>% arrange(desc(Total))
  discord$Percent <- discord$Total / sum(discord$Total)
  discord$Percent <- discord$Total / sum(discord$Total)

  if (!is.null(methodsForConsensus)) {
    isConsensusMethod <- names(discord) %in% methodsForConsensus
    names(discord)[isConsensusMethod] <- paste0(names(discord)[isConsensusMethod], '*')

  knitr::kable(discord, caption = 'All Methods')


if (!is.null(metricsFile)) {
  metrics <- read.table(metricsFile, sep = '\t')
  names(metrics) <- c('Category', 'Metric', 'Value')
  knitr::kable(metrics[c('Metric', 'Value')], format.args = list(big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE))

Print Session Info


BimberLab/cellhashR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 9:23 a.m.