
Defines functions gcloud_storage_buckets gcloud_storage gcloud_cmd gcloud_help gcloud_project gcloud_account .gcloud_get_value_check gcloud_exists .gcloud_do

Documented in gcloud_account gcloud_cmd gcloud_exists gcloud_help gcloud_project gcloud_storage gcloud_storage_buckets

.gcloud_do <-
    .gcloud_sdk_do("gcloud", c(...))

#' @name gcloud-deprecated
#' @aliases gcloud
#' @title gcloud command line utility interface
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`\cr
#' These functions invoke the `gcloud` command line utility. See \link{gsutil}
#'   for details on how `gcloud` is located.

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_exists()` tests whether the `gcloud()` command
#'     can be found on this system. See 'Details' section of `gsutil`
#'     for where the application is searched.
#' @return `gcloud_exists()` returns `TRUE` when the `gcloud`
#'     application can be found, FALSE otherwise.
#' @examples
#' library(AnVILGCP)
#' gcloud_exists()
#' @export
gcloud_exists <-
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    result <- tryCatch({
    }, error = function(...) "")
    nchar(result) > 0L

#' @importFrom utils tail
.gcloud_get_value_check <-
    function(result, function_name)
    value <- tail(result, 1L)
    if (identical(value, "(unset)")) {
        message <- paste0(
            "'", function_name, "()' returned '(unset)'; this may indicate ",
            "that the gcloud active configuration is incorrect. Try ",
            "`gcloud auth application-default login` at the command line"
        warning(paste(strwrap(message), collapse = "\n"))

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_account()`: report the current gcloud account
#'     via `gcloud config get-value account`.
#' @param account character(1) Google account (e.g., `user@gmail.com`)
#'     to use for authentication.
#' @return `gcloud_account()` returns a `character(1)` vector
#'     containing the active gcloud account, typically a gmail email
#'     address.
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists())
#'     gcloud_account()
#' @export
gcloud_account <- function(account = NULL) {
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    if (!is.null(account))
        .gcloud_do("config", "set", "account", account)
    result <- .gcloud_do("config", "get-value", "account")
    .gcloud_get_value_check(result, "gcloud_account")

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_project()`: report the current gcloud project
#'     via `gcloud config get-value project`.
#' @param project character(1) billing project name.
#' @return `gcloud_project()` returns a `character(1)` vector
#'     containing the active gcloud project.
#' @export
gcloud_project <- function(project = NULL) {
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    if (!is.null(project))
        .gcloud_do("config", "set", "project", project)
    result <- .gcloud_do("config", "get-value", "project")
    ## returns two lines when `CLOUDSDK_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NAME=`
    ## envirionment variable is set
    .gcloud_get_value_check(result, "gcloud_account")

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_help()`: queries `gcloud` for help for a
#'     command or sub-comand via `gcloud help ...`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments appended to gcloud commands.
#' @return `gcloud_help()` returns an unquoted `character()` vector
#'     representing the text of the help manual page returned by
#'     `gcloud help ...`.
#' @examples
#' if (gcloud_exists())
#'     gcloud_help()
#' @export
gcloud_help <- function(...) {
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    .gcloud_sdk_result(.gcloud_do("help", ...))

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_cmd()` allows arbitrary `gcloud` command
#'     execution via `gcloud ...`. Use pre-defined functions in
#'     preference to this.
#' @param cmd `character(1)` representing a command used to evaluate
#'     `gcloud cmd ...`.
#' @return `gcloud_cmd()` returns a `character()` vector representing
#'     the text of the output of `gcloud cmd ...`
#' @export
gcloud_cmd <- function(cmd, ...) {
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    .gcloud_do(cmd, ...)

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_storage()` allows arbitrary `gcloud storage` command
#'   execution via `gcloud storage ...`. Typically used for bucket management
#'   commands such as `rm` and `cp`.
#' @export
gcloud_storage <- function(cmd, ...) {
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    .gcloud_do("storage", cmd, ...)

#' @rdname gcloud-deprecated
#' @description `gcloud_storage_buckets()` provides an interface to the
#'  `gcloud storage buckets` command. This command can be used to create a new
#'   bucket via `gcloud storage buckets create ...`.
#' @param bucket_cmd `character(1)` representing a buckets command typically
#'   used to create a new bucket. It can also be used to
#'   `add-iam-policy-binding` or `remove-iam-policy-binding` to a bucket.
#' @param bucket `character(1)` representing a unique bucket name to be created
#'   or modified.
#' @importFrom BiocBaseUtils isScalarCharacter
#' @export
gcloud_storage_buckets <- function(bucket_cmd = "create", bucket, ...) {
        isScalarCharacter(bucket_cmd), isScalarCharacter(bucket)
        newpackage = "AnVILGCP",
        title = "gcloud"
    gcloud_storage("buckets", bucket_cmd, bucket, ...)
Bioconductor/AnVIL documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 7:35 a.m.