updateResources: updateResources

View source: R/updateResources.R

updateResourcesR Documentation



Add new resources to AnnotationHub


updateResources(AnnotationHubRoot, BiocVersion = BiocManager::version(),
                preparerClasses = getImportPreparerClasses(),
                metadataOnly = TRUE, insert = FALSE,
                justRunUnitTest = FALSE, ...)

pushResources(allAhms, uploadToRemote = TRUE, download = TRUE)

pushMetadata(allAhms, url)



Local path where files will be downloaded.


A character(1) Bioconductor version. The resource will be available in Bioconductor >= to this version. Default value is the current version, specified with BiocManager::version().


One of the ImportPreparer subclasses defined in getImportPreparer(). This class is used for dispatch during data discovery.


A logical to specify the processing of metadata only or both metadata and data files.

When FALSE, metadata are generated and data files are downloaded, processed and pushed to their final location in S3 buckets. metadata = TRUE produces only metadata and is useful for testing.


NOTE: This option is for inserting metadata records in the production data base (done by Bioconductor core team member) and is for internal use only.

A logical to control if metadata are inserted in the AnnotationHub db. By default this option is FALSE which is a useful state in which to test a new recipe and confirm the metadata fields are correct.

When insert = TRUE, the "AH_SERVER_POST_URL" global option must be set to the http location of the AnnotationHubServer in the global environment or .Rprofile. Additionally, azcopy command line tools must be installed on the local machine to push files to Azure buckets. See upload_to_azure.


A logical. When TRUE, a small number of records (usually 5) are processed instead of all.


List of AnnotationHubMetadata objects.


URL of AnnotationHub database where metadata will be inserted.


A logical indicating whether resources should be uploaded to remote bioconductor default location. Currently Azure Data Lakes.


A logical indicating whether resources should be downloaded from resource url.


Arguments passed to other methods such as regex, baseUrl, baseDir.


  • updateResources:

    updateResources is responsible for creating metadata records and downloading, processing and pushing data files to their final resting place. The

  • preparerClasses argument is used in method dispatch to determine which recipe is used.

    By manipulating the metadataOnly, insert and justRunUnitTest arguments one can flexibly test the metadata for a small number of records with or without downloading and processing the data files.

  • global options:

    When insert = TRUE the "AH_SERVER_POST_URL" option must be set to the https location of the AnnotationHub db.


A list of AnnotationHubMetadata objects.


Martin Morgan, Marc Carlson

See Also

  • AnnotationHubMetadata

  • upload_to_azure


## Not run: 

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Inspect metadata:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## A useful first step in testing a new recipe is to generate and
## inspect a small number of metadata records. The combination of
## 'metadataOnly=TRUE', 'insert=FALSE' and 'justRunUnitTest=TRUE'
## generates metadata for the first 5 records and does not download or
## process any data.

meta <- updateResources("/local/path",
                        BiocVersion = "3.3",
                        preparerClasses = "EnsemblFastaImportPreparer",
                        metadataOnly = TRUE, insert = FALSE,
                        justRunUnitTest = TRUE,
                        release = "84")

INFO [2015-11-12 07:58:05] Preparer Class: EnsemblFastaImportPreparer

## The return value is a list of metadata for the first 5 records:

> names(meta)
[1] "FASTA cDNA sequence for Ailuropoda melanoleuca"
[2] "FASTA DNA sequence for Ailuropoda melanoleuca"
[3] "FASTA DNA sequence for Ailuropoda melanoleuca"
[4] "FASTA DNA sequence for Ailuropoda melanoleuca"
[5] "FASTA ncRNA sequence for Ailuropoda melanoleuca"

## Each record is of class AnnotationHubMetadata:

> class(meta[[1]])
[1] "AnnotationHubMetadata"
[1] "AnnotationHubData"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Insert metadata in the db and process/push data files:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## This next code chunk creates the metadata and downloads and processes
## the data (metadataOnly=FALSE). If all files are successfully pushed to
## to their final resting place, metadata records are inserted in the 
## AnnotationHub db (insert=TRUE). Metadata insertion is done by a 
## Bioconductor team member; contact maintainer@bioconductor.org for help.

meta <- updateResources("local/path",
                        BiocVersion = "3.5",
                        preparerClasses = "EnsemblFastaImportPreparer",
                        metadataOnly = FALSE, insert = TRUE,
                        justRunUnitTest = FALSE,
                        regex = ".*release-81")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Recovery helpers:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## pushResources() and pushMetadata() are both called from updateResources()
## but can be used solo for testing or completing a run that
## terminated unexpectedly.

## Download, process and push to azure the last 2 files in 'meta':
sub <- meta[length(meta) - 1:length(meta)]

## Insert metadata in the AnotationHub db for the last 2 files in 'meta':

pushMetadata(sub, url = getOption("AH_SERVER_POST_URL"))

## End(Not run)

Bioconductor/AnnotationHubData documentation built on May 2, 2024, 6:29 p.m.