
Defines functions .from_Seqinfo_to_GRanges .from_factor_to_GRanges .from_character_to_GRanges GRanges new_GRanges .get_GRanges_version .valid.GRanges .valid.GRanges.mcols .valid.GRanges.ranges

Documented in GRanges GRanges

### =========================================================================
### GRanges objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

setClassUnion("IRanges_OR_IPos", c("IRanges", "IPos"))

        ranges="IRanges_OR_IPos",  # an IPos only for GPos

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### parallel_slot_names()

### Combine the new "parallel slots" with those of the parent class. Make
### sure to put the new parallel slots **first**. See R/Vector-class.R file
### in the S4Vectors package for what slots should or should not be considered
### "parallel".
setMethod("parallel_slot_names", "GRanges",
    #function(x) c("seqnames", "ranges", "strand", callNextMethod())

    ## TODO: Remove this temporary definition and add parallel_slot_names()
    ## methods to all packages that define extraColumnSlotNames() methods
    ## (e.g. VariantAnnotation, GenomicTuples, InteractionSet, SGSeq).
    function(x) c(extraColumnSlotNames(x), "seqnames", "ranges", "strand",

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### Validity

.valid.GRanges.ranges <- function(x)
    if (!is.null(x@ranges@elementMetadata))
        return("slot 'ranges' cannot have metadata columns")

.valid.GRanges.mcols <- function(x)
    x_mcols <- x@elementMetadata
    if (!is.null(rownames(x_mcols)))
        return("'mcols(x)' cannot have row names")

.valid.GRanges <- function(x)
    c(.valid.GRanges.ranges(x), .valid.GRanges.mcols(x))

setValidity2("GRanges", .valid.GRanges)

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### updateObject()
### Internal representation of GRanges objects has changed in GenomicRanges
### 1.31.16 (Bioc 3.7).

.get_GRanges_version <- function(object)
    if (.hasSlot(object, "elementType")) "current" else "< 1.31.16"

setMethod("updateObject", "GRanges",
    function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE)
        ## elementType slot.
        version <- .get_GRanges_version(object)
        if (version == "current") {
            if (verbose)
                message("[updateObject] Internal representation of ",
                        class(object), " object is current.\n",
                        "[updateObject] Nothing to update.")
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                message("[updateObject] ", class(object), " object ",
                        "uses internal representation from\n",
                        "[updateObject] GenomicRanges ", version, ". ",
                        "Updating it ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
            object@elementType <- new(class(object))@elementType
            if (verbose)

        ## ranges slot.
        object@ranges <- updateObject(object@ranges, ..., verbose=verbose)


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### "update" method

### Having update() redirect to BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots() on GRanges
### objects makes all the methods for GenomicRanges objects defined in
### R/GenomicRanges-class.R work on GRanges objects.
setMethod("update", "GRanges",
    function(object, ...)
        ## Fix old GRanges instances on-the-fly.
        object <- updateObject(object, check=FALSE)
        BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(object, ...)

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### Constructor

### Internal low-level constructor. Used by high-level GRanges/GPos
### constructors. Not meant to be used directly by the end user.
### NOTE: 'ranges' is trusted! (should have been checked by the caller).
new_GRanges <- function(Class, seqnames=NULL, ranges=NULL, strand=NULL,
                               mcols=NULL, seqinfo=NULL)
    seqnames <- normarg_seqnames1(seqnames)

    if (is.null(seqinfo)) {
        seqinfo <- Seqinfo(levels(seqnames))
    } else {
        seqinfo <- normarg_seqinfo1(seqinfo)
        seqnames <- normarg_seqnames2(seqnames, seqinfo)

    seqnames_len <- length(seqnames)
    strand <- normarg_strand(strand, seqnames_len)

    ranges_len <- length(ranges)
    strand_len <- length(strand)
    ans_len <- max(seqnames_len, ranges_len, strand_len)
    if (ans_len != 0L) {
        stop_if_wrong_length <- function(what, ans_len)
            stop(wmsg(what, " must have the length of the object ",
                      "to construct (", ans_len, ") or length 1"))
        if (seqnames_len == 0L)
            stop_if_wrong_length("'seqnames'", ans_len)
        if (ranges_len == 0L) {
            what <- if (is(ranges, "IPos")) "'pos'" else "'ranges'"
            stop_if_wrong_length(what, ans_len)
        if (strand_len == 0L)
            stop_if_wrong_length("'strand'", ans_len)
        if (ans_len > 1L) {
            if (seqnames_len == 1L)
                seqnames <- rep(seqnames, ans_len)
            else if (seqnames_len != ans_len)
                stop_if_wrong_length("'seqnames'", ans_len)
            if (ranges_len == 1L)
                ranges <- rep(ranges, ans_len)
            else if (ranges_len != ans_len) {
                what <- if (is(ranges, "IPos")) "'pos'" else "'ranges'"
                stop_if_wrong_length(what, ans_len)
            if (strand_len == 1L)
                strand <- rep(strand, ans_len)
            else if (strand_len != ans_len)
                stop_if_wrong_length("'strand'", ans_len)

    ## From now on, 'seqnames', 'ranges', and 'strand' are guaranteed
    ## to be of length 'ans_len'.

    if (length(mcols) == 0L)
        mcols <- mcols(ranges, use.names=FALSE)
    mcols <- S4Vectors:::normarg_mcols(mcols, Class, ans_len)

    if (!is.null(mcols(ranges, use.names=FALSE)))
        mcols(ranges) <- NULL
    if (!is.null(rownames(mcols))) {
        if (is.null(names(ranges)))
            names(ranges) <- rownames(mcols)
        rownames(mcols) <- NULL

    new2(Class, seqnames=seqnames, ranges=ranges, strand=strand,
                elementMetadata=mcols, seqinfo=seqinfo, check=FALSE)

### High-level GRanges constructor.
GRanges <- function(seqnames=NULL, ranges=NULL, strand=NULL,
                    ..., seqinfo=NULL, seqlengths=NULL)
    mcols <- DataFrame(..., check.names=FALSE)

    if (!is.null(ranges)) {
        ranges <- as(ranges, "IRanges")
    } else if (is.null(seqnames)) {
        ranges <- IRanges()
    } else {
        ## The user supplied the 'seqnames' argument but not the 'ranges'
        ## argument. This typically happens when they call GRanges() on a
        ## GenomicRanges derivative (e.g. on a GPos object) or on something
        ## that is expected to be coercible to GRanges. Note that, in this
        ## case, the GRanges() constructor still allows the user to supply
        ## additional arguments to alter the result of the coercion to GRanges,
        ## e.g. 'GRanges(<GPos>, strand="+")'.
        ans <- as(seqnames, "GRanges")
        ok1 <- is.null(strand)
        ok2 <- length(mcols) == 0L
        ok3 <- is.null(seqinfo)
        ok4 <- is.null(seqlengths)
        if (ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4) {
            ## The user supplied no additional arguments.
            return(ans)  # return 'ans' as-is
        ## The user supplied additional arguments so 'ans' needs to be
        ## altered accordingly. Instead of trying to do this by calling
        ## various setters on the object, we will let new_GRanges() reconstruct
        ## it below. This way the alteration is atomic instead of incremental,
        ## so will generate less copies of the object, and therefore it should
        ## be more efficient.
        seqnames <- ans@seqnames
        ranges <- ans@ranges
        if (ok1)
            strand <- strand(ans)
        if (ok2)
            mcols <- mcols(ans, use.names=FALSE)
        if (ok3)
            seqinfo <- seqinfo(ans)
        if (ok4)
            seqlengths <- seqlengths(ans)

    seqinfo <- normarg_seqinfo2(seqinfo, seqlengths)

    ans <- new_GRanges("GRanges", seqnames=seqnames,
                                  ranges=ranges, strand=strand,
                                  mcols=mcols, seqinfo=seqinfo)
    ## new_GRanges() doesn't check validity so we do it here. Note that 'ans'
    ## should be valid except for the silly INVALID.GR.COLNAMES restriction.
    ## If it wasn't for this restriction, we actually wouldn't need to
    ## validate 'ans'.

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### Accessors

setMethod("seqnames", "GRanges", function(x) x@seqnames)

setMethod("strand", "GRanges", function(x) x@strand)

setMethod("seqinfo", "GRanges", function(x) x@seqinfo)

### Range squeezer.
setMethod("ranges", "GRanges",
    function(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=FALSE)
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
            stop(wmsg("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.mcols))
            stop(wmsg("'use.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
        ## We call updateObject() in case 'x@ranges' is an old IPos object
        ## (see updateObject() method for IPos objects).
        ans <- updateObject(x@ranges, check=FALSE)
        if (!use.names)
            names(ans) <- NULL
        if (use.mcols)
            mcols(ans) <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)

### Genomic range squeezer.
setMethod("granges", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=FALSE)
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.mcols))
            stop(wmsg("'use.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
        ans <- GRanges(seqnames(x),
                       ranges(x, use.names=use.names),
        if (use.mcols)
            mcols(ans) <- cbind(extraColumnSlotsAsDF(x),
                                mcols(x, use.names=FALSE))

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### Coercion

setAs("GenomicRanges", "GRanges",
    function(from) granges(from, use.mcols=TRUE)

.from_character_to_GRanges <- function(from)
    if (anyNA(from))
        stop(wmsg("converting a character vector to a GRanges object ",
                  "does not support NAs"))
    error_msg <- c(
        "The character vector to convert to a GRanges object must contain ",
        "strings of the form \"chr:start-end\" or \"chr:start-end:strand\", ",
        "with end >= start - 1, or \"chr:pos\" or \"chr:pos:strand\". ",
        "For example: \"chr1:2501-2900\", \"chr1:2501-2900:+\", or ",
        "\"chr1:740\". Note that \"..\" is a valid alternate start/end ",
        "separator. Strand can be \"+\", \"-\", \"*\", or missing."
    split0 <- CharacterList(strsplit(from, ":", fixed=TRUE))
    split0_eltNROWS <- elementNROWS(split0)
    if (S4Vectors:::anyMissingOrOutside(split0_eltNROWS, 2L, 3L))
    ans_strand <- as.character(tails(split0, n=-2L))
    ans_strand[is.na(ans_strand)] <- "*"
    split1 <- heads(split0, n=2L)
    ans_seqnames <- as.character(heads(split1, n=1L))
    ranges <- tails(split1, n=-1L)
    ranges <- setNames(as.character(ranges), names(ranges))
    ans_ranges <- try(as(ranges, "IRanges"), silent=TRUE)
    if (is(ans_ranges, "try-error"))
    GRanges(ans_seqnames, ans_ranges, ans_strand)
setAs("character", "GRanges", .from_character_to_GRanges)

.from_factor_to_GRanges <- function(from)
    from <- setNames(as.character(from), names(from))
setAs("factor", "GRanges", .from_factor_to_GRanges)

### Does NOT propagate the ranges names and metadata columns i.e. always
### returns an unnamed GRanges object with no metadata columns.
setAs("IntegerRangesList", "GRanges",
        if (!length(from))
        from <- as(from, "CompressedIRangesList")
        ranges <- unlist(from, use.names=FALSE)
        ranges <- IRanges(start=start(ranges), width=width(ranges))
        ## From now, ranges is guaranteed to be an IRanges *instance*.
        if (is.null(space(from))) {
          stop(wmsg("cannot create GRanges when 'space(from)' is NULL"))
        gr <- GRanges(seqnames = space(from),
                      ranges = ranges,
                      strand = Rle("*", length(ranges)),
                      seqinfo = seqinfo(from))
        metadata(gr) <- metadata(from)

.from_Seqinfo_to_GRanges <- function(from)
    if (anyNA(seqlengths(from)))
        stop(wmsg("cannot create a GRanges object ",
                  "from a Seqinfo object with NA seqlengths"))
            IRanges(rep.int(1L, length(from)),

setAs("Seqinfo", "GRanges", .from_Seqinfo_to_GRanges)

setAs("Seqinfo", "IntegerRangesList",
    function(from) as(as(from, "GRanges"), "IntegerRangesList")

setAs("ANY", "GenomicRanges", function(from) as(from, "GRanges"))

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### Subsetting

.DollarNames.GRanges <- .DollarNames.GenomicRanges

setMethod("replaceROWS", "GRanges",
    function(x, i, value)
        i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, as.NSBS=TRUE)
        seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(value))
        ans_seqnames <- replaceROWS(seqnames(x), i, seqnames(value))
        ans_ranges <- replaceROWS(ranges(x), i, ranges(value))
        ans_strand <- replaceROWS(strand(x), i, strand(value))
        ans_mcols <- replaceROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE), i,
                                 mcols(value, use.names=FALSE))
        ans_ecs_names <- extraColumnSlotNames(x)
        ans_necs <- length(ans_ecs_names)
        if (ans_necs == 0L) {
            ans_ecs <- NULL
        } else {
            value_ecs_names <- extraColumnSlotNames(value)
            if (!identical(head(value_ecs_names, n=ans_necs),
                stop(wmsg("'value' can have more extra column slots ",
                          "but not less"))
            ans_ecs <- extraColumnSlotsAsDF(x)
            value_ecs <- extraColumnSlotsAsDF(value)
            ans_ecs <- replaceROWS(ans_ecs, i, value_ecs[seq_len(ans_necs)])
        BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(x, seqnames=ans_seqnames,
Bioconductor/GenomicRanges documentation built on June 18, 2024, 10:54 a.m.