
Defines functions .restrictRngs .checkParms .GenomicRanges_promoters .compute_promoter_ranges

### =========================================================================
### Intra-range methods
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### The methods implemented in this file should behave consistently with
### those defined in IRanges intra-range-methods.R

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### update_ranges()
### For internal use only. Generic defined in the IRanges package.

setMethod("update_ranges", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL, use.names=TRUE)
        new_ranges <- update_ranges(ranges(x), start=start,
        update(x, ranges=new_ranges)

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### resize()

setMethod("resize", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, width, fix="start", use.names=TRUE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
        if (!missing(fix) && length(x) > 0L && 
            (length(fix) > length(x) || length(x) %% length(fix) > 0L))
            stop("'x' is not a multiple of 'fix' length")
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
            stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        if (ignore.strand) {
            fix <- Rle(fix, length(x))
        } else {
            revFix <- c(start="end", end="start", center="center")
            if (length(x) == 0L)
              fix <- character()
            else fix <- ifelse(strand(x) == "-", revFix[fix], fix)
        ## For some unclear reason (likely a bug in callNextMethod) we need
        ## to explicitly pass the arguments to the call below, otherwise
        ## it seems that the original unmodified 'start' gets passed.
        callNextMethod(x, width, fix=fix, use.names=use.names)

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### flank()

setMethod("flank", "GenomicRanges", 
    function(x, width, start=TRUE, both=FALSE, use.names=TRUE,
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
            stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        if (!is.logical(start) || S4Vectors:::anyMissing(start))
            stop("'start' must be logical without NA's")
        start <- S4Vectors:::recycleVector(unname(start), length(x))
        if (!ignore.strand)
            start <- as.vector(start != (strand(x) == "-"))
        ## For some unclear reason (likely a bug in callNextMethod) we need
        ## to explicitly pass the arguments to the call below, otherwise
        ## it seems that the original unmodified 'start' gets passed.
        callNextMethod(x, width, start=start, both=both, use.names=use.names)

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### promoters() and terminators()

### Returns an IRanges **instance**.
.compute_promoter_ranges <- function(x, strand, upstream, downstream,
                                     site=c("TSS", "TES"))
    site <- match.arg(site)
    stopifnot(is(x, "IPosRanges"),
              length(x) == length(strand),
              length(x) == length(upstream),
              length(x) == length(downstream))
    ans_start <- start(x)
    ans_end <- end(x)
    strand_is_minus <- strand == "-"
    plus_idx <- which(!strand_is_minus)
    minus_idx <- which(strand_is_minus)
    if (site == "TSS") {
        plus_site <- ans_start[plus_idx]
        minus_site <- ans_end[minus_idx]
    } else {
        plus_site <- ans_end[plus_idx]
        minus_site <- ans_start[minus_idx]
    ans_start[plus_idx] <- plus_site - upstream[plus_idx]
    ans_end[plus_idx] <- plus_site + downstream[plus_idx] - 1L
    ans_end[minus_idx] <- minus_site + upstream[minus_idx]
    ans_start[minus_idx] <- minus_site - downstream[minus_idx] + 1L
    IRanges(ans_start, ans_end, names=names(x))

### Computes the promoter regions if 'site' is set to "TSS" (Transcription
### Start Site), or the terminator regions if it's set to "TES" (Transcription
### End Site).
### Always behaves like an endomorphism, except when 'x' is a GPos derivative.
.GenomicRanges_promoters <- function(x, upstream, downstream, use.names=TRUE,
                                     site=c("TSS", "TES"))
    site <- match.arg(site)
    x_len <- length(x)
    upstream <- recycleIntegerArg(upstream, "upstream", x_len)
    downstream <- recycleIntegerArg(downstream, "downstream", x_len)
    use.names <- S4Vectors:::normargUseNames(use.names)
    if (x_len == 0L) {
        if (!use.names)
            names(x) <- NULL
    if (min(upstream) < 0L || min(downstream) < 0L)
        stop("'upstream' and 'downstream' must be integers >= 0")
    old_ranges <- ranges(x, use.names=use.names)
    new_ranges <- .compute_promoter_ranges(old_ranges,
                                           upstream, downstream,
    ## 'new_ranges' is an IRanges **instance** but a GPos object won't
    ## accept this in its "ranges" slot. So if 'x' is a GPos object,
    ## we first turn it into a GRanges **instance** so we can stick
    ## 'new_ranges' in it.
    if (is(x, "GPos"))
        x <- as(x, "GRanges", strict=TRUE)
    update(x, ranges=new_ranges)

setMethod("promoters", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, upstream=2000, downstream=200, use.names=TRUE)
        .GenomicRanges_promoters(x, upstream, downstream, use.names=use.names,

setMethod("terminators", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, upstream=2000, downstream=200, use.names=TRUE)
        .GenomicRanges_promoters(x, upstream, downstream, use.names=use.names,

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### reflect()

### TODO: Add "reflect" method for GenomicRanges objects.

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### restrict()

.checkParms <- function(x, parm)
    if (!all(is.na(parm))) {
        if (!all(names(parm) %in% levels(seqnames(x))))
            stop("start should be a named numeric vector ",
                 "corresponding to seqnames")
    temp <- structure(rep(NA_integer_, length(levels(seqnames(x)))), 
    temp[names(parm)] <- parm

.restrictRngs <- function(x, start, end, keep.all.ranges, use.names)
    tmp <- names(x)
    names(x) <- seq_len(length(x))
    rng <- ranges(x)
    res <- restrict(ranges(x), start, end, keep.all.ranges, use.names=TRUE)
    x <- x[as.numeric(names(res))]
    ranges(x) <- res
    if (!use.names)
        names(x) <- NULL
        names(x) <- tmp[as.numeric(names(res))]

setMethod("restrict", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, start=NA, end=NA, keep.all.ranges=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
        if (is.null(names(start)) && is.null(names(end)))
            return(.restrictRngs(x, start, end,keep.all.ranges, use.names))
        x_mcols <- mcols(x, use.names=FALSE)
        nms <- names(x_mcols)
        mcols(x) <- cbind(x_mcols, DataFrame(posIndx=seq_len(length(x))))
        splt <- split(x, seqnames(x))
        start <- .checkParms(x, start)
        end <- .checkParms(x, end) 
        res <- lapply(names(splt),
                      function(i) {
                          .restrictRngs(splt[[i]], start=start[i], end=end[i],
                                        keep.all.ranges, use.names)
        names(res) <- names(splt)
        ord <- unlist(GRangesList(res), use.names=FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(orig=mcols(ord)[["posIndx"]],
        indx <- order(df[["orig"]], df[["final"]])
        ord <- ord[indx, ]
        mcols(ord) <- subset(mcols(ord, use.names=FALSE), select=nms)

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### trim()

setMethod("trim", "GenomicRanges",
    function(x, use.names=TRUE)
        ## We trim only out-of-bound ranges located on non-circular sequences
        ## whose length is not NA.
        ## See get_out_of_bound_index() in GenomicRanges-class.R
        idx <- get_out_of_bound_index(x)
        if (length(idx) == 0L)
        new_ranges <- ranges(x)
        seqnames_id <- as.integer(seqnames(x))[idx]
        new_end <- unname(seqlengths(x))[seqnames_id]
        new_ranges[idx] <- restrict(new_ranges[idx], start=1L, end=new_end,
        update(x, ranges=new_ranges)

setMethod("trim", "GRangesList",
          function(x, use.names=TRUE)
              ## Like seqinfo,GRangesList, assumes that there is a
              ## single Seqinfo for the entire object. Only guaranteed
              ## to be true in the compressed case.
              relist(trim(unlist(x, use.names=FALSE), use.names=use.names), x)
Bioconductor/GenomicRanges documentation built on June 18, 2024, 10:54 a.m.