### =========================================================================
### Set operations
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### TODO: What's the impact of circularity on the set operations?
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### 3 low-level helper functions.
### A fast implementation of 'mendoapply(FUN, x, y)' for GRangesList objects.
### Assume 'x' and 'y' are 2 GRangesList objects (not checked) of the same
### length (checked).
.fast_binary_mendoapply <- function(FUN, x, y, ...)
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
seqlevels(y) <- seqlevels(x)
xgr <- deconstructGRLintoGR(x)
ygr <- deconstructGRLintoGR(y)
seqinfo(xgr) <- suppressWarnings(merge(seqinfo(xgr), seqinfo(ygr)))
seqlevels(ygr) <- seqlevels(xgr)
gr <- FUN(xgr, ygr, ...)
reconstructGRLfromGR(gr, x)
### Both return a named integer vector where the names are guaranteed to be
### 'seqlevels(x)'.
.minStartPerGRangesSequence <- function(x)
cil <- splitAsList(start(x), seqnames(x)) # CompressedIntegerList object
## The 4 lines below are equivalent to:
## ans <- min(cil)
## ans[elementNROWS(v) == 0L] <- NA_integer_
## but much faster!
## TODO: Replace with the above, but only when the "min" method for
## CompressedIntegerList objects (implemented in the IRanges package)
## is as fast as the "viewMins" method for XIntegerViews objects
## (implemented in C in the XVector package). Ideally, the 2 methods
## should share the same underlying code.
v <- Views(cil@unlistData, cil@partitioning) # XIntegerViews object
ans <- viewMins(v)
ans[width(v) == 0L] <- NA_integer_
names(ans) <- names(v)
.maxEndPerGRangesSequence <- function(x)
cil <- splitAsList(end(x), seqnames(x)) # CompressedIntegerList object
## The 4 lines below are equivalent to:
## ans <- max(cil)
## ans[elementNROWS(v) == 0L] <- NA_integer_
## but much faster!
## TODO: Replace with the above, but only when the "max" method for
## CompressedIntegerList objects (implemented in the IRanges package)
## is as fast as the "viewMaxs" method for XIntegerViews objects
## (implemented in C in the XVector package). Ideally, the 2 methods
## should share the same underlying code.
v <- Views(cil@unlistData, cil@partitioning) # XIntegerViews object
ans <- viewMaxs(v)
ans[width(v) == 0L] <- NA_integer_
names(ans) <- names(v)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### union(), intersect(), setdiff()
### Always return a GRanges *instance* whatever GenomicRanges derivatives are
### passed to it (e.g. GPos or GNCList), so does NOT act like an endomorphism
### in general.
setMethod("union", c("GenomicRanges", "GenomicRanges"),
function(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
x <- granges(x)
y <- granges(y)
if (ignore.strand)
strand(x) <- strand(y) <- "*"
reduce(c(x, y), drop.empty.ranges=TRUE)
.unsupported_union <- function(x, y)
stop("union() between a ", class(x), " and a ", class(y), " object ",
"is not supported")
setMethod("union", c("GenomicRanges", "Vector"), .unsupported_union)
setMethod("union", c("Vector", "GenomicRanges"), .unsupported_union)
setMethod("union", c("GRangesList", "GRangesList"),
function(x, y, ...) .fast_binary_mendoapply("union", x, y, ...)
### Always return a GRanges *instance* whatever GenomicRanges derivatives are
### passed to it (e.g. GPos or GNCList), so does NOT act like an endomorphism
### in general.
setMethod("intersect", c("GenomicRanges", "GenomicRanges"),
function(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
x <- granges(x)
y <- granges(y)
if (ignore.strand)
strand(x) <- strand(y) <- "*"
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
## If merge() is going to issue a warning, we don't want to get
## it twice.
seqinfo(y) <- suppressWarnings(merge(seqinfo(y), seqinfo(x)))
seqlengths <- seqlengths(x)
## If the length of a sequence is unknown (NA), then we use
## the max end value found on that sequence in 'x' or 'y'.
seqlengths[is.na(seqlengths)] <-
.maxEndPerGRangesSequence(c(x, y))[is.na(seqlengths)]
setdiff(x, gaps(y, end=seqlengths))
.unsupported_intersect <- function(x, y)
stop("intersect() between a ", class(x), " and a ", class(y), " object ",
"is not supported")
setMethod("intersect", c("GenomicRanges", "Vector"), .unsupported_intersect)
setMethod("intersect", c("Vector", "GenomicRanges"), .unsupported_intersect)
setMethod("intersect", c("GRangesList", "GRangesList"),
function(x, y, ...) .fast_binary_mendoapply("intersect", x, y, ...)
### Always return a GRanges *instance* whatever GenomicRanges derivatives are
### passed to it (e.g. GPos or GNCList), so does NOT act like an endomorphism
### in general.
setMethod("setdiff", c("GenomicRanges", "GenomicRanges"),
function(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
x <- granges(x)
y <- granges(y)
if (ignore.strand)
strand(x) <- strand(y) <- "*"
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
## If merge() is going to issue a warning, we don't want to get
## it twice.
seqinfo(y) <- suppressWarnings(merge(seqinfo(y), seqinfo(x)))
seqlengths <- seqlengths(x)
## If the length of a sequence is unknown (NA), then we use
## the max end value found on that sequence in 'x' or 'y'.
seqlengths[is.na(seqlengths)] <-
.maxEndPerGRangesSequence(c(x, y))[is.na(seqlengths)]
gaps(union(gaps(x, end=seqlengths), y), end=seqlengths)
.unsupported_setdiff <- function(x, y)
stop("setdiff() between a ", class(x), " and a ", class(y), " object ",
"is not supported")
setMethod("setdiff", c("GenomicRanges", "Vector"), .unsupported_setdiff)
setMethod("setdiff", c("Vector", "GenomicRanges"), .unsupported_setdiff)
setMethod("setdiff", c("GRangesList", "GRangesList"),
function(x, y, ...) .fast_binary_mendoapply("setdiff", x, y, ...)
### =========================================================================
### Parallel set operations
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## check for equality without requiring identical level sets
## instead, one level set must be subset of the other, like merge,Seqinfo
compatibleSeqnames <- function(x, y) {
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must be of equal length")
if (!is(x, "Rle") || !is(y, "Rle"))
stop("'x' and 'y' must be Rle objects")
xLevels <- levels(x)
yLevels <- levels(y)
if (length(xLevels) > length(yLevels))
diffLevels <- setdiff(yLevels, xLevels)
else diffLevels <- setdiff(xLevels, yLevels)
if (length(diffLevels))
stop("Level set of 'x' must be subset of that of 'y', or vice versa")
runValue(x) <- as.character(runValue(x))
runValue(y) <- as.character(runValue(y))
x == y
allCompatibleSeqnamesAndStrand <- function(x, y) {
all(compatibleSeqnames(seqnames(x), seqnames(y)) &
compatibleStrand(strand(x), strand(y)))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### punion()
setMethod("punion", c("GRanges", "GRanges"),
function(x, y, fill.gap=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (ignore.strand)
strand(y) <- strand(x)
mcols(x) <- NULL
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
if (!allCompatibleSeqnamesAndStrand(x, y))
stop("'x' and 'y' elements must have compatible 'seqnames' ",
"and 'strand' values")
ranges(x) <- punion(ranges(x), ranges(y), fill.gap=fill.gap)
### FIXME: This is currently not doing a "punion" at all. It just appends
### the ranges in 'y' to their corresponding element in 'x'.
### 2 proposals for a more punion-like semantic:
### (a) for (i in seq_len(length(x)))
### x[[i]] <- punion(x[[i]], y[rep.int(i, length(x[[i]]))])
### (b) for (i in seq_len(length(x)))
### x[[i]] <- union(x[[i]], y[i])
### Note that behaviour (b) could also be considered a valid candidate for
### a union,GRangesList,GRanges method (which we don't have at the moment).
setMethod("punion", c("GRangesList", "GRanges"),
function(x, y, fill.gap=FALSE)
n <- length(x)
if (n != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
mcols(x@unlistData) <- NULL
mcols(y) <- NULL
ans <-
split(c(x@unlistData, y),
c(Rle(seq_len(n), elementNROWS(x)), Rle(seq_len(n))))
names(ans) <- names(x)
setMethod("punion", c("GRanges", "GRangesList"),
function(x, y, ...) callGeneric(y, x, ...)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### pintersect()
### 'x' and 'y' must have the same length. An 'y' of length 1 is accepted and
### is recycled to the length of 'x'.
### Return a GRanges object. If 'drop.nohit.ranges' is FALSE (the default) the
### returned object is parallel to 'x' with the original ranges modified
### (seqnames, names, and metadata are untouched), so this can be seen as an
### "intra-range transformation". The original metadata columns are propagated
### and a new "hit" column added to them to indicate elements in 'x' that
### intersect with the corresponding element in 'y'. For these elements the
### range in the returned object is guaranteed to be a subrange of the
### original ranges. If 'ignore.strand' or 'strict.strand' is TRUE, then the
### returned GRanges has the same strand as 'x'. Otherwise, for elements in 'x'
### that are on the "*" strand and hit the corresponding element in 'y', it
### has the strand of 'y'.
### If 'drop.nohit.ranges' is TRUE everything is the same except that elements
### in 'x' that don't intersect with the corresponding element in 'y' are
### removed from the result (so the result is no more parallel to the input)
### and no "hit" metadata column is added to it.
.pintersect_GRanges_GRanges <- function(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE,
stopifnot(is(x, "GRanges"), is(y, "GRanges"))
if (length(y) != length(x)) {
if (length(y) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("'y' must have the length of 'x' or length 1"))
y <- rep.int(y, length(x))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop.nohit.ranges))
stop(wmsg("'drop.nohit.ranges' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop(wmsg("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(strict.strand))
stop(wmsg("'strict.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (ignore.strand) {
if (strict.strand)
warning(wmsg("'strict.strand' is ignored ",
"when 'ignore.strand' is TRUE"))
strand(y) <- strand(x)
} else if (!strict.strand) {
x_strand <- strand(x)
idx <- strand(x) == "*" & strand(y) != "*"
strand(x)[idx] <- strand(y)[idx]
idx <- strand(y) == "*" & strand(x) != "*"
strand(y)[idx] <- strand(x)[idx]
x_seqlevels <- seqlevels(x)
## Check compatibility of underlying genomes.
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
## Align the seqlevels of 'y' to those of 'x' so that comparing the
## seqnames of the 2 objects thru as.integer(seqnames()) is meaningful).
seqlevels(y) <- seqlevels(x)
## Restore original seqlevels on 'x' (this preserves their order).
seqlevels(x) <- x_seqlevels
new_start <- pmax.int(start(x), start(y))
new_end <- pmin.int(end(x), end(y))
is_hit <- as.integer(seqnames(x)) == as.integer(seqnames(y)) &
strand(x) == strand(y) & new_end >= new_start - 1L
if (drop.nohit.ranges) {
x <- extractROWS(x, is_hit)
new_start <- extractROWS(new_start, is_hit)
new_end <- extractROWS(new_end, is_hit)
new_names <- names(x)
} else {
## For elements in 'x' and 'y' that don't hit each other, we return
## an artificial zero-width intersection that starts on 'start(x)'.
nohit_idx <- which(!is_hit)
nohit_start <- start(x)[nohit_idx]
new_start[nohit_idx] <- nohit_start
new_end[nohit_idx] <- nohit_start - 1L
new_names <- names(x)
mcols(x)$hit <- as.logical(is_hit)
if (!(ignore.strand || strict.strand))
strand(x)[nohit_idx] <- x_strand[nohit_idx]
ranges(x) <- IRanges(new_start, new_end, names=new_names)
setMethod("pintersect", c("GRanges", "GRanges"),
function(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE,
ignore.strand=FALSE, strict.strand=FALSE)
.pintersect_GRanges_GRanges(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=drop.nohit.ranges,
### This is equivalent to 'mendoapply(pintersect, x, y)'. Therefore the
### returned GRangesList object has the same shape as 'x'.
### To get the 'mendoapply(intersect, x, y)' behavior, the user should use
### 'strict.strand=TRUE' and call 'reduce( , drop.empty.ranges=TRUE)' on
### the returned object.
.pintersect_GRangesList_GRanges <- function(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE,
stopifnot(is(x, "GRangesList"), is(y, "GRanges"))
if (length(y) != length(x)) {
if (length(y) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("'y' must have the length of 'x' or length 1"))
y <- rep.int(y, length(x))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop.nohit.ranges))
stop(wmsg("'drop.nohit.ranges' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
y2 <- rep.int(y, elementNROWS(x))
## 'unlisted_ans' parallel to 'x'.
unlisted_ans <- .pintersect_GRanges_GRanges(unlisted_x, y2,
if (drop.nohit.ranges) {
is_hit <- relist(mcols(unlisted_ans, use.names=FALSE)$hit, x)
mcols(unlisted_ans)$hit <- NULL
ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, x)[is_hit]
} else {
ans <- relist(unlisted_ans, x)
setMethod("pintersect", c("GRangesList", "GRanges"),
function(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE,
ignore.strand=FALSE, strict.strand=FALSE)
.pintersect_GRangesList_GRanges(x, y,
setMethod("pintersect", c("GRanges", "GRangesList"),
function(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE,
ignore.strand=FALSE, strict.strand=FALSE)
.pintersect_GRangesList_GRanges(y, x,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### psetdiff()
setMethod("psetdiff", c("GRanges", "GRanges"),
function(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (ignore.strand)
strand(y) <- strand(x)
mcols(x) <- NULL
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
ok <- compatibleSeqnames(seqnames(x), seqnames(y)) &
compatibleStrand(strand(x), strand(y))
## Update the ranges.
ansRanges <- ranges(x)
ansRanges <- replaceROWS(ansRanges, ok,
callGeneric(extractROWS(ranges(x), ok),
extractROWS(ranges(y), ok)))
ranges(x) <- ansRanges
## Update the strand.
ansStrand <- strand(x)
resolveStrand <- as(ansStrand == "*", "IRanges")
if (length(resolveStrand) > 0L)
ansStrand[IRanges:::unlist_as_integer(resolveStrand)] <-
extractROWS(strand(y), resolveStrand)
strand(x) <- ansStrand
### TODO: Review the semantic of this method (see previous TODO's for
### "punion" and "pintersect" methods for GRanges,GRangesList).
setMethod("psetdiff", c("GRanges", "GRangesList"),
function(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
ansSeqinfo <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
ok <- compatibleSeqnames(rep(seqnames(x), elementNROWS(y)),
if (!ignore.strand)
ok <- ok & compatibleStrand(rep(strand(x), elementNROWS(y)),
if (!all(ok)) {
ok <-
new2("CompressedLogicalList", unlistData=as.vector(ok),
y <- y[ok]
ansRanges <- gaps(ranges(y), start=start(x), end=end(x))
ansSeqnames <- rep(seqnames(x), elementNROWS(ansRanges))
ansStrand <- rep(strand(x), elementNROWS(ansRanges))
ansGRanges <-
GRanges(ansSeqnames, unlist(ansRanges, use.names=FALSE), ansStrand)
seqinfo(ansGRanges) <- ansSeqinfo
relist(ansGRanges, PartitioningByEnd(ansRanges))
setMethod("pgap", c("GRanges", "GRanges"),
function(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (ignore.strand)
strand(y) <- strand(x)
mcols(x) <- NULL
seqinfo(x) <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
if (!allCompatibleSeqnamesAndStrand(x, y))
stop("'x' and 'y' elements must have compatible 'seqnames' ",
"and 'strand' values")
ranges(x) <- callGeneric(ranges(x), ranges(y), ...)
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