
## Create an empty RaggedExperiment instance
re0 <- RaggedExperiment()

## Create a couple of GRanges objects with row ranges names
sample1 <- GRanges(
    c(a = "chr1:1-10:-", b = "chr1:11-18:+"),
    score = 1:2)
sample2 <- GRanges(
    c(c = "chr2:1-10:-", d = "chr2:11-18:+"),
    score = 3:4)

## Include column data
colDat <- DataFrame(id = 1:2)

## Create a RaggedExperiment object from a couple of GRanges
re1 <- RaggedExperiment(sample1=sample1, sample2=sample2, colData = colDat)

## With list of GRanges
lgr <- list(sample1 = sample1, sample2 = sample2)

## Create a RaggedExperiment from a list of GRanges
re2 <- RaggedExperiment(lgr, colData = colDat)

grl <- GRangesList(sample1 = sample1, sample2 = sample2)

## Create a RaggedExperiment from a GRangesList
re3 <- RaggedExperiment(grl, colData = colDat)

## Subset a RaggedExperiment
assay(re3[c(1, 3),])
subsetByOverlaps(re3, GRanges("chr1:1-5"))  # by ranges
Bioconductor/RaggedExperiment documentation built on July 13, 2024, 4:14 a.m.