
Defines functions .subassign_SVT_by_Nindex .subassign_SVT_with_SVT .subassign_SVT_with_Rarray .subassign_SVT_with_short_Rvector .subassign_SVT_by_Mindex .subassign_SVT_by_Lindex .normalize_right_value adjust_left_type

### =========================================================================
### SparseArray subassignment
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

adjust_left_type <- function(x, value)
    stopifnot(is(x, "SVT_SparseArray") || is(x, "NaArray"))
    if (!is.vector(value))
        stop(wmsg("the supplied value must be a vector for this form ",
                  "of subassignment to an SVT_SparseArray object"))
    ## Change 'x' type if necessary.
    new_type <- type(c(vector(type(x)), vector(type(value))))
    type(x) <- new_type

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### subassign_Array_by_Lindex() and subassign_Array_by_Mindex() methods for
### SVT_SparseArray

### Adjust the type of 'value' and recycle it to the length of the
### subassignment M/L-index.
.normalize_right_value <- function(value, left_type, index_len)
    if (length(value) == 0L)
        stop(wmsg("replacement has length zero"))
    storage.mode(value) <- left_type
    S4Vectors:::recycleVector(value, index_len)

.subassign_SVT_by_Lindex <- function(x, Lindex, value, old=FALSE)
    x <- adjust_left_type(x, value)
    stopifnot(is.vector(Lindex), is.numeric(Lindex))

    ## No-op (except for type adjustment above) if selection is empty.
    if (length(Lindex) == 0L)

    value <- .normalize_right_value(value, type(x), length(Lindex))

    if (old) {
        new_SVT <- SparseArray.Call("C_subassign_SVT_by_Lindex_OLD",
                                    x@dim, x@type, x@SVT, Lindex, value)
    } else {
        new_SVT <- SparseArray.Call("C_subassign_SVT_by_Lindex",
                                    x@dim, x@type, x@SVT, FALSE, Lindex, value)
    BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(x, SVT=new_SVT, check=FALSE)

setMethod("subassign_Array_by_Lindex", "SVT_SparseArray",
    function(x, Lindex, value) .subassign_SVT_by_Lindex(x, Lindex, value)

.subassign_SVT_by_Mindex <- function(x, Mindex, value)
    x <- adjust_left_type(x, value)
    stopifnot(is.matrix(Mindex), is.numeric(Mindex))

    ## No-op (except for type adjustment above) if selection is empty.
    if (nrow(Mindex) == 0L)

    value <- .normalize_right_value(value, type(x), nrow(Mindex))

    if (storage.mode(Mindex) != "integer")
        storage.mode(Mindex) <- "integer"
    new_SVT <- SparseArray.Call("C_subassign_SVT_by_Mindex_OLD",
                                x@dim, x@type, x@SVT, Mindex, value)
    BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(x, SVT=new_SVT, check=FALSE)

setMethod("subassign_Array_by_Mindex", "SVT_SparseArray",

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### subassign_Array_by_Nindex() method for SVT_SparseArray
### Like the 'index' argument in 'extract_array()', the 'Nindex' argument in
### all the functions below must be an N-index, that is, a list with one list
### element per dimension in 'x'. Each list element must be an integer vector
### of valid indices along the corresponding dimension in 'x', or a NULL.

.subassign_SVT_with_short_Rvector <- function(x, Nindex, Rvector)
                     x@dim, x@type, x@SVT, Nindex, Rvector)

.subassign_SVT_with_Rarray <- function(x, Nindex, Rarray)
                     x@dim, x@type, x@SVT, Nindex, Rarray)

.subassign_SVT_with_SVT <- function(x, Nindex, v)
    stopifnot(is(v, "SVT_SparseArray"))
                     x@dim, x@type, x@SVT, Nindex, v@dim, v@type, v@SVT)

.subassign_SVT_by_Nindex <- function(x, Nindex, value)
    stopifnot(is(x, "SVT_SparseArray"), is.list(Nindex))
    if (!is.vector(value) && !is.array(value) && !is(value, "SVT_SparseArray"))
        stop(wmsg("the supplied value must be an ordinary vector or array, ",
                  "or an SVT_SparseArray object, for this subassignment"))

    ## Change 'x' type if necessary.
    new_type <- type(c(vector(type(x)), vector(type(value))))
    type(x) <- new_type

    ## No-op (except for type change above) if selection is empty.
    selection_dim <- S4Arrays:::get_Nindex_lengths(Nindex, x@dim)
    if (any(selection_dim == 0L))

    if (is.vector(value)) {
        value_len <- length(value)
        if (value_len == 0L)
            stop(wmsg("replacement has length zero"))
        selection_len <- prod(selection_dim)
        if (value_len > selection_len)
            stop(wmsg("the supplied value is longer than the selection"))
        storage.mode(value) <- new_type
        if (value_len <= selection_dim[[1L]] &&
            selection_dim[[1L]] %% value_len == 0L)
            ## We want to support things like 'x[ , 1:2] <- 0'
            ## or 'x[1:12, ] <- c(0.6, 0, 2.5)' in the most efficient
            ## way so no recycling of 'value' at the R level.
            new_SVT <- .subassign_SVT_with_short_Rvector(x, Nindex, value)
        } else {
            ## Turn 'value' into an ordinary array of the same dimensions
            ## as the selection, with recycling if necessary.
            a <- array(vector(typeof(value), 1L), dim=selection_dim)
            a[] <- value
            new_SVT <- .subassign_SVT_with_Rarray(x, Nindex, value)
    } else {
        if (!identical(selection_dim, unname(dim(value))))
            stop(wmsg("the selection and supplied value must have ",
                      "the same dimensions"))
        if (is.array(value)) {
            storage.mode(value) <- new_type
            new_SVT <- .subassign_SVT_with_Rarray(x, Nindex, value)
        } else {
            type(value) <- new_type
            new_SVT <- .subassign_SVT_with_SVT(x, Nindex, value)
    BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(x, SVT=new_SVT, check=FALSE)

setMethod("subassign_Array_by_Nindex", "SVT_SparseArray",
Bioconductor/SparseArray documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 9:34 p.m.