
Defines functions removeReads assignReads .assignSubfeatureHits .check_assignSubfeatureHits_args .check_reads_names

Documented in assignReads removeReads

### =========================================================================
### Assigning/removing reads to/from the edges of a SplicingGraphs object
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

.check_reads_names <- function(reads)
    reads_names <- names(reads)
    if (is.null(reads_names))
        stop("'reads' must have names")
    errmsg <- c("'reads' has duplicated names. This probably means that",
                "either: (a) it contains paired-end reads that have not",
                "been paired, or (b) some of the reads are secondary",
                "alignments. See 'About the read names' section in the man",
                "page for assignReads() (accessible with '?assignReads')",
                "for more information.")
    if (anyDuplicated(reads_names))
        stop(paste0(errmsg, collapse="\n  "))

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### .assignSubfeatureHits()
### This is the workhorse behind assignReads().

### 'reads': a named GRangesList object containing gapped reads.
###     Alternatively it can be the GRanges object obtained by extracting
###     a single range per read e.g. the spanning ranges obtained with
###     'unlist(range(reads))'. In any case, it must have the length and
###     names of the original GRangesList object.
### 'subject': a GRangesList object containing the ranges of some subfeature
###     (e.g. exonic or intronic ranges) grouped by their parent feature
###     (e.g. transcripts).
### 'hits': a Hits object compatible with 'reads' and 'subject'.
.check_assignSubfeatureHits_args <- function(reads, subject, hits,
                                             ignore.strand, hits.colname)
    if (!(is(reads, "GRangesList") || is(reads, "GRanges")))
        stop("'reads' must be a GRangesList or GRanges object")
    if (!is(subject, "GRangesList"))
        stop("'subject' must be a GRangesList object")
    if (!is(hits, "Hits"))
        stop("'hits' must be a Hits object")
    if (queryLength(hits) != length(reads)
     || subjectLength(hits) !=  length(subject))
        stop("'hits' is not compatible with 'reads' and 'subject'")
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand))
        stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    if (!isSingleString(hits.colname))
        stop("'hits.colname' must be a single string")

### Returns 'subject' with 1 additional inner metadata col "hits" containing
### the hits assigned to each subrange.
.assignSubfeatureHits <- function(reads, subject, hits, ignore.strand=FALSE,
    .check_assignSubfeatureHits_args(reads, subject, hits,
                                     ignore.strand, hits.colname)
    reads_names <- names(reads)
    subject_unlistData <- subject@unlistData
    subhits <- findOverlaps(reads, subject_unlistData,
    subhits_q <- queryHits(subhits)
    subhits_s <- togroup(subject@partitioning, subjectHits(subhits))
    m <- S4Vectors:::matchIntegerPairs(subhits_q, subhits_s,
                                       queryHits(hits), subjectHits(hits))
    subhits <- subhits[!is.na(m)]
    hit_per_subfeature <- splitAsList(reads_names[queryHits(subhits)],
    mcols(subject_unlistData)[[hits.colname]] <- CharacterList(character(0))
    idx <- as.integer(names(hit_per_subfeature))
    names(hit_per_subfeature) <- NULL
    mcols(subject_unlistData)[[hits.colname]][idx] <- hit_per_subfeature
    subject@unlistData <- subject_unlistData

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### assignReads()

assignReads <- function(sg, reads, sample.name=NA)
    if (!is(sg, "SplicingGraphs"))
        stop("'sg' must be a SplicingGraphs object")
    if (is(reads, "GAlignments")) {
        reads <- grglist(reads, order.as.in.query=TRUE)
    } else if (is(reads, "GAlignmentPairs")) {
        reads <- grglist(reads)
    } else if (!is(reads, "GRangesList")) {
        stop("'reads' must be a GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, ",
             "or GRangesList object")
    if (!isSingleStringOrNA(sample.name))
        stop("'sample.name' must be a single string or NA")
    if (is.na(sample.name)) {
        hits.colname <- "hits"
    } else {
        hits.colname <- paste0(sample.name, ".hits")

    ex_by_tx <- sg@genes@unlistData
    ov0 <- findOverlaps(reads, ex_by_tx, ignore.strand=TRUE)
    ovenc0 <- encodeOverlaps(reads, ex_by_tx, hits=ov0,
    ov0_is_compat <- isCompatibleWithSplicing(ovenc0)
    ov1 <- ov0[ov0_is_compat]

    query.breaks <- mcols(reads)$query.break
    ## 'reads2' is obtained by removing the gaps (i.e. Ns in the CIGAR) in
    ## 'reads'.
    if (is.null(query.breaks)) {
        ## Single-end reads. We produce a GRanges object.
        reads2 <- unlist(range(reads))
    } else {
        ## Paired-end reads. We produce a GRangesList object with 2 ranges
        ## per top-level elements.
        reads2 <- GenomicAlignments:::fillJunctionGaps(reads)

    sg@genes@unlistData <- .assignSubfeatureHits(reads2, ex_by_tx, ov1,
    sg@in_by_tx <- .assignSubfeatureHits(reads2, sg@in_by_tx, ov1,

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### removeReads()

removeReads <- function(sg)
    ## Remove "hits" cols from exons.
    ex_mcols <- mcols(sg@genes@unlistData@unlistData)
    hits_idx <- grep("hits$", colnames(ex_mcols))
    if (length(hits_idx != 0L))
        mcols(sg@genes@unlistData@unlistData) <- ex_mcols[-hits_idx]
    ## Remove "hits" cols from introns.
    in_mcols <- mcols(sg@in_by_tx@unlistData)
    hits_idx <- grep("hits$", colnames(in_mcols))
    if (length(hits_idx != 0L))
        mcols(sg@in_by_tx@unlistData) <- in_mcols[-hits_idx]
Bioconductor/SplicingGraphs documentation built on May 5, 2024, 9:35 p.m.