5/6/2019, pre-submission todo: - fix "FIXME" tags in testthat.


-- question for martin: 1. VariantExperiment() constructor, should we copy all argument documentations from SummarizedExperiment?

  1. next phase:
  2. add more sample related stats functions. (need real data)
  3. add block processing, and apply functions.
  4. connection with VariantAnnotation (collapsedVCF? in memory)?
  5. for annotation: AnnotationHub? (ensemblVEP, VariantFiltering..., dbsnp pkgs).
  6. filtering, using rowRanges, overlap...
  7. sample.annotation related stat analysis: mendelian errors? (use family info, test!!) - next phase!
  8. association test associated analysis? -- next phase!
  9. gds attributes to save in metadata? -- header info. no need to save vcf file now... wait until connecting to VariantAnnotation. -- sample.order / snp.order, VCF version, ... not super important for VE analysis.


  1. introduction.
  2. installation.
  3. BackGround
  4. GDSArray
  5. DelayedDataFrame
  6. VariantExperiment-package
  7. VariantExperiment-class (class, setters and getters)
  8. VariantExperiment-methods (VCF2VE, titv... vcf related.)
  9. common manipulations... (subsetting, save new VE file, load VE file, ... ) FIXME: slot setter? gdsfile() <- FIXME: saveGDSSE(dir="my_gds_se") or use tempfile() here? -- use "tempdir()" in vignette.

  10. sessionInfo

Bioconductor/VariantExperiment documentation built on May 25, 2024, 4:02 p.m.