adj-methods: Methods for finding the adjacency list for selected nodes.

adj-methodsR Documentation

Methods for finding the adjacency list for selected nodes.


This generic function takes an object that inherits from the graph class and a node in that graph and returns a vector containing information about all other nodes that are adjacent to the given node. This means that they are joined to the given node by an edge. The accessibility list, acc is the list of all nodes that can be reached from a specified node.


The methods return vector of nodes that are adjacent to the specified node.


object = graph

An object that inherits from glass graph


An index (could be multiple) which can be either the integer offset for the node(s) or their labels.

See Also



 gR3 <- randomGraph(LETTERS[1:4], M<-1:2, p=.5)
 adj(gR3, "A")
 adj(gR3, c(2,3))

Bioconductor/graph documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:54 p.m.