attrDataItem-methods: Get and set attributes values for items in an attrData object

attrDataItem-methodsR Documentation

Get and set attributes values for items in an attrData object


The attrDataItem method provides get/set access to items stored in a attrData-class object.


attrDataItem(self, x, attr)
attrDataItem(self, x, attr) <- value



A attrData-class instance


A character vector of item names


A character vector of length 1 giving the attribute name to get/set. Note that the attribute name must have already been defined for the attrData object via attrDefaults. If missing, return a list of all attributes for the specified nodes.


An R object to set as the attribute value for the specified items. If the object has length one or does not have a length method defined, it will be assigned to all items in x. If the length of value is the same as x, the corresponding elements will be assigned. We will add an argument to indicate that the value is to be taken as-is for those cases where the lengths are the same coincidentally.

Bioconductor/graph documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:54 p.m.