#' Gather Violated Rules
#' Gather applicable Rules into a usable output (gt & df objects) to be included
#' in the pop-up modal when an uploaded data frame violates said rule(s). This
#' function also validates the rules entered to verify they are in the expected
#' format.
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @param disp_type Check for rules that would result in an error (required
#' variables) or warning (recommended variables)
#' @param datalist A reactive list of data frames (from the data upload module)
#' @param all_df_rules A double-nested list: inner list is named list of
#' variables names that should result in \code{error} or \code{warn} if
#' variables do not exist or are missing for ANY data frame. Outer list is
#' unnamed.
#' @param expl_rules A double-nested list: outer list is a named list
#' dataframes. Inner list (for each data frame) contains named lists of
#' variables names that should result in \code{error} or \code{warn} if
#' variables do not exist or are missing for the specified parent data frame
#' @param df_incl_rules A double-nested list: outer list is a named list
#' variable names used to identify a particular class of data frame. For
#' example, the variable name PARAMCD would id BDS class data frames, and the
#' inner list would contain a named lists of variables names that should
#' result in \code{error} or \code{warn} if variables do not exist or are
#' missing for the implied parent data frame.
#' @param df_incl_rules_except_tte A double-nested list: outer list is a named
#' list variable names used to identify a particular class of data frame. For
#' example, the variable name PARAMCD would id BDS class data frames WHERE
#' Time to event (TTE) is an exception, and the inner list would contain a
#' named lists of variables names that should result in \code{error} or
#' \code{warn} if variables do not exist or are missing for the implied parent
#' data frame.
#' @import shiny
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr map map2 pmap
#' @importFrom gt gt cols_label text_transform cells_body local_image tab_header
#' tab_stubhead tab_style cells_stubhead cols_align cells_row_groups
#' cols_hide cell_text
#' @return A list of dataframes that are compliant with the rules in addition to
#' a gt and data frame object which explain which files violate the rules (if
#' any)
#' @family dataComply Functions
#' @noRd
gather_reqs <- function(input, output, session,
disp_type = c("error","warn"),
datalist = reactive(NULL),
all_df_rules = list(error = c(""), warn = c("")),
expl_rules = list( list(error = c(""), warn = c("")) ),
df_incl_rules = list( list(error = c(""), warn = c("")) ),
df_incl_rules_except_tte = list( list(error = c(""), warn = c("")) )
) {
# for testing:
# disp_type = "error"
# study_dir <- 'C:/Users/aclark5/Documents/small_adam/CDISC Pilot Data/'
# study_dir <- 'C:/Users/aclark5/Documents/small_adam/isis396443_cs3b_csr_data_crt/'
# filenames <- c('adsl.sas7bdat', 'adtte.sas7bdat', 'advs.sas7bdat')
# datalist <- purrr::map(file_names, ~ haven::read_sas(file.path(study_directory,.x))) %>%
# setNames(toupper(stringr::str_remove(file_names, ".sas7bdat")))
# adtte <- datalist$ADTTE
# adtte %>% distinct(PARAMCD)
# Validate disp_type - limiting arg to only "error" or "warn". Stop will alert R developer
# Technically, this could be removed and the data compliance module would still operate
if(!(disp_type %in% c("error","warn"))) {
stop("R Developer must specify either 'error' or 'warn' for disp_type arugment")
# If there are no rules supplied, alert R developer and suggest removing the module from app
if((is.null(expl_rules) | is.null(names(expl_rules))) &
(is.null(df_incl_rules) | is.null(names(df_incl_rules))) &
(is.null(df_incl_rules_except_tte) | is.null(names(df_incl_rules_except_tte))) &
(is.null(all_df_rules) | is.null(names(all_df_rules)))
) {
stop("No Rules Supplied. Without rules, the data compliance module is useless. Please remove the Module.")
# If they exist, Convert double nested rules for all df's into a data frame
if(!is.null(all_df_rules) & !is.null(names(all_df_rules))) {
# Validate that rules lists were constructed correctly: sublists are error and warn
ad_sl_nms_correct <- all(unlist(purrr::map(.x = 1:length(all_df_rules), function(x) all(names(all_df_rules[[x]]) %in% c("error","warn")))))
if(!ad_sl_nms_correct) stop("Sublist Names must be 'error' and 'warn' for each element of 'all_df_rules'")
alldf <- list()
alldf <- purrr::map(.x = names(datalist()), function(x) alldf[[x]] <- all_df_rules) %>%
lapply(data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "df") %>%
subset(df %in% names(datalist())) %>%
mutate(type_col = if(disp_type == "error") error else warn) %>%
subset(type_col != "") %>%
distinct(df, type_col)
} else{
# If the rules don't exist, create an empty data frame
alldf <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character())
# If they exist, Convert double nested explicit rules lists into a data frame
if(!is.null(expl_rules) & !is.null(names(expl_rules))) {
# Validate that rules lists were constructed correctly: sublists are error and warn
expl_sl_nms_correct <- all(unlist(purrr::map(.x = 1:length(expl_rules), function(x) all(names(expl_rules[[x]]) %in% c("error","warn")))))
if(!expl_sl_nms_correct) stop("Sublist Names must be 'error' and 'warn' for each element of 'expl_rules'")
hdf <- lapply(expl_rules, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "df") %>%
subset(df %in% names(datalist())) %>%
mutate(type_col = if(disp_type == "error") error else warn) %>%
subset(type_col != "") %>%
distinct(df, type_col)
} else{
# If the rules don't exist, create an empty data frame
hdf <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character())
# If they exist, Convert double nested Rules for data frames containing certain vars into a data frame
if(!is.null(df_incl_rules) & !is.null(names(df_incl_rules))) {
# Validate that rules lists were constructed correctly: sublists are error and warn
df_incl_sl_nms_correct <- all(unlist(map(.x = 1:length(df_incl_rules), function(x) all(names(df_incl_rules[[x]]) %in% c("error","warn")))))
if(!df_incl_sl_nms_correct) stop("Sublist Names must be 'error' and 'warn' for each element of 'df_incl_rules'")
# Organize Rules into a dataframe & get concise initial reqs
dfw_type <-
lapply(df_incl_rules, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "df_var") %>%
mutate(type_col = if(disp_type == "error") error else warn) %>%
subset(type_col != "") %>%
distinct(df_var, type_col)
if(nrow(dfw_type) > 0){
# Organize data that contains those rules into another df and join them
# together
df_vars <- unique(dfw_type$df_var)
dw <-
map(.x = names(datalist()), ~df_vars[df_vars %in% colnames(datalist()[[.x]])]) %>%
setNames(names(datalist())) %>%
lapply(data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "df") %>%
rename("df_var" = "X..i..") %>%
inner_join(dfw_type, by = c("df_var")) %>%
distinct(df, df_var, type_col) %>%
subset(df %in% names(datalist())) %>%
} else { # nrow(dfw_type) == 0
# If the rules don't exist, create an empty data frame
dw <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character())
} else {
# If the rules don't exist, create an empty data frame
dw <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character())
# Except for TTE!
# If rules exist, Convert double nested Rules for data frames containing certain vars into a data frame
if(!is.null(df_incl_rules_except_tte) & !is.null(names(df_incl_rules_except_tte))) {
# Validate that rules lists were constructed correctly: sublists are error and warn
df_incl_ette_sl_nms_correct <- all(unlist(map(.x = 1:length(df_incl_rules_except_tte), function(x) all(names(df_incl_rules_except_tte[[x]]) %in% c("error","warn")))))
if(!df_incl_ette_sl_nms_correct) stop("Sublist Names must be 'error' and 'warn' for each element of 'df_incl_rules_except_tte'")
# Organize Rules into a dataframe & get concise initial reqs
dfw_ette_type <-
lapply(df_incl_rules_except_tte, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "df_var") %>%
mutate(type_col = if(disp_type == "error") error else warn) %>%
subset(type_col != "") %>%
distinct(df_var, type_col)
if(nrow(dfw_ette_type) > 0){
# Organize data that contains those rules into another df and join them
# together
df_ette_var <- unique(dfw_ette_type$df_var)
dw_ette <-
map(.x = names(datalist()), ~df_ette_var[df_ette_var %in% colnames(datalist()[[.x]]) & !("CNSR" %in% colnames(datalist()[[.x]]))]) %>%
setNames(names(datalist())) %>%
lapply(data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "df") %>%
rename("df_var" = "X..i..") %>%
inner_join(dfw_ette_type, by = c("df_var")) %>%
distinct(df, df_var, type_col) %>%
subset(df %in% names(datalist())) %>%
} else { # nrow(dfw_ette_type) == 0
# If the rules don't exist, create an empty data frame
dw_ette <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character())
} else {
# If the rules don't exist, create an empty data frame
dw_ette <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character())
# now stack the new rules df's to get a unique set of violated rules... if applicable
# suppressing factor to character warning
alldf %>%
union(hdf) %>%
union(dw_ette) %>%
) %>%
distinct(df, type_col) %>%
subset(type_col != "") %>%
nrow() == 0
) {
# stop("No Rules Supplied. Without rules, the data compliance module is useless. Please remove the Module.")
pf <- data.frame(df = character(), type_col = character(),
not_exist_disp = character(), missing_disp = character())
tab <- NULL
} else { # else, there exists violated rules
pf <-
# suppressing factor to character warning
alldf %>%
union(hdf) %>%
union(dw_ette) %>%
) %>%
distinct(df, type_col) %>%
arrange(df, type_col) %>%
type = disp_type,
not_exist = !unlist(purrr::map2(.x = df, .y = type_col, function(x,y) y %in% colnames(datalist()[[x]]))),
# unfortunately, the variables that don't exist throw this calculation
# off.. so we were extremely explicit in map2 below
missing = ifelse(not_exist == TRUE,
ifelse(disp_type == "error", FALSE,TRUE),
unlist(purrr::map2(.x = df, .y = type_col, function(x, y)
all(as.character(datalist()[[x]][,type_col[df == x & type_col == y & not_exist == FALSE]]) == "") |
all(is.na(datalist()[[x]][,type_col[df == x & type_col == y & not_exist == FALSE]]))
)) )
) %>%
mutate(not_exist_disp = ifelse(not_exist,"X",""),
missing_disp = ifelse(missing,"X",""),
subset(not_exist | missing) %>%
select(df, type_col, not_exist_disp, missing_disp)
# modify the table displayed using gt, remove a column if just exporting warnings
tab <- pf %>%
gt::gt(rowname_col = "type_col" , groupname_col = "df") %>%
gt::cols_label(not_exist_disp = "Doesn't Exist", missing_disp = "Missing Data") %>%
locations = list(gt::cells_body(columns = c(not_exist_disp), rows = not_exist_disp == "X"),
gt::cells_body(columns = c(missing_disp), rows = missing_disp == "X")),
fn = function(X) gt::local_image(filename =
app_sys('app/www', 'red_x.png'), height = 15)
) %>%
title = paste(ifelse(disp_type == "error", "Required:", "Optional:"),"reconcile variables below"),
subtitle = ifelse(disp_type == "error", "and re-upload data",
"to experience the app's full functionality")
) %>%
gt::tab_stubhead(label = "Data") %>%
gt::tab_style(style = gt::cell_text(weight = "bold"), locations = gt::cells_stubhead()) %>%
gt::cols_align("center") %>%
gt::tab_style(style = gt::cell_text(weight = "bold"), locations = gt::cells_row_groups())
if(disp_type == "warn") {
tab <- tab %>% gt::cols_hide(columns = c(not_exist_disp))
# if error, return new list of data frame that comply. If warn, return
# original list of data frames
df_list =
if(disp_type == "warn") {
} else {
datalist()[!(names(datalist()) %in% unique(pf$df))]
gt = tab, # gt object
df = pf) # data frame object
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