
Defines functions download_demoGrid

Documented in download_demoGrid

#' @title Download grid systems
#' @description This functions load from zenodo the metadata with all grid systems compiled.
#' @author  Xiao Feng
#' @param downloadNew Logical. TRUE to download the zip file containing all grid systems
download_demoGrid <- function(downloadNew = F) {
  share_url <- "https://zenodo.org/record/10263092/files/2_clean_grid.zip?download=1"

  local_path <- system.file(package = "GridDER")
  # local_path = system.file(package="dismo")

  zip_path <- paste0(local_path, "/data/demoGrid.zip")

  if (!file.exists(zip_path)) {
    if (downloadNew) {
      zip_to_path <- paste0(local_path, "/data")

        url = share_url, mode = "wb",
        destfile = zip_path
      utils::unzip(zip_path, exdir = zip_to_path)
BiogeographyLab/gridder documentation built on April 21, 2024, 2:32 a.m.