##test cases for MANOVA repeated measures
# https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/car/versions/1.2-4/topics/Anova
# library(afex)
# library(carData)
# library(car)
# phase <- factor(rep(c("pretest", "posttest", "followup"), c(5, 5, 5)),
# levels=c("pretest", "posttest", "followup"))
# hour <- ordered(rep(1:5, 3))
# idata <- data.frame(phase, hour)
# idata
# mod.ok <- lm(cbind(pre.1, pre.2, pre.3, pre.4, pre.5,
# post.1, post.2, post.3, post.4, post.5,
# fup.1, fup.2, fup.3, fup.4, fup.5) ~ treatment*gender,
# data=OBrienKaiser)
# (av.ok <- Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~phase*hour))
# test <-summary(av.ok, multivariate=TRUE)
# best<- BSkyFormatsummary.Anova.mlm(test)
# length(best)
# names(best)
# BSkyFormat(best)
# test <-summary(av.ok, multivariate=FALSE)
#For class = summary.Anova.mlm
BSkyFormatsummary.Anova.mlm <- function(obj)
table_list =NULL
table_list_names =NULL
if("summary.Anova.mlm" %in% class(obj))
if (!is.null(obj$multivariate.tests))
tableHeader = paste("Type ", obj$type, if (obj$repeated)
" Repeated Measures", " MANOVA Tests:\n", sep = "")
if ((!obj$repeated) && SSPE) {
#cat("\nSum of squares and products for error:\n")
#print(obj$SSPE, digits = digits, ...)
class(obj$SSPE ) <-"matrix"
header = "Sum of squares and products for error:"
if (is.null(table_list))
table_list = list(obj$SSPE)
table_list_names <- header
else {
table_list = c(table_list, list(obj$SSPE))
table_list_names <- c(table_list_names,header)
for (term in 1:length(obj$multivariate.tests)) {
# cat(paste("\n------------------------------------------\n",
# "\nTerm:", names(obj$multivariate.tests)[term],
# "\n"))
header = paste("Term:", names(obj$multivariate.tests)[term])
contents = data.frame(Message = "Review statistics for the above mentioned term below")
if (is.null(table_list))
table_list = list(contents)
table_list_names <- header
else {
table_list = c(table_list, list(contents))
table_list_names <- c(table_list_names,header)
#print(x$multivariate.tests[[term]], digits = digits,
# SSP = SSP, SSPE = FALSE, ...)
resultsLinearHypothesis <-BSkyprint.linearHypothesis.mlm(obj$multivariate.tests[[term]], digits = digits,
noOfResults = length(resultsLinearHypothesis)
for(j in 1:noOfResults)
if (is.null(table_list))
table_list <-resultsLinearHypothesis[j]
table_list_names <-names(resultsLinearHypothesis[j])
} else
table_list <-c(table_list, resultsLinearHypothesis[j])
table_list_names <-c(table_list_names, names(resultsLinearHypothesis[j]))
if (!is.null(obj$univariate.tests))
tableHeader1 <-paste("Univariate Type ", obj$type, " Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity", sep="")
class (obj$univariate.tests) <-"matrix"
if (is.null(table_list))
table_list = list(obj$univariate.tests)
table_list_names <- tableHeader1
else {
table_list = c(table_list, list(obj$univariate.tests))
table_list_names <- c(table_list_names,tableHeader1)
if (nrow(obj$sphericity.tests) > 0) {
tableHeader2 ="Mauchly Tests for Sphericity"
table_list_names = c(table_list_names, tableHeader2)
class (obj$sphericity.tests) <-"matrix"
table_list = c(table_list, list(obj$sphericity.tests))
tableHeader3 <-"Greenhouse-Geisser Corrections for Departure from Sphericity"
table_list_names = c(table_list_names, tableHeader3)
table <- obj$pval.adjustments[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
class(table) <- "matrix"
table_list = c(table_list, list(table))
#print(table, ...)
# cat("\n")
table <- obj$pval.adjustments[, 3:4, drop = FALSE]
class(table) <- "matrix"
tableHeader4 <-"Huynh-Feldt Corrections for Departure from Sphericity"
table_list = c(table_list, list(table))
table_list_names = c(table_list_names, tableHeader4)
#print(table, ...)
if (!is.null(obj$univaov))
#print(x$univaov, ...)
if (is.null(table_list))
table_list = list(obj$univaov)
tableHeader5 <-""
table_list_names <- tableHeader5
else {
table_list = c(table_list, list(obj$univaov))
table_list_names <- c(table_list_names,tableHeader5)
names(table_list) = table_list_names
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