BSkyorrr <- function (x, conf.level = 0.95, verbose = !quiet, quiet = TRUE,
digits = 3, relrisk = FALSE)
if (any(dim(x) != c(2, 2)))
stop("expecting something 2 x 2")
x <- as.matrix(x)
names(x) <- NULL
row.names(x) <- NULL
colnames(x) <- NULL
rowsums <- rowSums(x)
p1 <- x[1, 1]/rowsums[1]
p2 <- x[2, 1]/rowsums[2]
o1 <- p1/(1 - p1)
o2 <- p2/(1 - p2)
RR <- p2/p1
OR <- o2/o1
crit <- qnorm((1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
names(RR) <- "RR"
log.RR <- log(RR)
SE.log.RR <- sqrt(sum(x[, 2]/x[, 1]/rowsums))
log.lower.RR <- log.RR - crit * SE.log.RR
log.upper.RR <- log.RR + crit * SE.log.RR
lower.RR <- exp(log.lower.RR)
upper.RR <- exp(log.upper.RR)
names(OR) <- "OR"
log.OR <- log(OR)
SE.log.OR <- sqrt(sum(1/x))
log.lower.OR <- log.OR - crit * SE.log.OR
log.upper.OR <- log.OR + crit * SE.log.OR
lower.OR <- exp(log.lower.OR)
upper.OR <- exp(log.upper.OR)
res <- if (relrisk)
structure(RR, p1 = p1, p2 = p2, o1 = o1, o2 = o2, OR = OR,
lower.OR = lower.OR, upper.OR = upper.OR, RR = RR,
lower.RR = lower.RR, upper.RR = upper.RR, conf.level = conf.level,
class = c("relrisk", "numeric"))
structure(OR, p1 = p1, p2 = p2, o1 = o1, o2 = o2, OR = OR,
lower.OR = lower.OR, upper.OR = upper.OR, RR = RR,
lower.RR = lower.RR, upper.RR = upper.RR, conf.level = conf.level,
class = c("oddsRatio", "numeric"))
if (verbose)
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