### title should fit on one line, be written in sentence case, but not end in a full stop
### to print @ in the documentation, escape with one more @ (e.g. @@ prints @)
#' @title Mixed models
#' @description Print model summary
#' @param x
#' @param digits
#' @param correlation
#' @param symbolic.cor
#' @param signif.stars
#' @param ranef.comp
#' @param show.resids
#' @return
#' @examples
BSkyprint.summary.merMod <-function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), correlation = NULL,
symbolic.cor = FALSE, signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
ranef.comp = c("Variance", "Std.Dev."), show.resids = TRUE,
obj1 <-.prt.methTit(x$methTitle, x$objClass)
obj2 <-.prt.family(x)
obj3<- .prt.call(x$call)
# cat("\n")
if (show.resids)
BSky.prt.resids(x$residuals, digits = digits)
obj5 <-BSky.prt.VC(varcor =x$varcor, digits = digits, useScale = x$useScale,
comp = ranef.comp)
obj6<- .prt.grps(x$ngrps, nobs = x$devcomp$dims[["n"]])
p <- nrow(x$coefficients)
if (p > 0) {
#cat("\nFixed effects:\n")
#printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars)
BSkyFormat(x$coefficients,singleTableOutputHeader="Fixed Effects")
hasCor <- !is.null(VC <- x$vcov) && !is.null(VC@factors$correlation)
if (is.null(correlation)) {
cor.max <- getOption("lme4.summary.cor.max")
correlation <- hasCor && p <= cor.max
if (!correlation && p > cor.max) {
nam <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (length(nam) > 1 || nchar(nam) >= 32)
nam <- "...."
message(sprintf(paste("\nCorrelation matrix not shown by default, as p = %d > %d.",
"Use print(%s, correlation=TRUE) or", " vcov(%s) if you need it\n",
sep = "\n"), p, cor.max, nam, nam))
else if (!is.logical(correlation))
stop("'correlation' must be NULL or logical")
if (correlation) {
if (is.null(VC)) {
VC <- vcov(x, correlation = TRUE)
corF <- VC@factors$correlation
if (is.null(corF)) {
message("\nCorrelation of fixed effects could have been required in summary()")
corF <- cov2cor(VC)
p <- ncol(corF)
if (p > 1) {
rn <- rownames(x$coefficients)
rns <- abbreviate(rn, minlength = 11)
#cat("\nCorrelation of Fixed Effects:\n")
if (is.logical(symbolic.cor) && symbolic.cor) {
corf <- as(corF, "matrix")
dimnames(corf) <- list(rns, abbreviate(rn,
minlength = 1, strict = TRUE))
corf =symnum(corf)
BSkyFormat(corf,singleTableOutputHeader="Correlation of Fixed Effects:")
# print(symnum(corf))
else {
corf <- matrix(format(round(corF@x, 3), nsmall = 3),
ncol = p, dimnames = list(rns, abbreviate(rn,
minlength = 6)))
corf[!lower.tri(corf)] <- ""
BSkyFormat(corf[, c(-p)], singleTableOutputHeader="Correlation of Fixed Effects:")
# print(corf[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
if (length(x$fitMsgs) && any(nchar(x$fitMsgs) > 0)) {
cat("fit warnings:\n")
.prt.warn(x$optinfo, summary = FALSE)
BSky.prt.resids <-function (resids, digits, title = "Scaled residuals:", ...)
# cat(title, "\n")
rq <- setNames(zapsmall(quantile(resids, na.rm = TRUE), digits +
1L), c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"))
#print(rq, digits = digits)
BSkyFormat(rq, singleTableOutputHeader="Scaled Residuals")
BSky.prt.VC <-function (varcor, digits, comp, formatter = format, ...)
if (missing(comp)) {
fVC <- formatVC(varcor, digits = digits, formatter = formatter)
else {
fVC = formatVC(varcor, digits = digits, formatter = formatter,
comp = comp)
#colnames(fVC) <- NULL
#rownames(fVC) <- NULL
BSkyFormat(fVC, singleTableOutputHeader = "Random Effects")
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