## storeSurvey=data.frame(store = c('s1', 's2','s3','s2','s1','s2','s3','s1'), clerkGender =c('m','m','f','f','f','m','f','f'), newEmployee=c('y','n','y','y','n','n','n','y'))
## bskyReturnObj = bsky.example.2WayFrequency.no.split("storeSurvey", storeSurvey$store, storeSurvey$clerkGender)
### bskyReturnObj = bsky.example.2WayFrequency.no.split("storeSurvey", vars = c(store, clerkGender) )
## BSkyFormat(bskyReturnObj)
# # # # # # # # # # bskyReturnObj = bsky.example.2WayFrequency.no.split1("Dataset1", Dataset1$agecat, Dataset1$gender)
bsky.example.2WayFrequency.no.split1<- function(datasetNameString, datasetColumnObj1, datasetColumnObj2, cellPercent = 'N', rowPercent = 'N', colPercent = 'N', bSkyHandleSplit = TRUE)
#This is just to set the context to the current dataset name
# 2-Way Frequency Table
mytable <- table(datasetColumnObj1, datasetColumnObj2) # here dataset column1 will be rows, dataset column2 will be columns
BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure(c('agecat', 'gender'),datasetNameString,OutputDataTableListIfPassed=list(mytable1=mytable))
tempTable = margin.table(mytable, 1) # datasetColumnObj1 frequencies
BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure( c('agecat', 'gender'),datasetNameString, OutputDataTableListIfPassed=list(tempTable))
tempTable = margin.table(mytable, 2) # datasetColumnObj2 frequencies
BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure( c('agecat', 'gender'),datasetNameString, OutputDataTableListIfPassed=list(tempTable))
if(cellPercent != 'N')
tempTable = prop.table(mytable) # cell percentages
BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure( c('agecat', 'gender'),datasetNameString, OutputDataTableListIfPassed=list(tempTable))
if(rowPercent != 'N')
tempTable = prop.table(mytable, 1) # row percentages
BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure( c('agecat', 'gender'),datasetNameString, OutputDataTableListIfPassed=list(tempTable))
if(colPercent != 'N')
tempTable = prop.table(mytable, 2) # column percentages
BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure( c('agecat', 'gender'),datasetNameString, OutputDataTableListIfPassed=list(tempTable))
warning = UAwarnHandlerFn
) # end of withCallingHandlers for catching warnings and continuing execution
error = UAerrHandlerFn,
silent =TRUE
# Do other stuff whatever necessary coming out of the try catch block before returning from this BSky Analytical function#
if(BSkyGlobalErrorFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# Error is already handled and logged
# Whereever the error occured execution cannot continue
# control will be passed to the error handler function
# and then the control will come out ogf the Try-Catch block
# cat("error caught in bsky.one.sm.t.test or anywhere in any sub function calls\n")
if(BSkyGlobalWarningFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# All Bsky functions continue from the point where the warning occured
# so by the time controls comes here - all warnings are already handled
# and execution of the code had continued
# cat("warning caught in bsky.one.sm.t.test or anywhere in any sub function calls\n")
#Function to call at the end to close out logfiles. This function should not be called
#from any other sub function. This is only for uber function. Sub function has different
#function - BSkyFunctionWrapUp()
invisible( BSkyReturnStructure() )
# bskyReturnObj = bsky.example.2WayFrequency.no.split2("Dataset1", varsNameStrings=c('agecat', 'gender'), cellPercent = 'Y', rowPercent = 'Y', colPercent = 'Y')
bsky.example.2WayFrequency.no.split2<- function(datasetNameString, varsNameStrings, cellPercent = 'N', rowPercent = 'N', colPercent = 'N', bSkyHandleSplit = TRUE)
#This is just to set the context to the current dataset name
# cat("Hello\n")
colObjects <- list()
len <- length(varsNameStrings)
if(len > 0)
for(i in 1:len)
colObjects[[i]] <- eval(parse(text=paste(datasetNameString,'$',varsNameStrings[i], sep='')))
# 2-Way Frequency Table
mytable <- table(colObjects[[1]], colObjects[[2]]) # here dataset column1 will be rows, dataset column2 will be columns
tempTable = margin.table(mytable, 1) # datasetColumnObj1 frequencies
tempTable = margin.table(mytable, 2) # datasetColumnObj2 frequencies
if(cellPercent != 'N')
tempTable = prop.table(mytable) # cell percentages
if(rowPercent != 'N')
tempTable = prop.table(mytable, 1) # row percentages
if(colPercent != 'N')
tempTable = prop.table(mytable, 2) # column percentages
warning = UAwarnHandlerFn
) # end of withCallingHandlers for catching warnings and continuing execution
error = UAerrHandlerFn,
silent =TRUE
# Do other stuff whatever necessary coming out of the try catch block before returning from this BSky Analytical function#
if(BSkyGlobalErrorFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# Error is already handled and logged
# Whereever the error occured execution cannot continue
# control will be passed to the error handler function
# and then the control will come out ogf the Try-Catch block
# cat("error caught in bsky.one.sm.t.test or anywhere in any sub function calls\n")
if(BSkyGlobalWarningFound() == TRUE)
# if anything needs to be checked or print etc
# All Bsky functions continue from the point where the warning occured
# so by the time controls comes here - all warnings are already handled
# and execution of the code had continued
# cat("warning caught in bsky.one.sm.t.test or anywhere in any sub function calls\n")
#Function to call at the end to close out logfiles. This function should not be called
#from any other sub function. This is only for uber function. Sub function has different
#function - BSkyFunctionWrapUp()
invisible( BSkyReturnStructure() )
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