
#' Aggregate Average Net Position
#' @param payments dataframe value, payments data
#' @param debit logical value, if this value is TRUE then the net debit position
#'              is calculated. If FALSE then the net credit position is calculated.
#' @param central_bank character value, If the central bank is to be removed from
#'                     calculation then this parameter should be the identifier
#'                     of the central bank. Defaults to NULL meaning no participant
#'                     is removed from the calculation
#' @param t_start time value, First time in the day when payments are sent. Should
#'                have the format: HH:MM:SS.
#'                Defaults to NULL, taking the time of the first payment in the
#'                data as it's value.
#' @param t_end time value, Last time in the day when payments are sent.Should
#'              have the format: HH:MM:SS.
#'              Defaults to NULL, taking the time of the last payment in the
#'              data as it's value.
#' @return dataframe structure, The aggregate net debit/credit
#'         position of the system
#' @details
#' Assumes that the payments data file has the form:
#' ID, date, time, value, from, to
#' Calculates the daily aggregate (across participants), average net debit/credit position.
#' The average net debit/credit positions of each participant is calculated with
#' the avg_net_position function.
agg_avg_net_position <- function(payments, debit, central_bank = NULL,
                                 t_start = NULL, t_end = NULL) {

  # correct column name check
  if(!all(colnames(payments) %in% c("ID", "date", "time", "value", "from", "to"))) {
    stop("The column names are incorrect. Please ensure the columns are named:
         ID, date, time, value, from, to")

  # correct time formatting
  if(!"hms" %in% class(payments$time)) {
    stop("The time column isn't in the correct format. It needs to be of class
         hms, use the function as.hms() to convert it")

  participants <- unique(payments$from)

  if(!is.null(central_bank)) {
    participants <- participants[-which(participants == central_bank)]

  net_position_by_participant <-
    (mclapply(participants, function(x) avg_net_position(x, payments, debit,
                                                       t_start, t_end)))

  net_position_by_participant <-

  net_position_by_participant <-
    net_position_by_participant[, .(aggregate_net = sum(avg_net_pos)),
                                by = list(date)]

BoC-PaymentsResearch/CPMI_stats documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:14 p.m.