
Defines functions aggregateNeighbors

Documented in aggregateNeighbors

#' @title Function to aggregate all neighbors of each cell.
#' @description Function to summarize categorical or expression values of all
#' neighbors of each cell.
#' @param object a \code{SingleCellExperiment} or \code{SpatialExperiment}
#' object
#' @param colPairName single character indicating the \code{colPair(object)}
#' entry containing the neighbor information.
#' @param aggregate_by character specifying whether the neighborhood should be
#' summarized by cellular features stored in \code{colData(object)}
#' (\code{aggregate_by = "metdata"}) or by marker expression of the
#' neighboring cells (\code{aggregate_by = "expression"}).
#' @param count_by for \code{summarize_by = "metadata"}, a single character
#' specifying the \code{colData(object)} entry containing the cellular
#' metadata that should be summarized across each cell's neighborhood.
#' @param proportions single logical indicating whether aggregated metadata
#' should be returned in form of proportions instead of absolute counts.
#' @param assay_type for \code{summarize_by = "expression"}, single character
#' indicating the assay slot to use.
#' @param subset_row for \code{summarize_by = "expression"}, an integer, logical
#' or character vector specifying the features to use. If NULL, defaults to
#' all features.
#' @param statistic for \code{summarize_by = "expression"}, a single character
#' specifying the statistic to be used for summarizing the expression values
#' across all neighboring cells. Supported entries are "mean", "median", "sd",
#' "var". Defaults to "mean" if not specified.
#' @param name single character specifying the name of the data frame to be
#' saved in the \code{colData(object)}. Defaults to "aggregatedNeighbors" when
#' \code{summarize_by = "metadata"} or "{statistic}_aggregatedExpression" when
#' \code{summarize_by = "expression"}.
#' @return returns an object of \code{class(object)} containing the aggregated
#' values in form of a \code{DataFrame} object in
#' \code{colData(object)[[name]]}.
#' @examples
#' library(cytomapper)
#' data(pancreasSCE)
#' sce <- buildSpatialGraph(pancreasSCE, img_id = "ImageNb", 
#'                          type = "knn", k = 3)
#' # Aggregating neighboring cell-types
#' sce <- aggregateNeighbors(sce, colPairName = "knn_interaction_graph",
#'                          aggregate_by = "metadata",
#'                          count_by = "CellType")
#' sce$aggregatedNeighbors
#' # Aggregating neighboring expression values
#' sce <- aggregateNeighbors(sce, colPairName = "knn_interaction_graph",
#'                          aggregate_by = "expression",
#'                          assay_type = "exprs",
#'                          statistic = "mean")
#' sce$mean_aggregatedExpression
#' @author Daniel Schulz (\email{daniel.schulz@@uzh.ch})
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table dcast melt :=
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colPair colData
#' @importFrom stats median sd var
#' @export
aggregateNeighbors <- function(object,
                            aggregate_by = c("metadata", "expression"),
                            count_by = NULL,
                            proportions = TRUE,
                            assay_type = NULL,
                            subset_row = NULL,
                            statistic = c("mean", "median", "sd", "var"),
                            name = NULL){

    summarize_by <- match.arg(aggregate_by)
    summaryStats <- match.arg(statistic)

    .valid.aggregateNeighbors.input(object, colPairName, summarize_by, 
                                count_by, proportions, assay_type, subset_row,

    if (summarize_by == "metadata") {

        cur_dat <- as.data.table(colPair(object, colPairName))
        cur_factor <- factor(colData(object)[[count_by]])
        cur_dat[, "celltype" := cur_factor[cur_dat$to]]

        cur_dat <- dcast(cur_dat, formula = "from ~ celltype", 
                                fun.aggregate = length, drop = FALSE)

        if (proportions) {
            .SD <- NULL
            all_col <- names(cur_dat)[-1]
            row_sums <- rowSums(cur_dat[,-1])
            cur_dat[, (all_col) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x / row_sums}), 
                    .SDcols = all_col]
        name <- ifelse(is.null(name), "aggregatedNeighbors", name)
        out_dat <- DataFrame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = ncol(object), 
                                    ncol = ncol(cur_dat) - 1))
        names(out_dat) <- names(cur_dat)[-1]
        out_dat[cur_dat$from,] <- cur_dat[,-1]

        colData(object)[[name]] <- out_dat


    } else {
        if (is.null(subset_row)) {
            subset_row <- rownames(object)

        cur_dat <- as.data.table(colPair(object, colPairName))

        cur_dat <- cbind(cur_dat,t(assay(object, assay_type))[cur_dat$to,
        cur_dat <- melt(cur_dat, id.vars = c("from", "to"))
        cur_dat <- cur_dat[,eval(parse(text = paste0(statistic, "(value)"))), 
        cur_dat <- dcast(cur_dat, formula = "from ~ variable", 
                        value.var = "V1")

        name <- ifelse(is.null(name), 
                        paste0(statistic,"_aggregatedExpression"), name)
        out_dat <- DataFrame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = ncol(object), 
                                    ncol = ncol(cur_dat) - 1))
        names(out_dat) <- names(cur_dat)[-1]
        out_dat[cur_dat$from,] <- cur_dat[,-1]

        colData(object)[[name]] <- out_dat

BodenmillerGroup/imcRtools documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 9:39 p.m.