
Defines functions .valid.detectCommunity.input .valid.plotSpatialContext.input .valid.filterSpatialContext.input .valid.detectSpatialContext.input .valid.patchSize.input .valid.minDistToCells.input .valid.patchDetection.input .valid.findBorderCells.input .valid.testInteractions.input .valid.countInteractions.input .valid.plotSpatial.input .valid.aggregateNeighbors.input .valid.buildSpatialGraph.input .valid.read_cpout.input .valid.read_steinbock.input .valid.readImagefromTXT.input .valid.filterPixels.input .valid.binAcrossPixels.input .valid.plotSpotHeatmap.input .valid.readSCEfromTXT.input

# Check function for SCE from TXT function
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
.valid.readSCEfromTXT.input <- function(txt_list, cur_names,
                                        metadata_cols, verbose,

    # Check if names are all of the format Mt123 where Mt is the metal name
    # and 123 is the mass
    if (read_metal_from_filename) {
        cur_mass <- str_extract(cur_names, "[0-9]{2,3}$")
        cur_names <- cur_names[order(as.numeric(cur_mass))]
        if (!all(grepl("^[A-Z]{1}[a-z]{0,1}[0-9]{2,3}$", cur_names))) {
            stop("Not all names match the pattern (mt)(mass).")
        # Check if spotted channel is also open
        cur_channels <- str_extract(colnames(txt_list[[1]]),
        cur_channels <- cur_channels[!is.na(cur_channels)]
        cur_channels <- sub("Di", "", cur_channels)
        # Verbose option will print possible missmatched between acquired and 
        # open channels
        spot_not_ac <- cur_names[!(cur_names %in% cur_channels)]
        ac_not_spot <- cur_channels[!(cur_channels %in% cur_names)]
        if (verbose) {
            cat("Spotted channels: ", paste(cur_names, collapse = ", "))
            cat("Acquired channels: ", paste(cur_channels, collapse = ", "))
            cat("Channels spotted but not acquired: ",
                paste(spot_not_ac, collapse = ", "))
            cat("Channels acquired but not spotted: ",
                paste(ac_not_spot, collapse = ", "))
        if (!all(cur_names %in% cur_channels)) {
            stop("Not all spotted channels were acquired.")

    # Check if metadata_cols are in each file
    cur_check <- lapply(txt_list, function(x){
        all(metadata_cols %in% colnames(x))

    if (!all(unlist(cur_check))) {
        stop("Not all 'metadata_cols' are present in entries to 'txt_list'")

#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData assayNames
#' @importFrom methods is
.valid.plotSpotHeatmap.input <- function(object, spot_id, channel_id,
                                    assay_type, log,
                                    threshold, order_metals){

    # Check sce object
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
    if (!spot_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'spot_id' not in 'colData(object)'.")
    if (!channel_id %in% names(rowData(object))) {
        stop("'channel_id' not in 'rowData(object)'.")
    if (!assay_type %in% assayNames(object)) {
        stop("'assay_type' not in 'assayNames(object)'.")

    if (!all(is.logical(log)) || length(log) != 1) {
        stop("'log' needs to be logical.")

    if (!is.null(threshold) & (length(threshold) != 1 || 
                                !all(is.numeric(threshold)))) {
        stop("'threshold' needs to be a single numeric.")

    if (!all(is.logical(order_metals)) || length(order_metals) != 1) {
        stop("'order_metals' needs to be logical.")

#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData assayNames
.valid.binAcrossPixels.input <- function(object, bin_size, spot_id, assay_type){

    # Check sce object
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
    if (!spot_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'spot_id' not in 'colData(object)'.")
    if (!assay_type %in% assayNames(object)) {
        stop("'assay_type' not in 'assayNames(object)'.")

    if (!all(is.numeric(bin_size)) || length(bin_size) != 1) {
        stop("'bin_size' needs to be single numeric.")

.valid.filterPixels.input <- function(object, bc_id, spot_mass,
                                    minevents, correct_pixels){

    # Check sce object
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
    if (!bc_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'bc_id' not in 'colData(object)'.")
    if (!spot_mass %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'spot_mass' not in 'colData(object)'.")

    if (!all(is.numeric(minevents)) || length(minevents) != 1) {
        stop("'minevents' needs to be single numeric.")
    if (!all(is.logical(correct_pixels)) || length(correct_pixels) != 1) {
        stop("'correct_pixels' needs to be single logical.")

.valid.readImagefromTXT.input <- function(path, pattern){
    # Check if input is character
    if (!all(is.character(path)) | length(path) != 1) {
        stop("Please provide a string input indicating a path.")

    if (!is.character(pattern) | length(pattern) != 1) {
        stop("'pattern' must be indicated as single character")

    if (!dir.exists(path)) {
        stop("The indicated path does not exist")

    out <- list.files(path, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)

    if (length(out) == 0) {
        stop("The pattern does not match any\n",
                "of the files in the provided directory.")

.valid.read_steinbock.input <- function(path, intensities_folder, graphs_folder,
                                    regionprops_folder, cell_id, coords,
                                    image_file, extract_imagemetadata_from,
                                    panel, name, pattern) {
    if (length(path) != 1 | !is.character(path)) {
        stop("'path' must be a single string.")

    if (!dir.exists(path)) {
        stop("'path' doesn't exist.")

    if (is.null(intensities_folder)) {
        stop("'intensities_folder' must be specified.")

    if (length(intensities_folder) != 1 | !is.character(intensities_folder)) {
        stop("'intensities_folder' must be a single string.")

    if (!dir.exists(file.path(path, intensities_folder))) {
        stop("'intensities_folder' doesn't exist.")
    # Check if any files can be read in
    all_files <- list.files(file.path(path, intensities_folder),
                            pattern =  pattern, full.names = TRUE)
    if (length(all_files) == 0) {
        stop("No files were read in.")
    # Check cell_id
    cur_file <- vroom(all_files[1],
                      progress = FALSE,
                      show_col_types = FALSE)
    if (length(cell_id) != 1 | !is.character(cell_id)) {
        stop("'extract_cellid_from' must be a single string.")
    if (!cell_id %in% colnames(cur_file)) {
        stop("'extract_cellid_from' not in intensities files.")
    cur_int <- lapply(all_files, function(x){
        x <- vroom(x, n_max = 0, show_col_types = FALSE)
    if (length(unique(cur_int)) != 1) {
        stop("'colnames' of files in '", intensities_folder, "' do not match.")
    all_int <- list.files(file.path(path, intensities_folder),
                            pattern =  pattern, full.names = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(graphs_folder)) {

        if (length(graphs_folder) != 1 | !is.character(graphs_folder)) {
            stop("'graphs_folder' must be a single string.")

        if (!dir.exists(file.path(path, graphs_folder))) {
            stop("'graphs_folder' doesn't exist.")
        all_graph <- list.files(file.path(path, graphs_folder),
                                pattern =  pattern, full.names = FALSE)
        if (!identical(all_int, all_graph)) {
            stop("File names in '", intensities_folder, "' and '", 
                 graphs_folder, "' do not match.")
        all_files <- list.files(file.path(path, graphs_folder),
                                pattern =  pattern, full.names = TRUE)
        cur_graphs <- lapply(all_files, function(x){
            x <- vroom(x, n_max = 0, show_col_types = FALSE)
        if (length(unique(cur_graphs)) != 1) {
            stop("'colnames' of files in '", graphs_folder, "' do not match.")


    if (!is.null(regionprops_folder)) {

        if (length(regionprops_folder) != 1 | 
            !is.character(regionprops_folder)) {
            stop("'regionprops_folder' must be a single string.")

        if (!dir.exists(file.path(path, regionprops_folder))) {
            stop("'regionprops_folder' doesn't exist.")
        all_region <- list.files(file.path(path, regionprops_folder),
                                pattern =  pattern, full.names = FALSE)
        if (!identical(all_int, all_region)) {
            stop("File names in '", intensities_folder, "' and '", 
                 regionprops_folder, "' do not match.")


    # Check coords
    if (!is.null(regionprops_folder)) {
        all_files <- list.files(file.path(path, regionprops_folder),
                                pattern =  pattern, full.names = TRUE)
        if (length(all_files) > 0) {
            cur_file <- vroom(all_files[1],
                                progress = FALSE,
                                show_col_types = FALSE)
            if (!all(is.character(coords))) {
                stop("'extract_coords_from' must be characters.")
            if (!all(coords %in% colnames(cur_file))) {
                stop("'coords' not in regionprops files.")
            cur_region <- lapply(all_files, function(x){
                    x <- vroom(x, n_max = 0, show_col_types = FALSE)
            if (length(unique(cur_region)) != 1) {
                stop("'colnames' of files in '", regionprops_folder, "' do not match.")
    # Check image file
    if (!is.null(image_file)) {
        if (length(image_file) != 1 | !is.character(image_file)) {
            stop("'image_file' must be a single string.")
        if (!file.exists(file.path(path, image_file))) {
            stop("'image_file' doesn't exist.")
        if (!all(is.character(extract_imagemetadata_from))) {
            stop("'extract_imagemetadata_from' should only contain characters.")
        cur_images_file <- vroom(file.path(path, image_file), progress = FALSE, 
                                 show_col_types = FALSE)
        if (!all(extract_imagemetadata_from %in% colnames(cur_images_file))) {
            stop("'extract_imagemetadata_from' not in images file.")
        # Compare against intensity files
        all_int <- list.files(file.path(path, intensities_folder),
                              pattern =  pattern, full.names = FALSE)
        cur_sample_id <- sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", all_int)
        if (!all(cur_sample_id %in% sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", cur_images_file$image))) {
            stop("Files found in '", intensities_folder, 
                 "' do not match the 'image' entry in '", image_file, "'.")

    # Check panel
    if (!is.null(panel)) {
        if (length(panel) != 1 | !is.character(panel)) {
            stop("'panel_file' must be a single string.")

        if (file.exists(file.path(path, panel))) {
            cur_panel <- vroom(file.path(path, panel),
                                progress = FALSE,
                               show_col_types = FALSE)
        } else if (file.exists(panel)) {
            cur_panel <- vroom(panel,
                                progress = FALSE,
                               show_col_types = FALSE)

        if (exists("cur_panel")) {

            if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
                stop("'extract_names_from' must be a single string.")

            if (!name %in% colnames(cur_panel)) {
                stop("'extract_names_from' not in panel file.")

#' @importFrom stringr str_count
.valid.read_cpout.input <- function(path, object_file, image_file,
                            panel_file, graph_file, object_feature_file,
                            intensities, extract_imgid_from, 
                            extract_metal_from, scale_intensities,

    if (length(path) != 1 | !is.character(path)) {
        stop("'path' must be a single string.")

    if (!dir.exists(path)) {
        stop("'path' doesn't exist.")

    if (is.null(object_file)) {
        stop("'object_file' must be specified.")

    if (is.null(object_feature_file)) {
        stop("'object_feature_file' must be specified.")

    if (length(object_file) != 1 | !is.character(object_file)) {
        stop("'object_file' must be a single string.")

    if (length(object_feature_file) != 1 | !is.character(object_feature_file)) {
        stop("'object_feature_file' must be a single string.")

    if (!file.exists(file.path(path, object_file))) {
        stop("'object_file' doesn't exist.")

    if (!file.exists(file.path(path, object_feature_file))) {
        stop("'object_feature_file' doesn't exist.")

    if (!is.null(image_file)) {

        if (length(image_file) != 1 | !is.character(image_file)) {
            stop("'image_file' must be a single string.")

        if (!file.exists(file.path(path, image_file))) {
            stop("'image_file' doesn't exist.")


    if (!is.null(graph_file)) {

        if (length(graph_file) != 1 | !is.character(graph_file)) {
            stop("'graph_file' must be a single string.")

        if (!file.exists(file.path(path, graph_file))) {
            stop("'graph_file' doesn't exist.")


    # Check panel
    if (!is.null(panel_file)) {
        if (length(panel_file) != 1 | !is.character(panel_file)) {
            stop("'panel_file' must be a single string.")

        if (file.exists(file.path(path, panel_file))) {
            cur_panel <- vroom(file.path(path, panel_file),
                                progress = FALSE,
                               show_col_types = FALSE)
        } else if (file.exists(panel_file)) {
            cur_panel <- vroom(panel_file,
                                progress = FALSE,
                               show_col_types = FALSE)

        if (exists("cur_panel")) {

            if (is.null(extract_metal_from)) {
                stop("'extract_metal_from' must be specified.")

            if (length(extract_metal_from) != 1 | 
                !is.character(extract_metal_from)) {
                stop("'extract_metal_from' must be a single string.")

            if (!extract_metal_from %in% colnames(cur_panel)) {
                stop("'extract_metal_from' not in panel file.")

    # Check object files
    cur_file <- vroom(file.path(path, object_file), n_max = 1, 
                      show_col_types = FALSE)

    if (is.null(intensities)) {
        stop("'intensities' must be specified.")

    if (length(intensities) != 1 | !is.character(intensities)) {
        stop("'intensities' must be a single string.")

    feature_count <- sum(str_count(colnames(cur_file), intensities))

    if (feature_count == 0) {
        stop("No intensity features were read in.",
             " Please check the 'intensities' parameter.")

    cur_features <- cur_file %>% select(contains(intensities))
    cur_channels <- str_extract(colnames(cur_features), "c[0-9]*$")
    cur_channels <- as.numeric(table(cur_channels))

    if (any(cur_channels > 1)) {
        stop("Some of the features set via 'intensities'", 
             " cannot be uniquely accessed.")

    if (is.null(extract_imgid_from)) {
        stop("'extract_imgid_from' must be specified.")

    if (length(extract_imgid_from) != 1 | !is.character(extract_imgid_from)) {
        stop("'extract_imgid_from' must be a single string.")

    if (!extract_imgid_from %in% colnames(cur_file)) {
        stop("'extract_imgid_from' not in 'object_file'.")

    if (is.null(extract_cellid_from)) {
        stop("'extract_cellid_from' must be specified.")

    if (length(extract_cellid_from) != 1 | !is.character(extract_cellid_from)) {
        stop("'extract_cellid_from' must be a single string.")

    if (!extract_cellid_from %in% colnames(cur_file)) {
        stop("'extract_cellid_from' not in 'object_file'.")

    if (!is.null(extract_coords_from)) {
        if (!all(extract_coords_from %in% colnames(cur_file))) {
            stop("'extract_coords_from' not in 'object_file'.")

    if (!is.null(extract_cellmetadata_from)) {
        if (!all(extract_cellmetadata_from %in% colnames(cur_file))) {
            stop("'extract_cellmetadata_from' not in 'object_file'.")

    # Check image files
    if (is.null(scale_intensities)) {
        stop("'scale_intensities' needs to be logical.")

    if (length(scale_intensities) != 1) {
        stop("'scale_intensities' needs to be of length 1.")
    } else {
        if (!is.logical(scale_intensities)) {
            stop("'scale_intensities' needs to be logical.")

    if (scale_intensities & is.null(image_file)) {
        stop("When scaling the summarized object intensities, ",
        "please supply the 'image_file'.")

    if (!is.null(image_file)) {
        cur_file <- vroom(file.path(path, image_file), n_max = 1, 
                          show_col_types = FALSE)

        if (!is.null(extract_imagemetadata_from)) {
            if (!all(extract_imagemetadata_from %in% colnames(cur_file))) {
                stop("'extract_imagemetadata_from' not in 'image_file'.")

        if (length(extract_scalingfactor_from) != 1 | 
            !is.character(extract_scalingfactor_from)) {
            stop("'extract_scalingfactor_from' must be a single string.")

        if (scale_intensities & 
            !extract_scalingfactor_from %in% colnames(cur_file)) {
            stop("'extract_scalingfactor_from' not in 'image_file'.")


    # Check graph file
    if (!is.null(graph_file)) {
        cur_file <- vroom(file.path(path, graph_file), n_max = 1, 
                          show_col_types = FALSE)

        if (is.null(extract_graphimageid_from)) {
            stop("'extract_graphimageid_from' must be specified.")

        if (length(extract_graphimageid_from) != 1 | 
            !is.character(extract_graphimageid_from)) {
            stop("'extract_graphimageid_from' must be a single string.")

        if (!extract_graphimageid_from %in% colnames(cur_file)) {
            stop("'extract_graphimageid_from' not in 'graph_file'.")

        if (is.null(extract_graphcellids_from)) {
            stop("'extract_graphcellids_from' must be specified.")

        if (!all(extract_graphcellids_from %in% colnames(cur_file))) {
            stop("'extract_graphcellids_from' not in 'graph_file'.")



#' @importFrom SpatialExperiment spatialCoordsNames
.valid.buildSpatialGraph.input <- function(object, type, img_id, k, 
                                    threshold, coords, name, 
                                    directed, max_dist){

    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")

    if (length(img_id) != 1 | !is.character(img_id)) {
        stop("'img_id' must be a single string.")

    if (!img_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'img_id' not in colData(object).")

    if (type == "expansion") {

        if (is.null(threshold)) {
            stop("When constructing a graph via expansion,",
                 " please specify 'threshold'.")
        if (length(threshold) != 1 || !is.numeric(threshold)) {
            stop("'threshold' must be a single numeric")

    if (type == "knn") {

        if (is.null(k)) {
            stop("When constructing a graph via nearest neighbour detection, ",
                 "please specify 'k'.")
        if (length(k) != 1 || !is.numeric(k)) {
            stop("'k' must be a single numeric")
        if (!is.null(max_dist) & (length(max_dist) != 1 || 
                                    !is.numeric(max_dist))) {
            stop("'max_dist' must be a single numeric")

    if (length(coords) != 2 | !all(is.character(coords))) {
        stop("'coords' must be a character vector of length 2.")

    if (is(object, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        if (!all(coords %in% spatialCoordsNames(object))) {
            stop("'coords' not in spatialCoords(object).")
    } else {
        if (!all(coords %in% names(colData(object)))) {
            stop("'coords' not in colData(object).")


    if (!is.null(name)) {
        if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
            stop("'name' must be a single string.")

    if (length(directed) != 1 | !is.logical(directed)) {
        stop("'directed' must be a single logical.")


.valid.aggregateNeighbors.input <- function(object, colPairName, aggregate_by, 
                                        count_by, proportions, assay_type, 
                                        subset_row, name){

    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
    if (length(colPairName) != 1 | !is.character(colPairName)) {
        stop("'colPairName' must be a single string.")
    if (! colPairName %in% colPairNames(object)) {
        stop("'colPairName' not in 'colPairNames(object)'.")
    if (length(colPair(object, colPairName)) == 0) {
        stop("No interactions found.")

    if (aggregate_by == "metadata") {

        if (is.null(count_by)) {
            stop("Provide a 'colData(object)' entry to aggregate by.")
        if (length(count_by) != 1 | !is.character(count_by)) {
            stop("'count_by' must be a single string.")

        if (! count_by %in% colnames(colData(object))) {
            stop("'count_by' is not a valid enty of 'colData(object)'.")
        if (length(proportions) != 1 | !is.logical(proportions)) {
            stop("'proportions' must be a single logical")

    if (aggregate_by == "expression") {

        if (is.null(assay_type)) {
            stop("'assay_type' not provided")
        if (length(assay_type) != 1 | !is.character(assay_type)) {
            stop("'assay_type' must be a single string.")

        if (! assay_type %in% assayNames(object)) {
            stop("'assay_type' not an assay in the 'object'.")
        if (!is.null(subset_row)) {
            if (all(is.character(subset_row)) & 
                !all(subset_row %in% rownames(object))) {
                stop("'subset_row' not in rownames(object).")
            if (all(is.logical(subset_row)) & 
                length(subset_row) != nrow(object)) {
                stop("'subset_row' logical entries", 
                     " must be as long as 'nrow(object)'.")
    if (!is.null(name) & (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name))) {
        stop("'name' must be a single string.")

#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.valid.plotSpatial.input <- function(object, img_id, coords, node_color_by,
                                    node_shape_by, node_size_by, edge_color_by,
                                    assay_type, edge_width_by, draw_edges, 
                                    directed,  arrow,  end_cap, colPairName, 
                                    nodes_first, ncols, nrows, scales, 
                                    flip_x, flip_y, aspect_ratio){
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")

    if (length(img_id) != 1 | !is.character(img_id)) {
        stop("'img_id' must be a single string.")

    if (!img_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'img_id' not in colData(object).")

    if (length(coords) != 2 | !all(is.character(coords))) {
        stop("'coords' must be a character vector of length 2.")
    if (is(object, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        if (!all(coords %in% spatialCoordsNames(object))) {
            stop("'coords' not in spatialCoords(object).")
    } else {
        if (!all(coords %in% names(colData(object)))) {
            stop("'coords' not in colData(object).")

    if (!is.null(node_color_by) && (length(node_color_by) != 1 |
        !is.character(node_color_by))) {
        stop("'node_color_by' must be a single string.")
    cur_accepted <- c(names(colData(object)), rownames(object))

    if (!is.null(node_color_by) && !node_color_by %in% cur_accepted) {
        stop("'node_color_by' not in colData(object) or rownames(object).")
    if (!is.null(node_color_by) && node_color_by %in% rownames(object)) {
        if (is.null(assay_type)) {
            stop("When coloring nodes by marker expression,", 
                    " please specify 'assay_type'.")
        if (length(assay_type) != 1 | !is.character(assay_type)) {
            stop("'assay_type' must be a single string.")
        if (!assay_type %in% assayNames(object)) {
            stop("'assay_type' not an assay in object.")

    if (!is.null(node_shape_by) &&
        (length(node_shape_by) != 1 | !is.character(node_shape_by))) {
        stop("'node_shape_by' must be a single string.")

    if (!is.null(node_shape_by) &&
        (!node_shape_by %in% names(colData(object)))) {
        stop("'node_shape_by' not in colData(object).")

    if (!is.null(node_size_by) &&
        (length(node_size_by) != 1 | !is.character(node_size_by))) {
        stop("'node_size_by' must be a single string.")

    if (!is.null(node_size_by) &&
        (!node_size_by %in% names(colData(object)))) {
        stop("'node_size_by' not in colData(object).")

    if (length(draw_edges) != 1 | !is.logical(draw_edges)) {
        stop("'draw_edges' must be a single logical")

    if (draw_edges) {
        if (is.null(colPairName)) {
            stop("Please specify the name of the",
                " column pairing via 'colPairName'.")

        if (length(colPairName) != 1 | !is.character(colPairName)) {
            stop("'colPairName' must be a single string.")

        if (!colPairName %in% colPairNames(object)) {
            stop("No column pairing with name ", colPairName, " found.")

        if (!is.null(edge_color_by) &&
            (length(edge_color_by) != 1 | !is.character(edge_color_by))) {
            stop("'edge_color_by' must be a single string.")

        if (!is.null(edge_color_by) &&
            (!edge_color_by %in% names(colData(object)) &&
            !edge_color_by %in% names(mcols(colPair(object, colPairName))))) {
            stop("'edge_color_by' not in 'colData(object)'",
                 " or in 'mcols(colPair(object, colPairName))'.")
        if (!is.null(edge_width_by) && 
            (length(edge_width_by) != 1 | !is.character(edge_width_by))) {
            stop("'edge_width_by' must be a single string.")
        if (!is.null(edge_width_by) && 
            (!edge_width_by %in% names(colData(object)) &&
            !edge_width_by %in% names(mcols(colPair(object, colPairName))))) {
            stop("'edge_width_by' not in 'colData(object)'", 
                 " or in 'mcols(colPair(object, colPairName))'.")

        if (length(directed) != 1 | !is.logical(directed)) {
            stop("'directed' must be a single logical")

        if (!is.null(arrow) && !is(arrow, "arrow")) {
            stop("'arrow' must be of class grid::arrow.")
        if (!is.null(end_cap) && !is(end_cap, "ggraph_geometry")) {
            stop("'end_cap' must be of type 'ggraph_geometry'.")
    if (length(nodes_first) != 1 | !is.logical(nodes_first)) {
        stop("'nodes_first' must be a single logical")

    if (!is.null(ncols) && (length(ncols) != 1 | !is.numeric(ncols))) {
        stop("'ncols' must be a single numeric")

    if (!is.null(nrows) && (length(nrows) != 1 | !is.numeric(nrows))) {
        stop("'nrows' must be a single numeric")
    if (!scales %in% c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free")) {
        stop("'scales' should be one of 'fixed', 'free_x', 'free_y', 'free'.")
    if (length(flip_y) != 1 | !is.logical(flip_y)) {
        stop("'flip_y' must be a single logical")
    if (length(flip_x) != 1 | !is.logical(flip_x)) {
        stop("'flip_x' must be a single logical")
    if (!is.null(aspect_ratio) & length(aspect_ratio) != 1) {
        stop("'aspect_ratio' must be a single positive number, NULL or 'auto'.")
    if (!is.null(aspect_ratio)) {
        if (aspect_ratio != "auto" &
            (!is.numeric(aspect_ratio) | 
            any(aspect_ratio < 0))) {
                stop("'aspect_ratio' must be a single positive number, NULL or 'auto'.")

.valid.countInteractions.input <- function(object, group_by, label, method,
                                                patch_size, colPairName){
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
    if (length(group_by) != 1 | !is.character(group_by)) {
        stop("'group_by' must be a single string.")
    if (any(is.na(object[[group_by]]))) {
        stop("Please remove NAs from the grouping vector.")
    if (!group_by %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'group_by' not in colData(object).")
    if (length(colPairName) != 1 | !is.character(colPairName)) {
        stop("'colPairName' must be a single string.")
    if (!colPairName %in% colPairNames(object)) {
        stop("'colPairName' not in colPairNames(object).")
    if (length(label) != 1 | !is.character(label)) {
        stop("'label' must be a single string.")
    if (!label %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'label' not in colData(object).")
    if (any(is.na(object[[label]]))) {
        stop("Please remove NAs from the label vector.")
    if (method == "patch") {
        if (is.null(patch_size)) {
            stop("When method = 'patch', please specify 'patch_size'.")
        if (length(patch_size) != 1 | !is.numeric(patch_size)) {
            stop("'patch_size' must be a single numeric.")

.valid.testInteractions.input <- function(iter, p_threshold, return_samples,
    if (length(iter) != 1 | !is.numeric(iter)) {
        stop("'iter' must be a single positive numeric.")
    if (iter < 1) {
        stop("'iter' must be a single positive numeric.")
    if (length(p_threshold) != 1 | !is.numeric(p_threshold)) {
        stop("'p_threshold' must be a single numeric between 0 and 1.")
    if (p_threshold < 0 | p_threshold > 1) {
        stop("'p_threshold' must be a single numeric between 0 and 1.")
    if (length(return_samples) != 1 | !is.logical(return_samples)) {
        stop("'return_samples' must be a single logical.")
    if (length(tolerance) != 1 | !is.numeric(tolerance)) {
        stop("'tolerance' must be a single numeric.")
    if (tolerance < 0) {
        stop("'tolerance' must be larger than 0.")

.valid.findBorderCells.input <- function(object, img_id, border_dist, coords){
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
    if (length(img_id) != 1 | !is.character(img_id)) {
        stop("'img_id' must be a single string.")
    if (!img_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'img_id' not in colData(object).")
    if (length(coords) != 2 | !all(is.character(coords))) {
        stop("'coords' must be a character vector of length 2.")
    if (is(object, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        if (!all(coords %in% spatialCoordsNames(object))) {
            stop("'coords' not in spatialCoords(object).")
    } else {
        if (!all(coords %in% names(colData(object)))) {
            stop("'coords' not in colData(object).")
    if (length(border_dist) != 1 | !is.numeric(border_dist)) {
        stop("'border_dist' must be a single numeric.")

.valid.patchDetection.input <- function(object, patch_cells, colPairName, 
                                        min_patch_size, name, expand_by, coords,
                                        convex, img_id){
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
    if (!all(is.logical(patch_cells))) {
        stop("'patch_cells' must all be logical.")
    if (length(patch_cells) != ncol(object)) {
        stop("Length of 'patch_cells' must match the number of cells in 'object'.")
    if (length(colPairName) != 1 | !is.character(colPairName)) {
        stop("'colPairName' must be a single string.")
    if (! colPairName %in% colPairNames(object)) {
        stop("'colPairName' not in 'colPairNames(object)'.")
    if (length(colPair(object, colPairName)) == 0) {
        stop("No interactions found.")
    if (length(min_patch_size) != 1 | !is.numeric(min_patch_size)) {
        stop("'min_patch_size' must be a single numeric.")
    if (length(coords) != 2 | !all(is.character(coords))) {
        stop("'coords' must be a character vector of length 2.")
    if (is(object, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        if (!all(coords %in% spatialCoordsNames(object))) {
            stop("'coords' not in spatialCoords(object).")
    } else {
        if (!all(coords %in% names(colData(object)))) {
            stop("'coords' not in colData(object).")
    if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
        stop("'name' must be a single string.")
    if (length(expand_by) != 1 | !is.numeric(expand_by)) {
        stop("'expand_by' must be a single numeric.")
    if (length(convex) != 1 | !is.logical(convex)) {
        stop("'convex' must be a single logical.")
    if (expand_by > 0) {
        if (is.null(img_id)) {
            stop("'img_id' must be specified when patch expansion is performed.")
        if (length(img_id) != 1 | !is.character(img_id)) {
            stop("'img_id' must be a single string.")
        if (!img_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
            stop("'img_id' not in colData(object).")

.valid.minDistToCells.input <- function(object,x_cells,name,coords,img_id,return_neg){
  if(!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
  if (!all(is.logical(x_cells))) {
    stop("'x_cells' must all be logical.")
  if (length(x_cells) != ncol(object)) {
    stop("Length of 'x_cells' must match the number of cells in 'object'.")
  if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
    stop("'name' must be a single string.")
  if (length(coords) != 2 | !all(is.character(coords))) {
    stop("'coords' must be a character vector of length 2.")
  if (is(object, "SpatialExperiment")) {
    if (!all(coords %in% spatialCoordsNames(object))) {
      stop("'coords' not in spatialCoords(object).")
  } else {
    if (!all(coords %in% names(colData(object)))) {
      stop("'coords' not in colData(object).")
  if (length(img_id) != 1 | !is.character(img_id)) {
    stop("'img_id' must be a single string.")
  if (!img_id %in% names(colData(object))) {
    stop("'img_id' not in colData(object).")
    stop("'return_neg' is not of type logical.")

.valid.patchSize.input <- function(object, patch_name, coords, convex){
    if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        stop("'object' not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
    if (length(patch_name) != 1 | !is.character(patch_name)) {
        stop("'patch_name' must be a single string.")
    if (!patch_name %in% names(colData(object))) {
        stop("'patch_name' nor in 'colData(object)'.")
    if (length(coords) != 2 | !all(is.character(coords))) {
        stop("'coords' must be a character vector of length 2.")
    if (is(object, "SpatialExperiment")) {
        if (!all(coords %in% spatialCoordsNames(object))) {
            stop("'coords' not in spatialCoords(object).")
    } else {
        if (!all(coords %in% names(colData(object)))) {
            stop("'coords' not in colData(object).")
    if (length(convex) != 1 | !is.logical(convex)) {
        stop("'convex' must be a single logical.")

.valid.detectSpatialContext.input <- function(object,
  if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
  if (!entry %in% names(colData(object))) {
    stop("'entry' not in 'colData(object)'.")
  if (!is(colData(object)[,entry],"DFrame")) {
    stop("'colData(object)[,entry]' needs to be a DFrame object.")
  if (!(is.numeric(threshold) & (0 <= threshold && threshold <= 1))){
    stop("'threshold' needs to be a single numeric between 0-1.")
    if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
    stop("'name' has to be a single character'.")

.valid.filterSpatialContext.input <- function(object, 
  if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
  if (!entry %in% names(colData(object))) {
    stop("'entry' not in 'colData(object)'.")
  if (!group_by %in% names(colData(object))) { 
    stop("'group_by' not in 'colData(object)'.")
  if (!is.null(group_threshold) &&
      (!is.numeric(group_threshold) | length(group_threshold) != 1)){
    stop("'group_threshold' needs to be a single numeric.")
  if (!is.null(cells_threshold) &&
     (!is.numeric(cells_threshold) | length(cells_threshold) != 1)){
    stop("'cells_threshold' needs to be a single numeric.")
  if (is.null(group_threshold) &&
     (is.null(cells_threshold))) {
    stop("One of 'group_threshold' and 'cells_threshold' ", 
         "has to be defined.")
  if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
    stop("'name' has to be a single character'.")

.valid.plotSpatialContext.input <- function(object,
  if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
  if (!entry %in% names(colData(object))) {
    stop("'entry' not in 'colData(object)'.")
  if (!group_by %in% names(colData(object))) { 
    stop("'group_by' not in 'colData(object)'.")
  if (!is.null(node_color_by) &&
      (!node_color_by %in% c("name", "n_cells", "n_group"))){
    stop("'node_color_by' has to be one off 'name', 'n_cells' or 'n_group'.")
  if (!is.null(node_size_by) &&
      (!node_size_by %in% c("n_cells", "n_group"))){
    stop("'node_size_by' has to be 'n_cells' or 'n_group'.")
  if (!is.null(node_label_color_by) && 
      (!node_label_color_by %in% c("name","n_cells","n_group"))){
    stop("'node_label_color_by' has to be one off 'name', 'n_cells' or 'n_group'.")
  if (!is.logical(node_label_repel)) {
    stop("'node_label_repel' has to be logical'.")
  if(node_label_repel == FALSE){
    if(!is.null(node_label_color_by) | (!is.null(node_label_color_fix))){
    stop("'node_label_color_by' and 'node_label_color_fix' can not be defined ", 
         "when node_label_repel == FALSE")
  if (!is.logical(draw_edges)) {
    stop("'draw_edges' has to be logical'.")
  if (!is.null(node_color_fix) && 
    stop("'node_color_fix' has to be a character'.")
  if (!is.null(node_size_fix) &&
    stop("'node_size_fix' has to be a character'.")
  if (!is.null(node_label_color_fix) &&
    stop("'node_label_color_fix' has to be a character'.")
  if (!is.null(edge_color_fix) &&
    stop("'edge_color_fix' has to be a character'.")
  if(!is.null(node_color_by) &&
    stop("'node_color_by' and 'node_color_fix' can not be defined ", 
         "at the same time.")
  if(!is.null(node_label_color_by) &&
    stop("'node_label_color_by' and 'node_label_color_fix' can not be defined ", 
         "at the same time.")
  if(!is.null(node_label_color_by) &&
     (!is.null(node_color_by)) && 
     (node_label_color_by != node_color_by)){
    stop("'node_label_color_by' and 'node_color_by' have to be identical.")
  if(!is.null(node_size_by) &&
    stop("'node_size_by' and 'node_size_fix' can not be defined ", 
         "at the same time.")
  if (!is.logical(return_data)) {
    stop("'return_data' has to be logical'.")

.valid.detectCommunity.input <- function(object, 
  if (!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    stop("'object' needs to be a SingleCellExperiment object.")
  if (is.null(colnames(object)) | 
      length(unique(colnames(object))) != length(colnames(object))) {
    stop("'colnames' of 'object' need to be specified and unique (e.g. as cell IDs).")
  if (length(colPairName) != 1 | !is.character(colPairName)) {
    stop("'colPairName' must be a single string.")
  if (! colPairName %in% colPairNames(object)) {
    stop("'colPairName' not in 'colPairNames(object)'.")
  if (length(colPair(object, colPairName)) == 0) {
    stop("No interactions found.")
  if (!is.numeric(size_threshold) | length(size_threshold) != 1 
       | size_threshold < 0){
    stop("'size_threshold' needs to be a positive single numeric.")
  if (!is.null(group_by) &&
      (!group_by %in% names(colData(object)))) { 
    stop("'group_by' not in 'colData(object)'.")
  if (length(name) != 1 | !is.character(name)) {
    stop("'name' has to be a single character.")
  if (length(cluster_fun) != 1 | !is.character(cluster_fun)) {
    stop("'cluster_fun' has to be a single character.")
BodenmillerGroup/imcRtools documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 9:39 p.m.