
Defines functions read_cpout

Documented in read_cpout

#' @title Reads in single-cell data generated by the ImcSegmentationPipeline
#' @description Reader function to generate a
#' \code{\linkS4class{SpatialExperiment}} or
#' \code{\linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}} object from single-cell data
#' obtained by the 
#' \href{https://github.com/BodenmillerGroup/ImcSegmentationPipeline}{ImcSegmentationPipeline}
#' pipeline.
#' @param path full path to the CellProfiler output folder.
#' @param object_file single character indicating the file name storing the
#' object/cell-specific intensities and metadata.
#' @param image_file single character indicating the file name storing meta data
#' per image (can be \code{NULL}).
#' @param panel_file single character indicating the file name storing the panel
#' information (can be \code{NULL}).
#' @param graph_file single character indicating the file name storing the
#' object/cell interaction information (can be \code{NULL}).
#' @param object_feature_file single character indicating the file name storing
#' object/cell feature information.
#' @param intensities single character indicating which column entries of the
#' \code{object_file} contain the intensity features of interest. See details.
#' @param extract_imgid_from single character indicating which column entries of
#' the \code{object_file} and \code{image_file} contain the image integer ID.
#' @param extract_cellid_from single character indicating which column entry
#' of the \code{object_file} contains the object/cell integer ID.
#' @param extract_coords_from character vector indicating which column entries
#' of the \code{object_file} contain the x and y location of the
#' objects/cells.
#' @param extract_cellmetadata_from character vector indicating which additional
#' object/cell specific metadata to extract from the \code{object_file}.
#' @param extract_imagemetadata_from character vector indicating which
#' additional image specific metadata to extract from the \code{image_file}.
#' These will be stored in the \code{colData(x)} slot as object/cell-specific
#' entries.
#' @param extract_graphimageid_from single character indicating  which column
#' entries of the \code{graph_file} contain the image integer ID.
#' @param extract_graphcellids_from character vector indicating which column
#' entries of the \code{graph_file} contain the first and second object/cell
#' integer IDs. These will be stored as the \code{from} and \code{to} entry of
#' the \code{SelfHits} object in colPair(x, "neighborhood").
#' @param extract_metal_from single character indicating which column entry of
#' the \code{panel_file} contains the metal isotopes of the used antibodies.
#' This entry is used to match the panel information to the acquired channel
#' information.
#' @param scale_intensities single logical. Should the measured intensity
#' features be scaled by \code{extract_scalingfactor_from}.
#' @param extract_scalingfactor_from single character indicating which column
#' entries of the \code{image_file} contain the image specific scaling factor.
#' @param return_as should the object be returned as
#' \code{\linkS4class{SpatialExperiment}} (\code{return_as = "spe"}) or
#' \code{\linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}} (\code{return_as = "sce"}).
#' @return returns a \code{SpatialExperiment} or \code{SingleCellExperiment}
#' object with markers in rows and cells in columns.
#' @section The returned data container:
#' In the case of both containers \code{x}, intensity features (as selected
#' by the \code{intensities} parameter) are stored in the \code{counts(x)} slot.
#' Cell metadata (e.g morphological features) are stored in the
#' \code{colData(x)} slot. The interaction graphs are stored as
#' \code{\link[S4Vectors]{SelfHits}} object in the 
#' \code{colPair(x, "neighborhood")} slot.
#' Intensity features are extracted via partial string matching. Internally, the 
#' \code{read_cpout} function checks if per channel a single intensity feature
#' is read in (by checking the \code{_cXY} ending where \code{XY} is the 
#' channel number).
#' In the case of a returned \code{SpatialExperiment} object, the cell 
#' coordinates are stored in the \code{spatialCoords(x)} slot.
#' In the case of a returned \code{SingleCellExperiment} object, the cell 
#' coordinates are stored in the \code{colData(x)} slot named as \code{Pos_X}
#' and \code{Pos_Y}.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata/mockData/cpout", package = "imcRtools")
#' # Read in as SpatialExperiment object
#' x <- read_cpout(path, graph_file = "Object_relationships.csv")
#' x
#' # Read in as SingleCellExperiment object
#' x <- read_cpout(path, graph_file = "Object_relationships.csv", 
#'                 return_as = "sce")
#' x
#' @seealso 
#' \url{https://github.com/BodenmillerGroup/ImcSegmentationPipeline} for the 
#' pipeline
#' \code{\link{read_steinbock}} for reading in single-cell data as produced by 
#' the steinbock pipeline
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{colPair}} for information on how to work
#' with the cell-cell interaction graphs
#' @author Tobias Hoch
#' @author Nils Eling (\email{nils.eling@@dqbm.uzh.ch})
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData<- rowData<- metadata<-
#' @export
read_cpout <- function(path,
            object_file = "cell.csv",
            image_file = "Image.csv",
            panel_file = "panel.csv",
            graph_file = "Object relationships.csv",
            object_feature_file = "var_cell.csv",
            intensities = "Intensity_MeanIntensity_FullStack",
            extract_imgid_from = "ImageNumber",
            extract_cellid_from = "ObjectNumber",
            extract_coords_from = c("Location_Center_X", "Location_Center_Y"),
            extract_cellmetadata_from = c("AreaShape_Area", 
            extract_imagemetadata_from = c("Metadata_acname", "Metadata_acid", 
            extract_graphimageid_from = "First Image Number",
            extract_graphcellids_from = c("First Object Number",
                                            "Second Object Number"),
            extract_metal_from = "Metal Tag",
            scale_intensities = TRUE,
            extract_scalingfactor_from = "Scaling_FullStack",
            return_as = c("spe", "sce")){
    .valid.read_cpout.input(path, object_file, image_file,
                            panel_file, graph_file, object_feature_file,
                            extract_imgid_from, extract_cellid_from, 
                            extract_metal_from, scale_intensities,
    return_as <- match.arg(return_as)
    object <- .cpout_create_object(path = path, 
                        object_file = object_file, 
                        image_file = image_file, 
                        object_feature_file = object_feature_file,
                        intensities = intensities, 
                        extract_imgid_from = extract_imgid_from,
                        extract_cellid_from = extract_cellid_from, 
                        extract_coords_from = extract_coords_from,
                        extract_cellmetadata_from = extract_cellmetadata_from, 
                        scale_intensities = scale_intensities, 
                        extract_scalingfactor_from = extract_scalingfactor_from,
                        return_as = return_as)
    if (!is.null(image_file)) {
        object <- .cpout_add_image_metadata(object, path, image_file, 
    if (!is.null(graph_file)){
        object <- .cpout_add_graph(object, path, graph_file, 
    object <- .add_panel(object, path, panel_file, extract_metal_from)
    # Add colnames
    colnames(object) <- paste0(object$sample_id, "_", object$ObjectNumber)
BodenmillerGroup/imcRtools documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 9:39 p.m.