
#' A function to print zoonCitation
#' Prints a zoonCitation object to console
#'  giving easy access to module citations
#' @param x object of class zoonCitation
#' @param \dots currently ignored
#' @name print.zoonCitation
#' @method print zoonCitation
#' @export

print.zoonCitation <- function(x, ...){
  cat('To cite the', x$name, 'module in publications use:\n\n')

  cat(paste0(x$authors, ' (', format(x$date_submitted, '%Y'),')', '. ',
             x$title, '. ',
             x$note, '. ',
             'Available at: ', x$url, '\n\n')
  cat('A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is:\n\n')
      paste0('  title = {', x$title, '}\n'),
      paste0('  author = {', gsub(', ', ' and ', x$authors), '}\n'),
      paste0('  year = {', format(x$date_submitted, '%Y'), '}\n'),
      paste0('  note = {', x$note, '}\n'),
      paste0('  url = {', x$url, '}\n'),
Boodogs/zoon-clone documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:59 a.m.