

context('check RWDataPlyr:::processSlots aggregation computations')

# -----------------------------------
# hand compute values
# keyRdf exists as data in package
mReg <- rdf_get_slot(keyRdf, "Mead.Pool Elevation")
pReg <- rdf_get_slot(keyRdf, "Powell.Outflow")
lbShort <- as.data.frame(rdf_get_slot(
cNames <- seq_len(ncol(mReg))
colnames(mReg) <- cNames
colnames(pReg) <- cNames
colnames(lbShort) <- cNames

mEocy <- as.data.frame(mReg[seq(12,nrow(mReg), 12),])
pMin <- as.data.frame(rwslot_annual_min(pReg))
pEowy <- as.data.frame(pReg[seq(9,nrow(pReg),12),])
mBocy <- as.data.frame(mReg[seq(1, nrow(mReg), 12),])
mMax <- as.data.frame(rwslot_annual_max(mReg))
mSum <- as.data.frame(rwslot_annual_sum(mReg))
p800 <- as.data.frame((rwslot_annual_min(pReg) <= 800000) * 1)

pPad <- rbind(pReg[1,], pReg[1,], pReg[1,], pReg)[seq_len(nrow(pReg)),]
attr(pPad, "timespan") <- c("October 2000", "September 2004")
p750 <- as.data.frame((rwslot_annual_min(pPad) <= 750000) * 1)

p500 <- as.data.frame((rwslot_annual_max(pPad) <= 500000) * 1)

m1050 <- as.data.frame((mReg[seq(12,nrow(mReg),12),] <= 1050) * 1)

m1100 <- as.data.frame((mReg[seq(12,nrow(mReg),12),] >= 1100) * 1)

filterVarToMatrix <- function(zz, var, scen = "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most") {
  zz %>% 
    filter(Variable == var, Scenario == scen) %>%
    select(-Scenario, -Variable) %>%
    arrange(Year) %>%
    spread(Trace, Value) %>%

# ---------------------------------------
# create a sal that tests every one of the agg methods
sal <- slot_agg_list(matrix(c(
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Powell.Outflow", "AnnMin", NA, "powellMin",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Powell.Outflow", "EOWY", NA, "powellEowy",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "EOCY", NA, "meadPe",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "BOCY", NA, "meadBocy",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "AnnMax", NA, "meadMax",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "AnnualSum", NA, "meadSum",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Powell.Outflow", "AnnMinLTE", 800000, "powellLt800",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Powell.Outflow", "WYMinLTE", 750000, "powellLt750",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Powell.Outflow", "WYMaxLTE", 500000, "powellLt500",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "EOCYLTE", 1050, "meadLt1050",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "EOCYGTE", 1100, "meadGt1100",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "AnnualRaw", NA, "meadPe2",
  "SystemConditions.rdf", "SummaryOutputData.LBShortageConditions", "AnnualRaw",
    NA, "lbShort"), 
  ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE

# for now have to process monthly seperately
salMonthly <- slot_agg_list(matrix(c(
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Powell.Outflow", "Monthly", 10, "powellMothly10",
  "KeySlots.rdf", "Mead.Pool Elevation", "Monthly", .001, "meadMonthly001"),
  ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE

zzMonthly <- expect_warning(
    scenFolders = "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most", 
    scenNames = "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most", 
    slotAggList = salMonthly,
    scenPath = system.file('extdata','Scenario/',package = 'RWDataPlyr'),
    retFile = TRUE
  ) %>%
    mutate(monthNum = match(Month, month.name))
# compare the results computed by getDataForAllScen -> processSlots
# to those computed by hand using rdf_get_slot
test_that("processSlots monthly to annual aggregation methods work", {
    zz <- getDataForAllScens(
      scenFolders = "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most", 
      scenNames = "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most", 
      slotAggList = sal, 
      scenPath = system.file('extdata','Scenario/',package = 'RWDataPlyr'),
      retFile = TRUE
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellMin"), pMin)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellEowy"), pEowy)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe"), mEocy)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadBocy"), mBocy)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadMax"), mMax)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadSum"), mSum)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellLt800"), p800)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellLt750"), p750)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellLt500"), p500)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadLt1050"), m1050)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadGt1100"), m1100)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellMin"), pMin)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe2"), mEocy)
    filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe2"), 
    filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe")
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "lbShort"), lbShort)
    zzMonthly %>% 
        Variable == "powellMothly10", 
        Scenario == "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most"
      ) %>%
      select(-Scenario, -Variable, -Month) %>%
      arrange(Year,monthNum) %>%
      spread(Trace, Value) %>%
      select(-Year, -monthNum)
  }, as.data.frame(pReg * 10))
    zzMonthly %>% 
        Variable == "meadMonthly001", 
        Scenario == "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most"
      ) %>%
      select(-Scenario, -Variable, -Month) %>%
      arrange(Year,monthNum) %>%
      spread(Trace, Value) %>%
      select(-Year, -monthNum)
  }, as.data.frame(mReg * 0.001))

# -----------------------------------
# and check all of them for a single trace

# hand compute values
# keyRdf exists as data in package
key <- read.rdf(system.file(
  package = "RWDataPlyr"
mReg <- rdf_get_slot(key, "Mead.Pool Elevation")
pReg <- rdf_get_slot(key, "Powell.Outflow")
sys <- read.rdf(system.file(
  "SystemConditions.rdf", package = "RWDataPlyr"
lbShort <- as.data.frame(rdf_get_slot(
cNames <- seq_len(ncol(mReg))
colnames(mReg) <- cNames
colnames(pReg) <- cNames
colnames(lbShort) <- cNames

mEocy <- as.data.frame(mReg[seq(12,nrow(mReg), 12),, drop = FALSE])
pMin <- as.data.frame(rwslot_annual_min(pReg))
pEowy <- as.data.frame(pReg[seq(9,nrow(pReg),12),, drop = FALSE])
mBocy <- as.data.frame(mReg[seq(1, nrow(mReg), 12),, drop = FALSE])
mMax <- as.data.frame(rwslot_annual_max(mReg))
mSum <- as.data.frame(rwslot_annual_sum(mReg))
p800 <- as.data.frame((rwslot_annual_min(pReg) <= 800000) * 1)

pPad <- rbind(
  pReg[1,], pReg
)[seq_len(nrow(pReg)),, drop = FALSE]
attr(pPad, "timespan") <- c("October 2000", "September 2004")
p750 <- as.data.frame((rwslot_annual_min(pPad) <= 750000) * 1)

p500 <- as.data.frame((rwslot_annual_max(pPad) <= 500000) * 1)

m1050 <- as.data.frame((mReg[seq(12,nrow(mReg),12),, drop = FALSE] <= 1050) * 1)

m1100 <- as.data.frame((mReg[seq(12,nrow(mReg),12),, drop = FALSE] >= 1100) * 1)

stScen <- "T13,CT,IG"

zzMonthly <- expect_warning(
    scenFolders = stScen, 
    scenNames = stScen, 
    slotAggList = salMonthly,
    scenPath = system.file('extdata','Scenario/',package = 'RWDataPlyr')
  ) %>%
    mutate(monthNum = match(Month, month.name))

test_that("processSlots mon to ann agg methods work for rdf with 1 trace", {
    zz <- getDataForAllScens(
      scenFolders = stScen, 
      scenNames = stScen, 
      slotAggList = sal, 
      scenPath = system.file('extdata','Scenario/',package = 'RWDataPlyr'),
      retFile = TRUE

  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellMin", stScen), pMin)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellEowy", stScen), pEowy)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe", stScen), mEocy)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadBocy", stScen), mBocy)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadMax", stScen), mMax)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadSum", stScen), mSum)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellLt800", stScen), p800)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellLt750", stScen), p750)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellLt500", stScen), p500)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadLt1050", stScen), m1050)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadGt1100", stScen), m1100)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "powellMin", stScen), pMin)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe2", stScen), mEocy)
    filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe2", stScen), 
    filterVarToMatrix(zz, "meadPe", stScen)
  expect_equal(filterVarToMatrix(zz, "lbShort", stScen), lbShort)
    zzMonthly %>% 
      filter(Variable == "powellMothly10", Scenario == stScen) %>%
      select(-Scenario, -Variable, -Month) %>%
      arrange(Year,monthNum) %>%
      spread(Trace, Value) %>%
      select(-Year, -monthNum)
  }, as.data.frame(pReg * 10))
    zzMonthly %>% 
      filter(Variable == "meadMonthly001", Scenario == stScen) %>%
      select(-Scenario, -Variable, -Month) %>%
      arrange(Year,monthNum) %>%
      spread(Trace, Value) %>%
      select(-Year, -monthNum)
  }, as.data.frame(mReg * 0.001))
BoulderCodeHub/RWDataPlyr documentation built on May 8, 2023, 3:55 a.m.