
#' Download CEDEN data via an API
#' This function provides an interface with CEDEN web services to perform queries and programatically download data.
#' @param service A text string representing one of the 15 CEDEN advanced query tool services.
#' For each of the 5 categories of monitoring data (Benthic, Habitat, Tissue, Toxicity, WaterQuality),
#' there are 3 types of data available (MonitoringStationsList, ParameterCountsList, ResultsList). For example:
#' CEDENBenthicMonitoringStationsList
#' @param query_parameters The query string (in plain text). This includes everything after the
#' \code{?queryParams=\{} statement, except the closing \code{\}} of the query string. For information on how
#' to construct a query string, see the documentation for the CEDEN web services.
#' @param base_URI The base part of the URL for all CEDEN web services
#' (e.g.,https://cedenwebservices.waterboards.ca.gov), including a port number if required
#' (use ":9267" if on the State Water Board network). Defaults to:
#' https://testcedenwebservices.waterboards.ca.gov:9267
#' @param userName The user name for your CEDEN web services account. You can enter this through
#' the function, or if you leave this argument blank the function will look for this information
#' in a variable called `ceden_userName` within the environment variables defined for your account.
#' @param password The password for your CEDEN web services account. You can enter this through
#' the function, or if you leave this argument blank the function will look for this information
#' in a variable called `ceden_password` within the environment variables defined for your account.
#' @param errorMessages_out When set to \code{TRUE}, if there is an error with the
#' authentication or the query request (inclduing when there is simply no data returned that meets
#' the query parameters), the function will attempt to return a data frame with information about
#' the error (including where the error occured, the HTTP code returned, and any messages about the API
#' response). When set to \code{FALSE}, the function will simply return \code{NA} on an error.
#' @importFrom httr POST GET
#' @importFrom jsonlite validate fromJSON
#' @importFrom dplyr data_frame as_tibble
#' @importFrom urltools url_encode
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return This function returns a data frame with the data specified in the \code{service}
#' and \code{query_parameters} arguments. On an error, the output will depend on the value
#' of the \code{errorMessages_out} parameter.
#' @keywords CEDEN California Environmental Data Exchange Network API
#' @examples
#' All of these examples return the data to a data frame called: data.download
#' # This is the example provided in the CEDEN web services documentation
#' data.download <- ceden_query(service = 'cedenwaterqualitymonitoringstationslist', query_parameters = '"filter":[{"sampleDateMin":"1/1/2015","sampleDateMax":"4/1/2015"}],"top":1000')
#' # Get all of the records of E. coli monitoring in Sacramento and San Joaquin counties from 6/1/2014 through 7/1/2014
#' data.download <- ceden_query(service = 'cedenwaterqualityresultslist', query_parameters = '"filter":[{"county":"Sacramento","parameter":"E. coli","sampleDateMin":"6/1/2014","sampleDateMax":"7/1/2014"},{"county":"San Joaquin","parameter":"E. coli","sampleDateMin":"6/1/2014","sampleDateMax":"7/1/2014"}]')
#' # Get all water quality results in Sacramento from the year 2014 where the parameter name contains the name Nitrogen (note use of the wildcard /%)
#' data.download <- ceden_query(service = 'cedenwaterqualityresultslist', query_parameters = '"filter":[{"county":"Sacramento","parameter":"/%Nitrogen/%","sampleDateMin":"1/1/2014","sampleDateMax":"12/31/2014"}]', userName = 'user', password = 'password', base_URI = 'https://testcedenwebservices.waterboards.ca.gov')
#' @export
ceden_query <- function(service, query_parameters, base_URI = 'https://testcedenwebservices.waterboards.ca.gov:9267', userName = '', password = '', errorMessages_out = TRUE) {

    # Check to see if the user has entered a username and password with the function. If not, get it from the user's environment variables. ----
        if (userName == '') {
            userName <- Sys.getenv('ceden_userName')
        if (password == '') {
            password <- Sys.getenv('ceden_password')

    # Authorization (send a POST request with the username and password) ----
        auth_Request <- paste0(base_URI, '/Auth/?provider=credentials&userName=', userName, '&password=', password) # build the string for the request
        auth_Response <- httr::POST(auth_Request) # send the request
        # Check whether the authentication was successful. If not, stop the function, and report the HTTP errror code to the user.
        if(auth_Response$status_code != 200) {
            message(paste0('Authentication unsuccessful. HTTP error code: ', auth_Response$status_code))
            query_Results <- dplyr::data_frame('Result'='Authentication unsuccessful', 'HTTP.Code' = auth_Response$status_code, 'API.Message' = NA)

    # Query (send a GET request with the relevant parameters) ----
        if (auth_Response$status_code == 200) { # if authentication is successful, send the query (send a GET request with the relevant parameters)
            query_formatted <- urltools::url_encode(paste0('{', query_parameters, '}')) # encode the query parameters into a format suitable for HTTP
            query_URI <- paste0(base_URI,'/', service, '/?queryParams=', query_formatted) # build the string for the request
            query_Response <- httr::GET(query_URI) # send the request
            query_Char <- rawToChar(query_Response$content)

            # Check if the query was successful. If so, convert the returned JSON string into an R object
            if(query_Response$status_code == 200) {
                # Check to see if the data returned is valid JSON (sometimes it's not when the API retruns an error in response to the request)
                if (jsonlite::validate(query_Char) == TRUE) {
                    query_Content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(query_Char)
                    query_Results <- query_Content$queryResults
                    if (identical(query_Results, list())) { # check to see whether the query returned any data that satisfied the query parameters
                        query_Results <- dplyr::data_frame('Result' = 'Query successful', 'HTTP.Code' = 200,  'API.Message' = 'No data was found that satisfied the query parameters')
                        message('Query successful, but no data was found that satisfied the query parameters')
                    } else {
                        query_Results <- query_Results %>% dplyr::select(-metadata) # Drop the metadata columns that are included in the data
                        query_Results <- dplyr::as_tibble(query_Results)
                        # make the name of each column start with an uppercase letter, to match the results of the ceden_query_csv function
                            names(query_Results) <- paste0(toupper(substr(x = names(query_Results), start = 1, stop = 1)), substr(x = names(query_Results), start = 2, stop = nchar(names(query_Results))))
                        message('Query successful, and data satisfying the query parameters was returned')
                } else { # if the query was successful but JSON not valid
                    query_Results <- dplyr::data_frame('Result' = 'Query successful', 'HTTP.Code' = 200,  'API.Message' = 'The JSON string returned by the API could not be read')
                    message(paste0('Query successful, but the JSON string returned by the API could not be read. Try sending the request again.'))

            # If the query is not sussessful (query response status code is not 200) return the HTTP error code and API message to the user
            if(query_Response$status_code != 200) {
                # check to see if the response is valid JSON
                if (jsonlite::validate(query_Char) == FALSE) { # if the returned JSON is not valid (and the query response is not 200), try some extra processing to make the JSON valid
                    query_Char <- gsub(x = query_Char, pattern = '\\\\', replacement = '')
                    query_Char <- gsub(x = query_Char, pattern = '\"{', replacement = '{', perl = TRUE)
                    query_Char <- gsub(x = query_Char, pattern = '}\"', replacement = '}', perl = TRUE)
                    query_Char <- gsub(x = query_Char, pattern = '\"20,480,000\"', replacement = '20480000', perl = TRUE)
                # Check again to see if the JSON is valid
                if (jsonlite::validate(query_Char) == TRUE) {
                    # convert the JSON response to an R object, and extract error information
                        error_Content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(query_Char)
                        error_Code <- error_Content$responseStatus$errorCode
                        error_Message <- error_Content$responseStatus$message
                    # create the output with the error information, and return a message to the console
                        query_Results <- dplyr::data_frame('Result' = 'Query unsuccessful', 'HTTP.Code' = query_Response$status_code, 'API.Message'= paste0(error_Code, ' -- ', error_Message))
                        message(paste0('Query unsuccessful', '\nHTTP error code: ', query_Response$status_code, '\nAPI Error Message: ', error_Code, ' -- ', error_Message))
                } else { # when the JSON is still not valid
                    query_Results <- dplyr::data_frame('Result' = 'Query unsuccessful', 'HTTP.Code' = NA, 'API.Message'= 'The JSON string returned by the API could not be read')
                    message(paste0('Query uncessful, and the JSON string returned by the API could not be read.'))

        # if error message outputs are turned off (FALSE) and an error is returned, change the output to NA instead of the data frame of error info
        if (errorMessages_out == FALSE & names(query_Results)[1] == 'Result' & names(query_Results)[2] == 'HTTP.Code' & names(query_Results)[3] == 'API.Message') {
            query_Results <- NA

        return(query_Results) # output the resulting dataframe
CAWaterBoardDataCenter/cedenTools documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:54 p.m.