# function for adding bed nights per ee
bed_nights_per_ee <- function(interval, x) {
is <- lubridate::as_date(lubridate::int_start(interval))
ie <- lubridate::as_date(lubridate::int_end(interval))
# if the ee date range and a given interval (in my reporting, a month) overlap,
dplyr::if_else(lubridate::int_overlaps(x$StayWindow, interval),
# then return the difference between
# if the exit date precedes the end of the interval, then the exit
# date, otherwise the end of the interval
x$ExitAdjust <= ie,
ie + lubridate::days(1)
# if the entry date is after the start of the interval, then the
# entry date, otherwise the beginning of the interval
x$EntryAdjust >= is,
# give it to me in days
units = "days"
)), 0
# function for bed/unit capacity at the record level
unit_capacity <- function(interval, x, multiplier_col = "BedInventory") {
is <- lubridate::as_date(lubridate::int_start(interval))
ie <- lubridate::as_date(lubridate::int_end(interval))
dplyr::if_else(lubridate::int_overlaps(x$AvailableWindow, interval),
x$InventoryEndAdjust <= ie,
x$InventoryStartAdjust >= is,
units = "days"
))+1) * x[[multiplier_col]], 0
#' @title Create an interval of the previous n-th month
#' @param n \code{(integer/numeric)}
#' @return \code{(interval)}
#' @export
nth_Month <- function(n) {
d <- lubridate::`%m-%`(lubridate::floor_date(Sys.Date(), "months"), lubridate:::months.numeric(n))
out <- lubridate::interval(d, lubridate::ceiling_date(d, "months") - 1)
rlang::set_names(out, purrr::map(out, lubridate::int_start) |> purrr::map_chr(~paste0(as.character(lubridate::month(.x, label = TRUE)),as.character(lubridate::year(.x)))))
#' @title Add Month Counts using a summary function
#' @param x \code{(data.frame)} with necessary functions for `fn` to work.
#' @param n \code{(numeric)} Vector of how many months previous to create summaries for with `fn`
#' @param fn \code{(function)} with which to summarise months. One of `bed_nights_per_ee` or `unit_capacity`
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `fn`
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} with columns containing the days the client was enrolled for the month. Columns are named with a three letter month abbreviation followed by a four digit year. IE `Jun2020`
#' @export
#' @seealso bed_nights_per_ee, unit_capacity, nth_Month, bu_sum_months
bu_add_month_counts <- function(x, n = 24, fn = bed_nights_per_ee, ...) {
nth_Month(1:n) |>
purrr::map_dfc(fn, x = x, ...) |>
#' Title
#' @param x \code{(data.frame)} with month summaries added by `bu_add_month_counts`
#' @param suffix \code{(character)} Suffix to add to the newly created summary columns
#' @return \code{(data.frame)}
#' @export
#' @seealso bed_nights_per_ee, bed_capacity, nth_Month, bu_add_month_counts
bu_sum_months <- function(x, suffix) {
x |>
dplyr::group_by(ProjectName, ProjectID, ProjectType) %>%
# BNY = sum(rm_dates$calc$two_yrs_prior_range, na.rm = TRUE),
dplyr::across(tidyselect::matches("\\w{3}\\d{4}"), sum, na.rm = TRUE),
.groups = "drop"
) |>
dplyr::rename_with(.cols = tidyselect::matches("\\w{3}\\d{4}"), .fn = ~paste0(.x, suffix))
#' @title Take the proportion of the Month summaries created by `bu_sum_months`
#' @param x \code{(data.frame)} with the month summaries of usage
#' @param y \code{(data.frame)} with the month summaries of capacity
#' @return \code{(data.frame)} with the proportion of usage/capacity for each month
#' @export
bu_month_proportion <- function(x, y) {
dividend_suffix <- unique(na.omit(stringr::str_extract(names(x), "\\_\\w+")))
divisor_suffix <- unique(na.omit(stringr::str_extract(names(y), "\\_\\w+")))
by = c("ProjectID", "ProjectName", "ProjectType")) |>
{\(x) {
x |> dplyr::select(-tidyselect::matches("\\w{3}\\d{4}")),
purrr::map2(x[stringr::str_subset(names(x), paste0("\\w{3}\\d{4}", dividend_suffix))],
x[stringr::str_subset(names(x), paste0("\\w{3}\\d{4}", divisor_suffix))], ~
.x / .y)
}}() |>
dplyr::select(ProjectID, ProjectName, ProjectType, tidyselect::ends_with(dividend_suffix)) |>
dplyr::rename_with(.cols = tidyselect::ends_with(dividend_suffix), ~stringr::str_remove(.x, dividend_suffix)) |>
dplyr::mutate(accuracy = .1)
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