#' @include aaa_imports.R guidance.R 00_lists.R
app_deps <- list(
## to Rm:
Rminor = c(
# "FileEnd",
) |> rlang::set_names(),
# to Rme
RminorElevated = c(
) |> rlang::set_names()
missing_args <-
function(calling_function = rlang::caller_fn(2),
include_null = TRUE,
exclude_defaults = TRUE)
all_args <- formals(calling_function)
arg_names <- names(all_args)
.call <- rlang::trace_back(bottom = 3) |>
{\(x) {x[[1]][[rlang::trace_length(x)]]}}()
matched_call <- match.call(calling_function,
expand.dots = FALSE)
passed_args <- names(as.list(matched_call)[-1])
out <- setdiff(arg_names, passed_args)
if (include_null)
out <-
c(out, setdiff(names(purrr::keep(
all_args, ~ is.null(.x)
)), passed_args))
if (exclude_defaults)
out <-
setdiff(out, names(purrr::keep(
all_args, ~ !is.null(.x) & !rlang::is_missing(.x)
missing_fmls <- function(ma = missing_args()) {
ma[!ma %in% c("app_env", "clarity_api")]
fun_insert <-
expr = app_env$merge_deps_to_env(get_fmls(rlang::current_fn())),
after = 1) {
body(f) <-
as.call(append(as.list(body(f)), rlang::enexpr(expr), after = after))
folder_clean <- function(files, dest_files, remote = FALSE) {
to_clean <- setdiff(basename(dest_files), basename(files))
# destpath <- unique(dirname(dest_files))
destpath <- "data"
if (UU::is_legit(to_clean)) {
if (remote) {
} else {
.cleaned <- purrr::map_lgl(to_clean, ~file.remove(file.path(destpath, .x)))
.cleaned <- to_clean[.cleaned]
cli::cli_alert_info("Cleaned from {.path {ifelse(remote, 'Remote', destpath)}}: {cli::col_silver(basename(.cleaned))}")
# app_env ----
# Thu Aug 05 10:07:19 2021
#' @title Easily extract dependencies and pass them between functions
#' @description Save dependencies for future functions in an environment and put app dependencies into lists
#' @param app_deps \code{(named list)} with items for each app that contain character vectors of the objects each app depends on to be saved.
#' @import R6
#' @export
app_env <- R6::R6Class(
public = rlang::list2(
#' @field dependencies Dependency environment
dependencies = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv),
#' @description Pass all dependencies saved from previous functions to an environment for use
#' @param ... \code{(character)} names of objects to share with `env`. **Default** load all previously stored objects.
#' @param env \code{(environment)} to pass dependencies to. **Default** the calling environment
#' @param as_list \code{(logical)} `TRUE` return the named objects as a list. `FALSE` saves them directly to the environment
merge_deps_to_env = function(...,
env = rlang::caller_env(),
as_list = FALSE) {
.dots <- rlang::dots_list(..., .named = TRUE)
nms <- purrr::flatten_chr(unname(.dots))
# If called with no arguments
if (!UU::is_legit(nms) && !UU::is_legit(names(.dots)))
nms <- private$work_deps
.missing_nms <- !nms %in% ls(self$dependencies)
if (any(.missing_nms))
paste0(nms[.missing_nms], collapse = ", "),
" not found in working environment. Has it been saved?"
if (!as_list) {
rlang::env_bind(env, !!!rlang::env_get_list(self$dependencies, nms))
} else {
return(rlang::env_get_list(self$dependencies, nms))
#' @description Gather the objects passed to \code{app_env}s internal environment to be passed to subsequent functions. Save app dependencies into a list.
#' @param ... \code{(objects)} Dependencies for subsequent functions, passed as named objects or a character of the object name. If no name is provided, the name of the object will be retained. Use \code{"everything"} to capture all objects from the parent environment.
#' @param app_deps \code{(logical/list)} **Default: `TRUE`** to save all app dependencies specified at initialization of the `app_env` object. Otherwise, a named list of the dependencies to save as a character vector with the list names corresponding to the apps for which to save the dependencies..
#' @param env \code{(env)} The environment from which objects should be saved. **Default: the calling environment**
#' @return \code{(environment)} The `app_env` object with the saved objects in the internal environment.
gather_deps = function(...,
app_deps = TRUE,
env = rlang::caller_env()) {
# must be forced to get the calling environment where the user called it since env isn't used until inside the purrr::map call
.work_deps <- rlang::dots_list(..., .named = TRUE) |>
\(x) {
rlang::set_names(x, stringr::str_remove_all(names(x), "\""))
.all_objs <- ls(env, all.names = TRUE)
if (length(.work_deps) == 1 &&
identical(.work_deps[[1]], "everything")) {
# Case when "everything" is specified
.dep_nms <- stringr::str_subset(.all_objs, "(?:app_env)|(?:clarity_api)", negate = TRUE)
work_deps_has_obs <- FALSE
} else if (length(.work_deps) == 1 && is.character(.work_deps[[1]]) && any(.work_deps[[1]] %in% .all_objs)) {
# case when character vector of objects to gather is provided
.dep_nms <- .work_deps[[1]]
work_deps_has_obs <- FALSE
} else {
.dep_nms <- names(.work_deps)
work_deps_has_obs <- TRUE
# Determine what needs to be saved for the apps
if (isTRUE(app_deps))
app_deps <- self$app_deps
if (is.list(app_deps)) {
app_vars <- purrr::imap(app_deps, ~ {
intersect(.x, c(.all_objs, .dep_nms))
app_vars_chr <- purrr::flatten_chr(app_vars)
.all_nms <- unique(c(app_vars_chr, .dep_nms))
} else
.all_nms <- .dep_nms
.all_deps <- purrr::compact(rlang::env_get_list(env, purrr::when(work_deps_has_obs, . ~ setdiff(.all_nms, .dep_nms), ~ .all_nms), default = NULL))
if (work_deps_has_obs)
.all_deps <- purrr::list_modify(.all_deps, !!!.work_deps)
# Remove test clients
.all_deps <- purrr::map(.all_deps, clarity.looker::Client_filter)
private$work_deps <- unique(c(private$work_deps, .all_nms))
rlang::env_bind(self$dependencies, !!!.all_deps)
cli::cli_h2("Saved Dependencies")
cli::cli_alert_success("{cli::col_br_green('Global')}: {paste0(.dep_nms, collapse =', ')}")
if (exists("app_vars", inherits = FALSE))
purrr::iwalk(app_vars, ~ if (UU::is_legit(.x)) cli::cli_alert_success("{.path {.y}}: {paste0(.x, collapse = ', ')}"))
#' @description Set the given environment to inherit from the internal 'global' environment
#' @param vars_to_remove missing variables to remove from env that will otherwise mask the objects in the parent environment
#' @param env child environment
set_parent = function(vars_to_remove = NULL, env = rlang:::caller_env()) {
if (UU::is_legit(vars_to_remove))
rm(list = vars_to_remove, envir = env)
parent.env(self$dependencies) <- .GlobalEnv
parent.env(env) <- self$dependencies
#' @field app_deps \code{(list)} with all app dependencies as character vectors
app_deps = c(),
#' @description Load backed up dependencies from path
#' @param deps \code{(chr)} of deps to search for and load
#' @param path \code{(character)} path to folder with backed up dependencies
load_deps = function(deps, path = file.path("data","backup")) {
if (!missing(deps))
.files <- do.call(c, purrr::map(deps, clarity.looker::hud_filename, path = path))
.files <- UU::list.files2(path)
.pid <- cli::cli_progress_bar(status = "Reading: ", type = "iterator",
total = length(.files))
purrr::iwalk(.files, ~{
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid, status = .y)
if (!stringr::str_detect(.x, "(?:png$)|(?:jpg$)|(?:jpeg$)"))
self$dependencies[[.y]] <- clarity.looker::hud_load(.x)
cli::cli_alert_success(paste0("Dependencies loaded from {.path {path}}: {.emph {paste0(names(.files), collapse = ', ')}}"))
#' @description Write `deps` to a folder via `file.copy` or to dropbox. If using dropbox, requires an authorized token to dropbox. See `dropbox_auth`.
#' @param deps \code{(character/logical)} character vector of files to write to disk. Or `TRUE` **Default** to use `app_deps`. Use `"all"` to write all objects in the `dependencies` environment to `dest_folder`.
#' @param dest_folder \code{(character)} folder(s) to transfer deps to - must be same length as `deps` or length 1 and will be recycled if `deps` is a list. When **dropbox = TRUE** th(is/ese) folder(s) will be used to stage files for upload.
#' @param remote \code{(logical/character)} Transfer `deps` to the root folder assigned by the API key (**HMIS Apps** at COHHIO) on Dropbox.
#' @param clean \code{(logical)} clean unused dependencies from folder. **Default** `FALSE` to preserve unused dependencies in `dest_folder`
#' @import knitr
#' @return None. This function is called for its side effects.
deps_to_destination = function(deps = TRUE, dest_folder = file.path("..",c("Rminor", "RminorElevated"),"data"), remote = FALSE, clean = FALSE) {
all <- identical(deps, "all")
self_deps <- isTRUE(deps)
.remote <- isTRUE(remote) || is.character(remote)
if (all) {
.remote = FALSE
deps_flat <- ls(self$dependencies, all.names = TRUE)
deps <- list(all = deps_flat)
} else {
# Use self$app_deps if TRUE, if not a list, make one for iteration
deps <- purrr::when(deps, isTRUE(.) ~ self$app_deps, !rlang::is_list(deps) ~ list(deps), ~ deps)
if (!is.null(names(deps))) {
# Add dependencies vectors to the objects that are saved
deps <- purrr::imap(deps, ~{
nm <- paste0("deps_", .y)
assign(nm, .x, envir = self$dependencies)
c(nm, .x)
deps_flat <- purrr::flatten_chr(deps) |> unique()
# Get all dependencies
saved_deps <- ls(self$dependencies, all.names = TRUE)
# Handle missing
to_write <- intersect(deps_flat, saved_deps) |>
unique() |>
.missing <- setdiff(deps_flat, saved_deps)
if (UU::is_legit(.missing)) {
"The following objects are missing from the app dependencies environment and will not be written to disk:\n",
paste0(.missing, collapse = ", ")))
deps_flat <- setdiff(deps_flat, .missing)
# make folders if they don't exist
purrr::map(dest_folder, UU::mkpath)
# load app_deps
if (.remote) {
# authenticate
# get info
# get file names
# last updated
# don't mess with images
# stringr::str_subset(UU::regex_or(paste0(c("jpg", "png", "jpeg"), "$")), negate = TRUE)
# # make the destination folder
# if (length(dest_folder) != length(deps))
# dest_folder <- rlang::set_names(rep(dest_folder, length(deps)))
# Check recency
.pid <- cli::cli_progress_bar(status = "Checking recency: ", type = "tasks",
total = length(deps_flat),
auto_terminate = TRUE,
format = "{cli::pb_name}: {.path {cli::pb_status}} {cli::pb_current}/{cli::pb_total} [{cli::col_br_blue(cli::pb_elapsed)}]"
maybe_write <- purrr::map_dfr(deps_flat, ~{
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid, status = .x)
o_info <- list(nm = .x)
o_info$ex <- list(rlang::expr(get0(!!.x, envir = self$dependencies, inherits = FALSE)))
o <- rlang::eval_bare(o_info$ex[[1]])
o_info$ext <- UU::object_ext(o)
o_info$class <- list(class(o))
if (!all) {
# If not making a backup, prep the dfs for the apps
if (UU::is_legit(names(o)) && is_clarity() && !all) {
.o <- o
if (isTRUE(all(c("PersonalID", "UniqueID") %in% names(.o))))
.o <- clarity.looker::make_linked_df(.o, UniqueID)
if (isTRUE(all(c("PersonalID", "EnrollmentID") %in% names(.o))))
.o <- clarity.looker::make_linked_df(.o, EnrollmentID)
# Avoid making these links twice by saving the object as the expression
if (exists(".o", inherits = FALSE) && !identical(o, .o)) {
o_info$ex <- list(.o)
o <- .o
# Check if it's an image as these should be overwritten
.is_image <- o_info$ext %in% paste0(".", c("png", "jpg", "jpeg"))
out <- purrr::map2_dfr(deps, dest_folder, ~{
if (o_info$nm %in% .x) {
fp <- file.path(.y, paste0(o_info$nm, o_info$ext))
if (file.exists(fp)) {
fn <- UU::file_fn(fp)
if (identical(fn, arrow::read_feather))
.args <- list(mmap = FALSE)
.args <- list()
.file <- try(rlang::exec(fn, fp, !!!.args), silent = TRUE)
# Sometimes invalid files, delete them
if (!UU::is_legit(.file))
if (.is_image)
.same_data <- FALSE
.same_data <- isTRUE(all.equal(.file, o, check.attributes = FALSE, check.tzone = FALSE))
} else
.same_data <- FALSE
out <- tibble::tibble_row(
filepath = fp,
to_update = !.same_data
} else
out <- NULL
to_write <- dplyr::filter(maybe_write, to_update)
if (nrow(to_write)) {
# If sending all to one folder, don't duplicate writes
if (length(unique(dest_folder)) == 1)
to_write <- dplyr::distinct(to_write, nm, .keep_all = TRUE)
# Stage files
.pid <- cli::cli_progress_bar(status = "Writing: ", type = "tasks",
total = nrow(to_write),
auto_terminate = TRUE,
format = "{cli::pb_name}: {.path {cli::pb_status}} {cli::pb_current}/{cli::pb_total} [{cli::col_br_blue(cli::pb_elapsed)}]"
purrr::pwalk(to_write, ~{
.x <- list(...)
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid, status = .x$filepath)
o <- rlang::eval_bare(.x$ex)
.args <- list(o, .x$filepath, verbose = FALSE)
if (UU::ext(.x$filepath) == "feather")
.args$compression = "uncompressed"
fp <- do.call(UU::object_write, .args)
if (UU::ext(fp) == "png")
# Clean folder
if (clean && !self_deps)
purrr::walk(unique(dest_folder), ~ {
dirpath = dirname(filepath)) |>
dplyr::filter(dirpath == .x) |>
dplyr::pull(filepath) |>
if (.remote) {
.success <- c(
if (nrow(to_write))
to_write |>
dplyr::mutate(path = dirname(filepath)) |>
dplyr::group_by(path) |>
dplyr::group_split() |>
purrr::map(~glue::glue("{cli::col_br_blue('Wrote')} to {{.path {unique(.x$path)}}}: {{.emph {paste0(.x$nm, collapse = ', ')}}}")),
if (exists("to_upload", inherits = FALSE))
to_upload |>
dplyr::mutate(path = dirname(filepath)) |>
dplyr::group_by(path) |>
dplyr::group_split() |>
"{cli::col_br_green('Transferred to Remote')} from {{.path {unique(.x$path)}}}: {{.emph {paste0(basename(.x$filepath), collapse = ', ')}}}"
purrr::walk(.success, cli::cli_alert_success)
.skipped <- maybe_write[!maybe_write$to_update,]
if (nrow(.skipped))
.skipped |>
dplyr::mutate(path = dirname(filepath)) |>
dplyr::group_by(path) |>
dplyr::group_split() |>
purrr::map(~glue::glue("{cli::col_yellow('Unchanged & Skipped')} in {{.path {unique(.x$path)}}}: {cli::col_silver(paste0(.x$nm, collapse = ', '))}")) |>
#' @description Instantiate with default app dependencies to be collected (if they exist) each time \code{\$gather_deps} is called
#' @param app_deps \code{(list)} with each app and it's dependencies as a character vector. See `app_deps` for formatting.
#' @param dirs \code{(list)} See \link[clarity.looker]{dirs}
#' @param guidance \code{(list)} that is named of character vectors with guidance for each type of Data Quality Issue. See `?guidance`
#' @param data_types \code{(list)} that is named with common groupings of HUD CSV data types. See `?data_types`
initialize = function(app_deps, dirs = clarity.looker::dirs, guidance, data_types) {
self$dependencies$dirs <- dirs
self$app_deps <- if (missing(app_deps)) get0("app_deps", envir = rlang::ns_env("RmData")) else app_deps
self$dependencies$guidance <- if (missing(guidance)) get0("guidance", envir = rlang::ns_env("RmData")) else guidance
self$dependencies$data_types <- if (missing(data_types)) get0("data_types", envir = rlang::ns_env("RmData")) else data_types
private = list(#' @field Save a vector of the names of working dependencies that have been saved for future reference when \code{\$merge_deps_to_env} is called.
work_deps = c()),
lock_objects = FALSE
dependencies <- list()
reset_rm_env <- function(app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())) {
deps <- purrr::compact(rlang::env_get_list(app_env$dependencies, ls(app_env$dependencies, all.names = TRUE), default = NULL))
rm("rm_env", envir = .GlobalEnv)
.GlobalEnv$rm_env <- RmData::app_env$new()
rlang::env_bind(.GlobalEnv$rm_env$dependencies, !!!deps)
deps <- ls(.GlobalEnv$rm_env$dependencies, all.names = TRUE)
cli::cli_alert_success(paste0("rm_env reset and deps re-added: {.emph {paste0(deps, collapse = ', ')}}"))
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