
Defines functions BayesMP

Documented in BayesMP

##' BayesMP
##' implementation for BayesMP, MCMC part. This is a full Bayesian model, and the alternative distribution is modeled via dirichlet process.
##' @title MCMC for BayesMP
##' @param Z Z statistics. Z should be a p*n matrix.
##' @param gamma initial gamma Estimated null proportation, by default, gamma will be estimated by the emperical null method.
##' @param updateGamma If TRUE, will update gamma by MH method. If FALSE, will keep the gamma as constant.
##' @param beta Non-informative prior: given a gene is DE, the prior probablity this gene is up-regulated, default=1/2.
##' @param alpha Concentration parameter for DPs, default=1.
##' @param mu0 Mean parameter for base function, default=0.
##' @param sigma0 sqrt root of variance parameter for base function, default=10.
##' @param sigma sqrt root of variance parameter for DP mixture component, default=1.
##' @param trunc truncation parameter for base function (For both positive component and negative component), default=0.
##' @param empMu a vector of mean parameter for the null component, default is 0. Alternatively, this vector can by estimated by the emperical null method.
##' @param empSD a vector of sd parameter for the null component, default is 1. Alternatively, this vector can by estimated by the emperical null method.
##' @param niter Number of iterations. Default 100, suggest to be 10,000
##' @param burnin Number of burnin period. Default 50, suggest to be 500
##' @param silence If FALSE (default), will print the MCMC progress in the console.
##' @param logDotsPerLine Number of dots printed perline in the console when silence is FALSE.
##' @param fileName Base fileName for saving fulll mcmc results.
##' @param writeY If TRUE, will save all (niter) posterior samples of Y from MCMC. 
##' @param writePi If TRUE, will save all (niter) posterior samples of Pi from MCMC. 
##' @param writeDelta If TRUE, will save all (niter) posterior samples of Delta from MCMC. 
##' @param writeGamma If TRUE, will save all (niter) posterior samples of Gamma from MCMC. 
##' @param writeHSall If TRUE, will save the HSall matrix (niter - burnin). Each row of HSall represent a input gene (feature). If the number in the ith column and jth row equals m, 
##' it represents there are m posterior samples of Y for feature j that are DE in at least i studies. This matrix will be the input matrix to calculate the Bayesian FDR.
##' For example, for each column i, after normalized (divided) by total number effective samples (niter - burnin), it is the Bayesian belief that the genes are significiant in at least i studies.
##' The Bayesian FDR can be calculated by the BayesianFDR function.
##' @return The MCMC object for the last iteration.
##' @useDynLib BayesMP
##' @author Zhiguang Huo <zhuo@ufl.edu>
##' @export
##' @examples
##' set.seed(15213)
##' G <- 2000
##' K <- 10
##' alpha <- 200
##' X0 <- matrix(rnorm(G * K), G, K)
##' Xplus <- matrix(rnorm(G * K, 2), G, K)
##' Xminus <- matrix(rnorm(G * K, -2), G, K)
##' piall <- rbeta(G, alpha/G, 1)
##' delta <- rbeta(G, 1/2, 1/2)
##' p0 <- 1 - piall
##' p1 <- piall * delta
##' p2 <- piall * (1 - delta)
##' Y <- replicate(K, apply(cbind(p0, p1, p2),1,function(x) sample(c(0,1,-1),1,prob = x)))
##' Z <- X0 * (Y == 0) + Xplus * (Y == 1) + Xminus * (Y == -1)
##' system.time(BayesMP(Z,writeHSall=F))

BayesMP <- function(Z, gamma=NULL, updateGamma = TRUE, beta=1/2, alpha=1, mu0=0, sigma0=10, sigma=1, trunc=0, empMu = rep(0,ncol(Z)), empSD = rep(1,ncol(Z)), 
		niter=100, burnin=50, silence = FALSE, logDotsPerLine = 50, fileName='BayesMP_', 
		writeY = TRUE, writePi = FALSE, writeDelta = FALSE, writeGamma = FALSE, writeHSall = TRUE){
	G <- nrow(Z) ## number of genes
	S <- ncol(Z) ## number of studies

		pp <- pmin(pnorm(-abs(Z)) * 2, 1)
		gamma <- max(1 - pi0est(pp)$pi0, 0.01)		
	#cat("Initial gamma: ",gamma, "\n")

	Pi <- rbeta(G, gamma, 1-gamma)
	delta <- rbeta(G, beta, beta)
	Y0 <- matrix(0,G,S)		
	for(s in 1:S){
		Y_s <- numeric(G)
		Y_s[Z[,s]>2] = 1
		Y_s[Z[,s]< -2] = -1
		Y0[,s] <- Y_s
	Y <- Y0		
	fileName_Y <- paste0(fileName,"Y.txt")
	fileName_Pi <- paste0(fileName,"Pi.txt")
	fileName_Delta <- paste0(fileName,"Delta.txt")
	fileName_Gamma <- paste0(fileName,"Gamma.txt")
	fileName_HSall <- paste0(fileName,"HSall.txt")
    if (!silence) 
            cat("performing MCMC, i = 1,2,..., niter (= ", niter, ")  [one \".\" per sample]:\n", sep = "")

	obj <- .C('mcmc_R3',G=as.integer(G),S=as.integer(S),Z=as.double(Z),gamma=as.double(gamma),randomGamma=as.integer(updateGamma),
			empMu=as.double(empMu), empSD=as.double(empSD),
			writeY = as.integer(writeY), writePi = as.integer(writePi), writeDelta = as.integer(writeDelta), writeGamma = as.integer(writeGamma), writeHSall = as.integer(writeHSall)
Caleb-Huo/BayesMP documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:27 a.m.