

context("Test all methods from the arms class")

test_that("Add, length, contains, getByName methods work as expected", {
  arms <- new("arms") 
  expect_true(is(arms, "pmx_list"))
  arm1 <- Arm(id=1)
  expect_true(is(arm1, "pmx_element"))
  # Add method
  arms <- arms %>% add(arm1)
  # Length method
  expect_equal(arms %>% length(), 1)
  # Contains method
  expect_true(arms %>% contains(arm1))
  # GetByName method
  expect_equal(arms %>% getByName("ARM 1") %>% length(), 1)

test_that("Default, replace method work as expected", {
  arms <- new("arms") 
  # Default method
  arm <- arms %>% default()
  # Default ID should be 0 in that case
  expect_equal(arm@id, 0)
  # Default arm created but not added yet in arms (R not working with reference)
  expect_equal(arms %>% length(), 0)
  # Need to add that default arm
  arms <- arms %>% add(arm)
  expect_equal(arms %>% length(), 1)
  # Add bolus to arm
  arm <- arm %>% add(new("bolus", time=0, amount=1000))
  # Bolus not really added to arms (R not working with reference)
  expect_equal((arms %>% default())@protocol@treatment %>% length(), 0)
  # Need to use the replace function
  expect_error(arms %>% add(arm)) # Element ARM 0 is already present
  arms <- arms %>% replace(arm)
  expect_equal((arms %>% default())@protocol@treatment %>% length(), 1)

test_that("Auto-incremented id works", {
  arms <- new("arms") 
  # Add first arm
  arms <- arms %>% add(Arm())
  # Add second arm
  arms <- arms %>% add(Arm())
  # Add third arm
  arms <- arms %>% add(Arm())

  # Check arm names are correct  
  expect_equal(arms %>% getNames(), c("ARM 1", "ARM 2", "ARM 3"))
Calvagone/campsis documentation built on April 17, 2024, 5:33 a.m.