
Defines functions dateToDatetime

Documented in dateToDatetime

#' Converts an \R date to a datetime
#' @description The \code{aggDataframe} function produces non-standard data frames, which have dates
#' rather than datetimes as their first column. This function will convert a data frame with dates
#' in the first column to have datetimes with the time being set to a constant value.
#' @param dataframe Required. A data frame. The first name of the column must be \option{date}, and
#' it must be standard \R date.
#' @param hour Optional. The hour to be used for the datetime values. Default is \code{0}.
#' @param timezone Required. The name of the timezone of the data as a character string. This should be
#' the timezone of your data, but omitting daylight savings time. Note that the timezone code is specific
#' to your OS. To avoid problems, you should use a timezone without daylight savings time. Under Linux,
#' you can use \option{CST} and \option{MST} for Central Standard or Mountain Standard time, respectively.
#' Under Windows or OSX, you can use \option{etc/GMT+6} or \option{etc/GMT+7} for Central Standard and
#' Mountain Standard time. DO NOT use \option{America/Regina} as the time zone, as it includes historical
#' changes between standard and daylight savings time.
#' @param logfile Optional. Name of the file to be used for logging the action. Normally not used.
#' @return If successful, returns a data frame where the first column is a standard \pkg{CRHMr} datetime.
#' If unsuccessful, returns an error.
#' @author Kevin Shook
#' @seealso \code{\link{aggDataframe}} \code{\link{datetimeToDate}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Badlake.radiation.daily <- aggDataframe(BadLake7376, period='daily',
#' columns=c(6,7,8), funs=c('mean'))
#' BadLake.datetime <- dateToDatetime(Badlake.radiation.daily, timezone='CST')
dateToDatetime <- function(dataframe, hour=0, timezone='', logfile=''){
  # check parameters
  if (names(dataframe)[1] != 'date'){
    stop("First column must be called 'date'")

  if (timezone == "" | is.null(timezone)){
    stop("Must specify a timezone")

  if ((hour < 0) | (hour > 23)){
    stop("Invalid hour value")

  dataframeName <- deparse(substitute(dataframe))

  # convert data
  hourstring <- formatC(hour, width=2, format="d",flag="0")
  hourstring <- paste(' ', hourstring, ':00', sep='')
  dataframe$date <- paste(format(dataframe$date, format='%Y-%m-%d'), hourstring, sep='')
  dataframe$date <- as.POSIXct(dataframe$date, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', tz=timezone)
  names(dataframe)[1] <- 'datetime'

  comment <- paste('dateToDatetime dataframe:', dataframeName, sep='')
  result <- logAction(comment, logfile)
  if (result)
    return (dataframe)
CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.