Man pages for CharleneZ95/infercnvPlus
Enhanced 'infercnv' package

calcCNVCalculate CNV scores given a matrix of RNASeq counts. Output...
denoiseVisRemove values that are too close to the average and are...
extractCellsSubtract cells from specific branches
gtf_to_positionGenerate a genomic positions file from a GTF file
importSratImport a Seurat(v3) object and convert it to matrix for...
inferCNVInfer CNV changes given a matrix of RNASeq counts. Output a...
plotCNVClustering and plotting cells based on cnv score matrix using...
pruneCutreePrune cutree to dendlist Args:
umi_to_log2tpmTransform UMI to log2(TPM+1)
visualCNVClustering and plotting cells based on cnv score matrix using...
CharleneZ95/infercnvPlus documentation built on April 9, 2020, 3:40 a.m.